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Everything posted by welshwan

  1. here's mine...... ONLY KIDDING! BTW drewpy that's is damn good! i am impressed
  2. only 2000miles? thats a fair bit especially when they were selling it as half the mileage it actually had. If they thought it was no big deal they would have been honest about it. Also what if you bought a brand new vehicle with only 10 miles on it, it later turned out to have 2010....would you just let it slide? I'm pissed off for you to be honest Nigel!
  3. Okay matey, I've asked a couple of people and they think: Even if the small print says millage is not guaranteed- the trader didn't just think that the millage might not be correct, they knew full well that it was not correct. they have been deliberately fraudulent with their advertising of this vehicle You need to phone trading standards first thing Monday morning (i don't think they are open on Sundays) explain the whole situation and see what they have to say..... i think this rouge trader might have his comeuppance. Best of luck mate! and chin up.
  4. welshwan

    nicked XS 250

    if only you had caught them in the act......... i take it skulls would have rolled?! Little rat bastards!
  5. Fair enough matey! i did think about doing something similar myself but after doing my test on a road bike i don't think i would be comfortable...i hate the seating position on more road orientated bikes. Much prefer the 'sit up and beg' that you get from enduros/supermotos . hows the Suzuki with 60 or 70 mph? any idea of the top speed? Just out of curiosity did you have to restrict the DRZ?
  6. hahahaha!!! he got this fine due to his wealth....remember this is the equivalent of a normal person getting what we would deem a fairly reasonable priced fine. about time they tried this approach here..... i mean whats £100 to a millionaire compared to what it is to the average person! If you work 40 hours a week on minimum wage a £100 quid isn't far from half a weeks wages! Not to mention what it would do to your insurance
  7. JAMO speakers are amazing ..... a lot of cash though, maybe check ebay for used ones
  8. welshwan

    tinted visor

    i always thought you could use a tinted visor (up to 50% tint?) when it's light outside , but not in the dark. and i think mirrored ones are 100% illegal
  9. i felt the same with the whole 'me of all people' part! lol i must say that i think having already done a car test did help me with the mod 2....also being on the road for like 3 years all in all- that really helps you know how to behave in traffic.
  10. its all there^ owned since august - so he has had it like 2 or 3 months he says the performance has got better since adjusting the powervalve - so better then it was when first bought millage 12022
  11. burn the garage down, it is your only option......
  12. Yeah, i remember mod 1 being very cheap and theory being fairly reasonable. Mod 2 was quite a bit though. Using the bike schools motor i remember being the most pricey bit of it all. I wouldn't bother with the £500 all in option...i had to borrow cars to get to my bike lessons and pay for 24 insurance on the car (about £40 a pop!) but, all-in it was still a fair bit less then £500! mind you i only had a few hours lessons as i had been riding about 8 months by that point and didn't have to resit any of the tests.
  13. not a problem at all. One of not so many things i know how to do, when it comes to bikes that is. So how could i not tell you! And as my XT used to eat rear wheel bearings so often that i got it down to a fine art lol It was pretty much this, but with a bike: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9TL7YOB7J8
  14. EVEN BETTER- have the pro show you how it is done lol
  15. The way i used to do it was: Put the bike up on my homemade stand. have someone to make sure the bike wont fall over/ anchor it down so it can't topple over slacken the chain adjusters (on both sides) - no need to slacken all the way, just a little to help you get the chain off. maneuver the chain from the rear sprocket. if it is being awkward to take all the way off just take a bit off and spin the wheel slowly so it will pull the chain off its self- don't force this though. undo the nut on the spindle all the way off remove the nut, washer (mine had a washer, maybe all don't?)and metal bit that that chain adjuster pushes back place something under the rear wheel to take the weight off it, or just hold it up with your foot take note of where the spacer is on the spindle (as once you take the spindle out it will seemingly 'fall out of nowhere') get a longish screwdriver or something similar but sturdy, place it at the end of the spindle you just took the nut off and tap it through with a hammer. you might get away with a couple of light taps and then pulling it through from the other side. once the spindle is all the way out you can take the support from under the wheel and maneuver it out.
  16. Did you think i was talking about a dog? staffys or staffy crosses are the only dogs i've ever had.... and bugger traveling that far for a pet anyways hahahaha....was enough of a push to go and get a bike from there. but i can see how confusion may have taken place
  17. If you can, have someone hold the bike upright when you are taking the rear wheel off, the shift of weight might be enough for it to become unsteady on the stand and fall over. I never had this problem with my XT but when i jacked my husky up to take the rear wheel off it toppled over to the side....luckily i was between it and the ground but it never hit the floor..that thats something right? lol
  18. welcome aboard! I'm sure you will enjoy the forum, loads of knowledge and humor. Barnsley is where i got my husky from!....long old way aways.
  19. Glad you are okay! that is the main thing. my guess would be wheel bearings! thats what i would to check first
  20. welshwan

    Hey welshwan

    good point kev, i think they are more his league.......
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