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Everything posted by welshwan

  1. Don't forget about buckfast!
  2. Also he has the power to appear western, however he is from the middle east?.....MAGIC
  3. welshwan

    Module 1

    this Friday at about 1pm!!!! got a two hour lesson on thus though hows about you?
  4. fuck it ken, here's what i do when in doubt.....find a some sloppy mud, get your tire spinning in it- this should cover up your reg plate enough to stop people from getting your information as you fly on past Or you could just grab some mud with your hand/or something an cover up a few letters hahahah Works for me anyways..... BE WARNED: If you happen to pass a copper in a bad mood, you may have a fixed penalty fine/maybe some points?- but i have had my bike caked in mud for days and days and not been stopped for it As for finding greenlanes Prichard- i think there is some online club thing for greenlaning but to the best of my knowledge it's like £40 a year? ....i was lucky with finding mine, a bloke that works with my dad used to go greenlaning with his son, so he photocopied some maps for me with the lanes marked on them
  5. welshwan

    Module 1

    YAY bippo!!!! happy days!!!! chuffed for ya! Unfortunately i am one of the 'younger ones' and i'm only allowed to do my A2 atm, but once that's done, just two year and then big boys test
  6. hey here is a Q if you get caught by a speedo van, whilst driving towards it - how do they know who you are, or do they also snap a shot of the back of the bike when you pass? ....if i lean back just right i can cover top line of my reg with my left hand hahhahaa
  7. sneaky bastards! reminds me of this one guy who got caught out like that, i know of this story as it took place pretty much up the road from me: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1320560/Mechanic-lives-risk-riding-superbike-150mph-escapes-prison.html Please forgive me for linking to the daily fail, but it's the only place i can find the story 'The officer considered stopping the chase for safety reasons as he was traveling at 120 miles per hour,' Mr Edwards said. 'But the police officer felt that he had a public duty to stop the motorcyclist because other motorists could be put in danger. ^Public duty my ass, more then likely he wanted the reason to fly about on his own bike...... encase you didn't know, the north wales police are not too fond of motorbikes
  8. best i can do....god damn L plates....the originals have a higher resolution
  9. You should be fine with the wheels it comes with, i doubt there is much difference between the size of the DT and XT SuMo tires.....and i have had my boot on the ground before now on supermoto tires, the ones it comes with are fine.
  10. DAMN...that was quick! lol . Thank you very much for you time and info NEO
  11. hi! a bit of an odd question but here goes, did they ever make a monoshock DT175? as a family member has been offered one but due to it being mono he thinks that its a different motor and frame. Any help would be much appreciated
  12. welshwan

    Theory Test

    you certainly will have to do the theory Andrew, and to the best of my knowledge it's £31
  13. quite frankly with the prices of 'petrol' it's fucking disgusting that they get away with this! I'm sure if it was more known about it there would be alot of people just as pissed off about this as me.
  14. welshwan

    Theory Test

    nice one Bippo! congratulations! you will be surprised at how easy it is to ride the bigger bikes, trust me! Great that you can go straight for the A1 test, saves paying twice...like some of us have to. or 3 times as some of the younger ones may well have to if they want to ditch the L plates right away
  15. welshwan

    Mod 1

    no worries Jimmy, that's about 18 months from now mate- so unless shit goes tits up big time it should be all good.
  16. welshwan

    Mod 1

    Awww thanks everyone! been loving it just ONE MORE TO GO! can't wait to get it over an done with....well for two years anyways then another two tests. Ahh well what ever the limits are on this license, they are nowhere near the limits of a CBT! As for speed john i know off the top of my head that both were the same, but had to check the actual number, it's 53 KMH.
  17. welshwan

    Mod 1

    thanks and yes unfortunately i will, when i turn 24 or when i have had my A2 for 2 years, which ever comes first. annoying or waahhh ! Thanks jimmy
  18. welshwan

    Mod 1

    Passed my mod one today on an A2 license (due to age). So will hopefully book my mod 2 later on tonight- or maybe into the week, anyways so that's: -CBT -Theory (even though i already have a full car license) -mod one Just mod two to go and then i can finally fuck the L plates right off....might even take piss on em LOL i'm kidding just chuffed to bit that i passed it on my first attempt, i didn't think that i'd be worried about it until i turned up at the test center- stress, but its over with now YAY
  19. rear wheel bearing and puncture within a week here! fucking pain in the ass
  20. welshwan

    Almost finished

    looks like a fine place to keep your bike(s), good job man
  21. i find those thin under gloves to work very well, they are a bit like the materiel they use for thermal under t-shirt. and i got them for like £2.50 at the NEC. That's what i use anyways, gotta be going pretty quick and have to be very cold weather for them not to work, in my experience anyways.
  22. Mine went last week, pain in the ass. chuffed to bits that i did it all on my own (well apart from having to borrow some tools). I have had a couple break - far too often to not have something odd going on, firstly i thought it was the bearing i had been getting that were to blame but i have been thinking and after reading one of your other posts, i thought about when i changed the wheels and can't remember if i changed the sprocket over or not, so i think i have figured out my problem lol. i have done a fair few miles on this set up, so i think the best idea would to just get a new chain and sprocket (correct sizes this time!) , what do you lot think?
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