Everything posted by welshwan
Finally gone to far
fucking hell mate that sucks! If you do ride it until the end, break it for parts matey- i'll more then likely take a few parts of your hands- money towards getting that 2 smoker a bit sooner ehh hearts going out to you man
Not the right time or place
I thought it was the EU?
Not the right time or place
aye, if i wanted to fall out with people online id be hitting 4chan up
ripped off again - same F*N breakers!
i think back handers all round are in order here, sort em out lad!
Not the right time or place
There MUST be more important things for the police to do then this! and i think he only got jail because he lied to them......they are trying to prove a point i am sure. only point i saw proven was that they really took offense to being lied too.
Here we go again! Gear Lever Shifter!
No wonder you are a grouch, that bikes enough to make a saint curse. In an ideal world you need to find one of these....... Chuck your bike in, don't look back and just keep on running! fucking hell man i know u have put a lot of cash into it so want to keep it- but the amount you spend on it will keep growing, how will you feel when have sunk 5 grand in repairs into it? chuck the cunt or at least pass it on to some other poor bugger lol
"Module 2: on-road riding Module 2 includes: eyesight test safety questions road riding independent riding" basically the bloke tells you to go certain ways or towards a certain place whilst he follows on his own bike and judges how you are on the road.
Just had to share this
Harleys are sometimes known as 'Milwaukee vibrators', may have something to do with it? Her smile says I'm right
need to disable a moped. Ideas
a good old back hander? Keep the pimp hand strong
A village somewhere is missing it,s idiot
bet he has 6 toes on one of his feet.......
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
Here you go gang On the house! you'll need it after that picture
smoke free... and strangely i dont feel like murdering someone
Discouraging with facts is one thing, putting pictures of fucking needles on my packets of fags is just retarded- i doesn't effect me smoking them but my younger family members see the pack with the guy with his neck all inflated from cancer. It's only my family members that are getting upset by it- not me. I mean comparing a ciggy to fucking heroin is.....just plain old dumb (if that's what they were trying to say). Its the same as schools and drug speeches. The coppers come in and tell you if you so much as have a puff on a joint you will end up in jail, on heroin, no family no job, or just pain crazy, but the thing is a few of these kids have tried weed or possibly there parents smoke it or whatever and they can see that they have been lied too so they don't really listen to advise about it- which in turn makes them question other 'facts' they have been told. c'mon you guys, you must have had a copper come into school and talk about drugs and how if you touched cannabis you would destroy your life. abit off topic but all i am trying to say is, there is a difference between telling people the facts and letting them make their own minds up from this or just pain trying to scare them. so quit putting horrible pictures on my baccy pouches PLEASE. At the end of my day i am an adult- i make my own mind up! no amount of scare tactics will change my mind, all it does is make my family more upset about it! WANKERS Wheres all the pictures of yellow people on booze bottles eh? or kids going sick in their sleep while pissed out of there heads and choking on sick?! or the figures of how many people die of alcohol! or how much we have to spend as a country to clean up the mess after a weekend, how much extra we have to give the NHS due to it. jut pisses me off that they keep hassling us smokers but from my experience a few kids will try smoking before they are 18, BUT damn near every kid will try booze before they are 18. how the fuck is that acceptable^! like i said there is none of that on bottles of booze! or deep fried food for the 3rd pack!
Cheers gang! that pretty much sums up how i feel actually= L plates came off as soon as i got home!!! YES best of luck to Bippo if i can do it.....you'll be just fine The short list is whatever i can get my hands on lol Yeah Tommy it's abit daunting at first but once you get into it, happy days! turns out to be alot easier then i thought- only had two hour lesson on thus then the traveling to the test center on fri. that was my training for mod 2 lol
thank you all very much! planing on getting an off road bike so nothing too heavy i hope! and forget about harleys man! not my style. hahaha aye those planks may well struggle with a big fat bike. The plan is to get a bigger bike within the next month, but we shall see.... And yes it did cost abit more then had expected to be honest- mod two is like £70! thank god i didn't fail the tests or that would have been even less towards another bike. Next summer is only a year away mate- the theory tests last 2 years maybe you could have a crack at that now so it's one less thing to worry about next year. i think it's about £30 .
Thank you YOC Forum
who the fuck's ken? I'm only messing mate! i ken Glad it's all sorted and you will soon be blasting about Scotland
Green Lanning (West Mids) help?
God damn wannabe coppers, they make me fucking sick! i have seen notices popping up on a few tracks around here informing the public to call the police immediately if they see any motorcycles- fucking wankers. apparently my bike is destroying forestry tracks, however these tracks are there for big tree hauling vehicles...i'm not sure how my 125 is causing more damage to the tracks that them! no one likes a fucking snitch!
- Module 1
smoke free... and strangely i dont feel like murdering someone
I have been smoking about 6 or 7 years now.....and guess what! i enjoy smoking < now that's something you don't hear everyday eh! but yeah in all honesty ATM i don't mind it one bit, maybe in another 6 or 7 years things will change, who knows. One other thing to consider is that we know full well what cigarets can/will do to us due to millions in tests and studies but as for those chemicals that you inhale through those electric things there really hasn't been much research into it certainly not in comparison to the amount that real cigarets have been researched....these things haven't been around all that long, who's to know what these things can/will do in the long term, 10, 20, 40 years from now? just something to consider good on you for quitting mate! you'll be a lot happier for doing what you set out to do and i congratulate you for it matey BTW i can't run 1.5 miles though LOL
Module 1
Thank you very much, i may well need it! Yeah unfortunately i will have to do the A2 as i am 20, as for a bigger bike it all depends on how much money i have and what turns up. Apparently (i say this as he hasn't been to fetch it yet) my uncle has bought a wrf426 for himself and what i'm hoping is that as he used to ride a GSX 750 most recently but still a few years ago, fingers crossed he will soon get bored of it and sell it to me, and if i can restrict it down to the legal limit...the restriction may well 'fall off' soon after but at least i'll have the appropriate papers. That is what i am hoping will happen anyways, but i may well end up keeping the 125 for a while and maybe saving up for a 250 or something. 23rd of May will come around so much faster then you think! and the very best of luck to you too! even though i'm sure you will be fine! One of my friends got his car test booked by phoning up to check for cancellations, definitely keep an eye out
What's your take on filtering along the outside of stationary or slow moving traffic?
after watching the footage, seems to me as though you did everything by the book? looks like she was just being an arse about it....one thing to be said for no mirrors, you don't even know if they are waving their arms about behind you and as i usually have headphones in, i doubt i would have even heard if she did start bitching and moaning