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Tommy xs

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Everything posted by Tommy xs

  1. I Like it a Lotta but 7k to me is out of reach, unless I win the lotto then I'd prob look for something else
  2. Hi & Welcome to YOC enjoy the forum
  3. Tommy xs

    Nailed MOD 2

    well done mailee, that's a fantastic machine you have, take it easy mate!
  4. just enjoy & make the most of it
  5. well all this good weather we've been having lately has got me thinking how good this weekends going to be (if the weathers good) so I decided i'm definitely up for this I've TOLD (asked, begged, pleaded with) the wife i'm going sat/sun, work will just have to wait till I get back, life is for enjoying and I plan to enjoy this weekend, see you all there.
  6. good luck with the fibreglassing Mate messy stuff some good tips on youtube though
  7. steve have a look in gallery (test pic photobucket) take's a bit of f#%king about but its easy one you work it out
  8. Tommy xs

    New wheels

    Steve love the hair mate, I have a bike that colour
  9. Tommy xs

    New wheels

    well I just wish it could be more specific
  10. I'm from The unemployed capital of the uk (I have a job so i had to move)
  11. don't snap anything else off, refer to what dt50 told you
  12. lookin a lot better foams at leased it looks like a tailpiece now! not a tank lol
  13. Tommy xs


    well certainly looks like you had fun for the first hour or so anyway! you'll soon have it back on the road, and like the others have said it could have been a lot worse
  14. Nice intro Steve might even do one myself one of these days if I can be arsed. hehehe welcome
  15. welcome to the forum Chris, loads of info on here
  16. Tommy xs

    New wheels

    I'm gettin confused, the bar is sub headed motorbike specific chat! isn't that what this is? he's asking a specific question about his motorbike
  17. so is this going to be your first electric bike (if you need all that room for the battery) lol
  18. no its going to be f#cking hot it better be i've been in work today
  19. good luck! I think you could pick up a similar 250 very cheap alot less hassle & without hacking your xt, just not worth the hassle to me also definitely need suzi cdi if you do decide to try it
  20. tailpiece!! its looks masive I thought it was the tank ? I've sent you pm about yokes
  21. Hi & welcome to the forum ben
  22. dt50s spot on about the allen bolt kit, well worth the investment and will make working on it in future a lot easier try ebay about £20 I think
  23. Velcome Herr Panzer Very nice long Vinded intro, I like it alotta!
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