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Everything posted by welshwan

  1. From that list, personally i would go for Morrison and Hendrix
  2. i sincerely hope its nothing as high of a price as these lot are saying, i have changed my wheels over, that took less then 40 mins, we have changed the rear bearing TWICE! that was about 30 mins job each time (bear in mind there were two of us). changed front disk that took about 3/4 of an hour as the caliper was being awkward. Bulbs 15 mins job, at most. Really hope they don't take the piss on this one man. If they ask stupid money can one just tell em to fuck off, and see them in court?. how the fuck can they justify 500 for these jobs you need doing? fingers crossed man!. Do your fucking test grouch! you can get ANY bike you want after! im not old enough for a full license, but once you get yours done .....ANY BIKE
  3. hahahah when i asked my uncle what was wrong with it he said bearing , but he also said he'd never had one go on him. i don't think he has had a bike any newer then one from the 90's.... most older then that to the best of my knowledge
  4. I am on my second set of rear bearings within a few months, hopefully just coincidence and bad luck. But then maybe there's some kind of design flaw causing this? 2wheels as for knowing they were on there way out there really wasn't any noticeable difference and then next thing i know the back wheel is seemingly bouncing about. So annoying as both times i was too far away from home to push it (i am lucky enough to have an uncle with a pick up truck, so didn't have to wait for RAC or whatever. In my case i'm blaming flying about on greenlanes and occasionally not managing to dodge potholes. Not too sure what you have been doing to yours though grouch?
  5. I would let the cunt that went into the back of you pay, and if he kicks up a fuss just say 'fuck you then' and go to insurance. You must ask why, person might not be insured and if that's the case they will more then likely pay for everything....even if they d protest a bit
  6. BMW driver....need I say anymore?
  7. easy to follow. Gives you all the information for all the test categories. Spot on. Thanks for that
  8. This little loophole of theirs also makes me wonder how much of the 'uninsured road users' there actually are just because of technicalities like this? Maybe this helps them fuck us out of even more money by saying that we pay so much in insurance to make up for the people that don't have any. Well maybe these people did actually pay for insurance but the company use some bollocks technicality like this to void it, making you technically 'uninsured'? Even though that i paid about 1700 quid a year to have my car 3rd party, It had some after market alloys on it which were obviously not claimed for in the insurance as that would add about another £800 onto my already ridiculously over priced insurance. So i never bothered, it wasn't until a long old time after id had this car did anyone even point out to me that now i was technically uninsured. Just watch out guys, they are blood sucking leaches and will fuck you out of every last penny. So unless you bike is completely standard, why bother with anything more then the cheapest insurance option! ...their only gonna shaft you in the event that u actually need their help anyways
  9. agreed man, that does seem to happen ALOT and with cars . the worse is when they try to not pay out because you have changed the handle bars or some other trivial thing and not claimed it. The real reason you should have to claim is that it might make the bike worth a little bit more, but when u need a pay out they will say this has invalidated your insurance and you wont get a fucking penny. hell you might even find your self in legal troubles. If anyone is in this industry...please do us ALL a favor and just kill you self now..... HAHAHAHAAH
  10. on the XT's the rear disks are the same size on both the supermoto and enduro ones. Actually i think it's just the front disk that is bigger on most supermoto models. Even if they are different sizes cant u just use the smaller enduro front disk, then all ull have to do it put your current disk of the new front wheel? that way you know the disks are the correct size for you calipers?
  11. Little cunt. It's all so easy to run red lights and get away with riding like a dick when u haven't got a reg plate so no fucker knows who u are. You should have sparked him just on principle man. Also could have been alot worse, what if the car behind you had have been going as fast and also slammed into the back of you.
  12. risks and rewards, for me 3rd party is £250 quid, full comp is about a grand. that saves me £750 quid a year. my bike cost me £800. so assuming i don't get it nicked in just over a year i will be better of then if i would have paid full comp. if u can see what i'm getting at? Just check the relative prices matey. Ohh also if u can see if there are alot of bike thefts in your area, if so that's also something to take into consideration,
  13. aye enduro wheels do tend to look crazy thin, i think the idea is that it can dig into the mud/grass easier rather then just slipping along the top, like yours would hhahah. (same as the stock wheels you get on a land rover defender, but it's only really the farmers you see with these as the town folk just get fat alloys so that it doesent look like your on bike wheels lol) but thinner and taller tends to be best when off roading ( too a limit of course) Mind you i have 'trail' tires on mine as appose to full on knobblies and i can still lean pretty far over.
  14. ermmm I'm not too sure buddy. i guess burgundy is a little more old fashioned, and the red, orange and yellow lines across the back remind me of something from back in the day? Other then that though man i suspect it's just a name, and fitted the theme they were going for. ohh and thank you sir it did take a little while to write up. Glad it shows
  15. Cheers Grouch, much appreciated man
  16. This part of the forum was looking abit bare so figured I'd get my finger out and write down a little bit about what i can fairly review as i have had it a good few months. I have had a look online for some of the spec/information about it and it is as follows: :2010 model Helmet :Shell design optimized for reduced weight, air circulation and filtration :Fiberglass composite weave constructed shell provides lightweight properties whilst offering excellent protection :Wide eye port aids peripheral vision :Ultra comfort fit removable and washable liner system showcasing Coolmax by Dupont :Reinforced chinbar, with integrated mouthguard/dust filter :Premoulded polymer nose wrap designed to keep the roost off your face :Fully adjustable peak with aluminium mounts :Twin intakes at forehead integrated with aperture trim with wire mesh filtration screens :Double D buckle allowing for secure fitment :Anatomic luxury fitted cheekpads and comfort lining :ACU Gold Standard I have had this helmet for a few months now and i really like it. I personally like the look of it, much prefer the look of MX style helmets over any other type, even though a couple of the dual sport ones have caught my eye in the past. What drew me to this helmet was firstly the cost as it was on some sort of clearance sale i got it for just under £30 delivered (wasn't too much of a risk for me to buy one of these online as the helmet i had before was another nitro MX lid). I chose this one out of the 4 different color schemes available as it just seemed the most 'retro' looking one, all 4 colors look pretty cool to be honest but i knew which i wanted as soon as i laid my eyes on it. Secondly it has a nose wrap which really helps when its raining, or if the fucker driving infront is kicking up loads of crap off of the road. I used to really jump when a particularly big drop of rain would slap me in the cheek, does anyone else get that? seems to happen when under tree's maybe it it the bigger drop coming off on the leaves or something? either way that's a thing of the past with this lid Thirdly a more unusual reason is that it is made from Fiberglass and as you may know, with these unlike the polycarbonate ones you can put stickers on it without compromising the structural rigidity of the helmet, what?! i like stickers of naked chicks, parts brands and other crap as much as the next guy....i'm thinking a big 'fuck off' sticker next. You've got to have a laugh from time to time. My one and only complaint about this helmet is that the glue has given a little where the nose wrap is glued to the chin protector bit, but in all honesty i do suspect that this has happened due to me carrying it by the chinbar, and inevitably it has come slightly loose. All in all this helmet comes highly recommended! ESPECIALLY at £30. Hope this was of some use to some one Oh by the way for £30 it's getting a 5 out of 5 from me
  17. what a dick! ultimate real life trollin' http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/250x250/34547021.jpg
  18. aww mate that lad's a cunt, plain and simple! best of luck getting your money back matey or maybe the product you were meant to receive in the first bloody place!
  19. welshwan

    WTF x2

  20. it's bob Marley's birthday today, we'll it would be if he were still alive. That's Welshie's top trivia for the day.........
  21. sounded like a good fun few days, went over to the site had a look through all the info then i hit this.... 'Am i eligible to enter? In order to enter you need to meet the following criteria :- You must have a two wheeled motorcycle - CHECK The motorcycle must be either :- 600cc or more or a Honda C50 or C90 Have trail bike written on category on V5 log book Must have valid tax Must have valid MOT Must have valid insurance Must not have loud pipes Must have Body Armour and protective clothing Must be in teams of two or three' c50 is allowed but my xt isn't lol :/ ahh well good luck finding a team mate, and let us know how u get on with this buddy!
  22. ahhh i see, reason for asking is that mine used to have just two little metal brackets to attach the reg plate too. must have been a bodge job from whoever i had it from? might have to invest in one as mine has snapped on one side so plate is in my back pack. need to get that sorted ASAP i think. wouldn't want to upset the local plod, but it is nice to know whatever dumbass thing u do on the bike, no one will be able to report it as you..... wasent me kidd thanks man, ill have a look for one online now i think
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