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Everything posted by welshwan

  1. that would cost the country a fortune matey, drug tests are a pretty big industry also as far as i know only cannabis and PCP will come up in any test after a long weekend, 1-4 days (apart from hair, and that depends on how long your hair is kept)
  2. HAHAHAHAHA i'm not too sure where i stand on that BMW bike one.....
  3. nice i have the same bike but a 2005 model, also have a few spare bits for sale if u need em
  4. welshwan


    OBVIOUSLY my heart goes out to each and everyone of these people, there family, friends and indeed anyone that ever knew em
  5. welshwan


    The only thing that banning guns would do is stop 'law abiding citizens' from buying and possessing them. Laws don't really tend to bother people who don't follow em. Also maybe he got so much damage done as there was no one else in the school bearing arms (as you would rightly imagine)...... but then you are defenseless. Sorry its just that here in the UK we gave up all these rights a while back, and now only people with guns (barr shotgun and certain rifles) are in fact police and criminals.......and the police are trained to kill lol. In the UK you CAN NOT carry ANYTHING for your protection.....all you can do is be hard as fuck or quite simply .........a victim. one more thing if in America your allowed a gun for self defense, i would say an assault rifle sounds like just the ticket? why stop the good people from being able to protect them self's? ALSO as far as i know he used two 'hand guns' and not an assault rifle? please correct me if im wrong. would just hate to see another country get fucked over like we have hahahaha, the only thing u can do in the UK is run/try to fight, failing that you cant do shit until your a victim and the old bill take over.
  6. my bike is a 2005 model and i bought an exhaust from a slightly newer model and its not the same . the newer model exhaust is what id consider a 'normal' one , but the one on mine has a pipe going back into the airbox, im guessing to reuse some of the non combusted petrol? what i need to know is will it be okay to run it on the newer exhaust without the 'reburner thing'? hopefully this made sense, ANY help or advise would be greatly appreciated
  7. poor bastard, lucky he landed in the boat, im not a bad swimmer but i really wouldn't fancy giving it ago in biking gear. ESPECIALLY A FUCKING HELMET...now thats scary shit
  8. i bet he fucked off thinking he'd get away with it..then realized he had some damage to the car and knows what it will cost to fix. so now hes trying to pin you for it so he dont have to pay for the new paint on his fancy cunt car? ....in an ideal world if he didnt even stop to see if you were okay he should be the one in shit, but who knows. hope you believe in karma man....
  9. oh yeah do you not you need a rear reflector for your MOT? might save ya going back after again. not 100% sure if you do, but i was assured that i had to have one on it? only like £2.30 or something from ebay. might even be some in ur local petrol station.
  10. unplug both sides of the battery (i don't know why this works best but it does) for about 30 seconds then plug it back up now turn ignition on, wait until the mode u want is on the screen and hold blue button. this should do it.
  11. also maybe an R kickstand so the bike dose not topple over on the tall new set up.
  12. i have enduro wheels on my supermoto. only thing is that the front disc on the X (supermoto) is 2cm larger, so just swap the disc to what ever front wheel your using or buy a spare X disk so u have one on each front wheel, as for the speedo the XT125 (2005-) have an enduro and supermoto mode on the speedo, just unplug battery for a few seconds to get the option to change modes.
  13. why not just get a set of R wheels? then you have supermoto and enduro wheels. like it should be? then u can have proper off road wheels and tires but also the same for on road? the very best of both. instead of ones that are 'okay' on both
  14. ANYONE can get in an accident, whether on a bicycle , ped, big 1000's , cars, on the damn bus. It's all about minimizing the risk. if you have all the kit on your probably safer on the 50 then a bicycle, as helmets, gloves and everything are made to be skidded down the road and stay in tact, also you will have lights and indicators if there fitted? My advise to you is go for it kid! just make sure you suit up, and for the love of god don't ride in your trackies or whatever, even jeans don't even really give any protection over a few miles an hour, get some textile trousers and jacket. Be cautions of cars, ALL cars...they ARE out to get you, whether they know it or not
  15. what am i doing wrong? i don't get it..... hahaha
  16. you have more then likely caught a part of the wiring when it went down and either completely snapped it or damaged enough to prevent electric from going through? good luck trying to find where it broke as a new loom can be quite costly hope ur okay !
  17. my carb keep fucking flooding too!!!! had the bike striped down like 4 times man, works just fine once put back together but if left more then a few days without giving it a fairly good run it will flood and need to be striped and drained again ...put back together and all is good. What a pain! so u sorted it now then dave?
  18. the front disk on the X is 2cm larger, so should work with the R disk on the X front wheel.
  19. if your bike is the R with enduro wheels then put it in enduro mode, that should do the trick. also apparently the speedo's on these bikes are shite and break all the time, that might be the case also? good luck. oh yeah...... you might find a few more people respond to this post, after you have posted an into in the newbies section
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