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Everything posted by j0hn

  1. j0hn replied to pilninggas's post in a topic in Video Section
    That was some nice riding. Didn't think they would allow cars and bikes on at the same time. Loved how you just let shit rip after the run up to the track (2:20), no hanging about lol. That Volkswagen with the two black stripes, wtf did they do to make it so damn fast .
  2. j0hn replied to j0hn's post in a topic in Projects
    Oh wow, some great information here, thanks guys. I've looked at some of the Thor gear and they seem affordable. At least this knee brace is, only £60. It is a knee brace right and not just a guard? Decent neck braces are still pretty expensive though. Might have to look on eBay for some used ones.
  3. j0hn replied to up.yours's post in a topic in Video Section
    I think it might be the Honda "Hands" video. I'm amazed Honda covers a large area of the automotive industry. That plane was a big surprise lol.
  4. j0hn replied to Alexengongong's post in a topic in The Bar
    Nice one! I'm guessing it's his Suzuki SV650 .
  5. j0hn replied to j0hn's post in a topic in Projects
    Pretty good looking bike. I was surprised to find out it's a 577c, let's just say you've got balls to go from a 125 to that lol . dt502001, any idea what gear I should be looking to get? I've checked out a few articles and videos about suggested gear apart from the usual top, helmet, gloves and trousers. Things like body armour: Also recommended are neck and knee braces, these don't seem to be too friendly on the bank account though .
  6. j0hn replied to welshwan's post in a topic in The Bar
    Nice one dude. I take it this is MOT passable without any modifications? Loving that tail lol. I bet your XT feels like a toy after riding on that .
  7. j0hn replied to j0hn's post in a topic in Projects
    The only thing I had to move was the electric starter button, which is taken up by the right mirror. The throttle etc. are at the exact place they were when I got the bike. I actually flipped the right mirror mount (you can see the ends of the bolts rather than the heads seen on the left mount) just to give way to the throttle. Just curious why the throttle has two cables coming out of it, my XT only has a single? The bike is actually starting to sound a little less noisy now, I don't if it's just me or if the packing has settled in. I'll keep the duck tape idea in mind if I do get stopped lol .
  8. Ow... Did a few clutch less up shifts today on my XT, got smoother after each try. Down shifts are still a bit rough and jumpy, I think I really need to let the revs drop for it. Any adverse side effects of clutch less shifting?
  9. j0hn replied to j0hn's post in a topic in Projects
    Wish I could meet with welshwan and do some stuff but he lives few hundred miles away lol. I just had a look at the carb and can't seem to find a red knob, maybe you're right, they didn't put one on because it has electronic start. welshwan, like dt502001 says, it's mounted using large rubber bands which has notches you can hook on to. Here is a picture of how mine is mounted. The Polisport one I have came with an extender just in-case you need to extend the headlight a bit to make space for the speedo and other things that's going to go behind it. You might be able to attach your spotlight onto one of the bolts, should be able to support it without any problems. Doesn't come with any instructions apart from how to attach the extender but It's pretty easy to wire up. All you have to do is take your 3 pin main beam connector and attach it to this one. For the daylight, you might even be able to pull the rubber casing (incl. the bulb) from your stock XT and replace the one that comes with the Polisport headlight. If not, cut the daylight wires up, solder and shrink wrap should do it. Broken collarbone and a minor concussion? You're scaring me now lol. The £120 - £200 they charge for courses here could be used for good protection, I just need to find someone that could take me around some places and get me started in exchange for fuel/beer . I'm going to head down to the local Yamaha shop tomorrow and ask some of the guys there. Those "enduro mirrors" I bought were horrible, just wouldn't stand at speed. The flimsy plastics was shaking like crazy at 30mph+. The bar clamp was unnecessarily big and it took up a lot of room. I ended up buying a pair of 10mm mirror mounts and stuck previous XT mirrors on it. Looks a lot better now.
  10. j0hn replied to beemer328's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    You could, by law, have a small number plate, even a 7x5. Providing you have enough cash to throw on a 2-3 letter/number personalised number plate, A 1 or F 1 for instance . As already mentioned in this thread, it's all to do with the sizing of the letters and numbers and that 9x7 is standard because a standard registration number usually comes out to that size. Unless it contains 1s which is the only number to not have the size restrictions required by all other letters and numbers. So you might legally be able to trim the plate a bit. The plate on my WR is standard and it does have a slight angle. Not so bad that I'd get stopped but if I do, I'll just say it's so that police helicopters could easily identify me .
  11. j0hn replied to DirtyDT's post in a topic in Video Section
    These animals are pretty crazy when it comes to ramming things. Here is one of a goat taking its anger out on people, hilarity ensues .
  12. j0hn replied to j0hn's post in a topic in Projects
    Not sure what you mean by the red button on the carb or the WFO, are you referring to the decompression lever that's above the clutch lever (might be different on 2003)? I was told by the previous owner that if you pull that lever in, it should make kick starting easier. Something about catching the kick on the intake or exhaust, didn't quite catch the technical bit. I've heard that there are farmers that will allow riders to tear up their land at a small cost, just before they start their season. Should be a good start as it's flat and I can get used to the bike without too much damage. A lot of tracks have jumps and some are in woodland so a collision with a tree would be inevitable. Wasn't too bad installing that rear fender, it had the WR cuttings holes marked out for the coolant reservoir tubes and the bolt places. The only marking that was missing was the hole for the rear light cables. I just made my own matching the exact location of the original one. Also had to take out the rubber holders for the tube hole and the electrical cable hole from stock and fit on to the new fender. Got an advisory for the exhaust being too loud, but passed the MOT with no issues. You're right, it's not as bad as a Harley lol.
  13. j0hn replied to dedi118's post in a topic in The Bar
    Dropping puns are we ?
  14. j0hn replied to Calum122's post in a topic in Projects
    Wow dude, those SuMo wheels looks awesome! Can't comprehend the level of work you've done here, feels like I've just stuck stickers on my WR project compared to yours lol. Great work, definitely should go for a sexy rear fender .
  15. j0hn replied to DirtyDT's post in a topic in The Bar
    I wonder if he gets an exam after it as well lol.
  16. j0hn replied to Alexengongong's post in a topic in The Bar
    Well done! What was your speed through the traps? I take it the MOD2 is on next Thursday because you'd have had to leave enough time between MOD1 and MOD2, just in-case you fail MOD1 so you'd have enough time to cancel or move your MOD2.
  17. j0hn replied to j0hn's post in a topic in Projects
    Thanks guys! No welshwan, I haven't been able to yet. I've been looking for places online but most tracks seems to be over 40miles away . I think part of the problem is that I don't know anyone that does off-roading so need to find things on my own. Those off-roading courses seems like a rip off tbh. Calum122, I plan to use it for off-roading so haven't really thought about a supermoto conversion, got my sweet XT for that . So yea, it happened, only took two rides for this accidental wheelie lol. Need to get used to that clutch.
  18. j0hn replied to j0hn's post in a topic in Projects
    Oh jeeze welshwan, thanks for ruining my big finale track lol . So finally, the bike is done and road legal . I had to take it in to the MOT centre and since it's my first time on the bike, I was mainly worried about keeping it upright. It's so tall that I can't even tiptoe, have to slide off the seat slightly. After stalling a couple of times on the drive way, I slowly got on to the road. I was scared to open the throttle just in-case I flip the bike lol. Got to the main road and had a taste of that sweet acceleration. It's unbelievable how fast this is compared to my XT. Every time I opened the throttle, I thought I was going to lose grip of the handle bars, I kept getting pushed back. Got to the centre in one piece and was glad to pass with just a few advisories. I'll be out on it tomorrow just to get used to the beast and get some footage . dt502001, what's your method for cold and warm starting the bike? Also, what is your average trip mileage before you have to refile the tank (not including reserve)? Those Zefal mirrors are ok but not really practical, I ordered a better, designed for off-road pair. I get paranoid when I don't know what's behind me lol. Here is a run down of the money I spent on this bike so far. Michelin AC10 130/90-18 rear tyre - £49.94 DRC HC2 Adjustable Bike Stand with Damper - £59.90 Cyclone V2 Motorcycle Alarm & Immobiliser - £30.98 Trail Tech Endurance II 2 Speedometer - £69.35 Optimate Eyelet - £8.96 Exhaust Baffle - £14.88 Polisport Halo Headlight - £53.98 Bolt kit - £44.98 UFO rear fender - £45.69 Motul 5100 Engine Oil 5L - £24.95 Motul RBF600 Brake Fluid 500ml - £14.89 Engine Ice coolant 2L - £20.40 9x7 road legal flexible number plate - £6.49 Plate bolts - £3.88 HiFloFiltro Air Filter - £12.85 HiFloFiltro Oil Filter - £6.55 Motorcycle Reflector Holder + Reflector (E marked) - £13.10 NGK Iridium IX spark plugs x2 - £14.98 10M (5M red/black) wires - £2.75 Green 12V Led light - £2.00 Banjo bolt for front brake - £11.95 Haynes manual - £23.92 355mm Motorcycle Tyre Lever x2 - £25.46 Rim protector - £5.90 Tyre valve repair tool - £1.06 Vee Rubber rear tube - £7.49 Magnetic bolt trays (4x small) - £7.69 Magnetic bolt 1x big - £8.08 1500W Hot Air Gun - £13.89 12-Blade Metric and Imperial Angled Feeler Gauge - £6.60 5-Way Crimping Tool and Terminal Kit - £12.47 127pc Heat Shrink Wire Wrap Assortment - £3.80 150mm (6") Electronic Digital Vernier Caliper - £8.23 6 Litre Oil Drain Clean Pan - £3.13 Waterproof secure tax disc holder - £6.67 Sealey Vacuum Tester and Brake Bleeding Kit - £29.85 Zefal Spy Mirrors x2 - £22.38 5pc screw extractors - £1.99 4pc centre drills - £6.90 Left handed drill bit 3mm - £3.62 Left handed drill bit 4mm - £4.40 Front brake pads - £9.00 Rear brake pads - £9.49 5L petrol can - £4.99 300mm/12 inch Carbon Steel Wire Brush - £5.74 4 Stroke Exhaust Packing - £12.95 10 Pack Moulded Valved Dust Mask - £9.94 Heat Resistant Silicone - £7.59 Hose Clamp - £4.41 Syringe 3x - £4.99 500ml Brake Cleaner - £5.10 Chain lube - £9.95 MADHEAD Enduro mirrors - £23.98 Parts/Tools Total: £825.11 (Hooooooly shit, didn't think I had spent that much) MOT - £29.65 Tax - £37.00 Insurance - £320 Required Things Total: £386.65 WR250F - £1500 GRAND TOTAL: £2711.76 Well, with that out the way, here are the final pictures. That's all for now. I'll wait until my bank account regains sanity and buy the rest of the black plastics. Thanks for all the support and help so far guys, appreciated .
  19. j0hn replied to j0hn's post in a topic in Projects
    Oh crap, I forgot your XT was done for lol! Oooh a thumper, hoping you've stuck with the family and went for a Yam .
  20. j0hn replied to j0hn's post in a topic in Projects
    The immobiliser was a piece of piss to install, I actually spent more time looking for a suitable place to store the unit. You should have no problems installing it on your XT (if you're planning to do so). However, It's not insurance approved/listed though (only £30), so don't hope to get any reductions. Just makes a good deterrent I guess . No worries dt502001, I have a copy of the service manual and the Haynes book. I should have read the oil change instructions thoroughly lol. The bank account has indeed taken a big hit in the past few weeks but it was money I had been saving up for a new bike so I'm not too disappointed . I got the rear fender fixed and wired up. Seized bolts and other little things made it another after midnight session so I'll get the pictures and a run down of all the parts/tools I've bought posted tomorrow.
  21. j0hn replied to j0hn's post in a topic in Projects
    Haha, thanks for the complements . Just love working on this and learning all this new stuff. I don't think I would have had this much fun if I were to buy the bike brand new. I've been busy messing around with it the past few days so it's going to be a big update. Neutral LED Mod Also known as a blue wire mod for easier starting (if the wire is unplugged). I left it plug'd in because the 2003+ WRs have a safety mechanism which means that it will only start if the bike is in neutral (or if the clutch is disengaged). The sky blue wire gets grounded when in neutral so I simply patched a (black) wire into the connector. I needed to make a bracket to hold the LED and drill two holes, one to hold the LED and the other to mount the bracket to the old headlight mounting points. Since the wire coming from the neutral switch connector is grounded, the LED needs a power source to complete the circuit, which I tap'd from the daylight. Looks pretty sweet and going to make finding neutral a whole lot easier . Second attempt at lowering exhaust noise Fitting the baffle didn't work so it was time to repack it as suggested. Managed to get that broken bolt off without any damage. The old packing seemed to look pretty beat up. Used a wire brush on the tube with the holes to clean up the crap and wrap'd it in new packing. Getting it to fit back in to the exhaust was a PITA (even when held tight with some masking tape), ended up cutting some of it off but finally managed to squeeze it in and seal it tight with some silicone. However, this was a waste of time because the exhaust is still loud, I'd have been lucky to lose a DB lol. Engine oil and filter change Nothing too complicated, if you know the right place to pour the oil in . I read the manual and just assumed it was where the dipstick is. I think I filled a litre before I stopped and wondered why the bottom filler (on the engine) was still empty. I just assumed the oil would simply run down from the frame into that tank. Wrong, had to empty the frame oil and start again lol. Lesson learned, pour some into the bottom filler, start engine and leave it running for a couple of minutes, then let it cool down for a few minutes before checking with dipstick. This was after midnight and had to do it outside in the freezing cold lol. Banjo bolt for the front brake Nothing too fancy, the M10x1.25 (single) bolt fit nicely. Definitely need to bleed this now because there is some amount of slack, I think some air got in. I'm going to pull the two wires from the banjo straight to the rear brake light connection just to keep things simple. UFO rear fender Was excited to see this turn up in the post. Looks so sleek compared to the stock fender. I would have got this all fitted and wired up but one of the bolts holding on to the coolant reservoir broke off. Spent some time drilling it out and I think the thread got damaged. Need to use a slightly bigger bolt now and use a nut at the end. So this is the current state of the bike until tomorrow .
  22. j0hn replied to j0hn's post in a topic in Projects
    Cool, ordered some packing, hopefully that'll just work . You might be right about the pads being dry, but I'll grease them up and see if that makes a difference. I also bought this brake bleeding kit, going to change the brake fluid before I take it out for a ride. What about the WR250X wheels? Are they also too expensive? The strap for the headlight is holding on using its last tooth because the shocks are pretty big. I'll maybe tie up the strap ends so they don't come undone. I guess the straps are going to be another running cost lol.
  23. j0hn replied to j0hn's post in a topic in Projects
    WRF: ID = 22 OD = 50 XT: ID = 15 OD = 35 Surprisingly, the Endurance 2 doesn't have proper lap time functionally. One that is remotely close is the "Trip time" function which can be reset by holding the two buttons on the left. Don't let this put you off though, it seems like a great little speedo. I'll follow up on how it functions while riding. This is a pretty good review for it: http://www.redbikejohn.com/Trailtech%20Endurance%20II%20Review%202012.htm Yea, I'm going to pull the broken screw out. I ordered a left handed drill bit and a replacement bolt, should be here tomorrow. I fired up the bike yesterday and that DB killer had no effect on lowering the noise. So I guess the exhaust would need to be repacked. Would something like this be suitable: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/321011861483 Also noticed the front brakes are squeaking heavily. A bit of coper grease at the back of the pads should solve that problem right?
  24. The guy probably made around $2k to $3k from the views, doesn't seem too bad for 3 months work. Lol that Rise of the Animals film... looks interesting.
  25. I spray half a bottle of this Astonish Engine Degreaser and leave it for 5 minutes then pressure was the whole bike. Only been doing it once a month during the summer but more frequent during winter.