Everything posted by welshwan
FREE fork seal repairs!!! Yes free.
Fixed penalties to increase next month UK
disgusting! Money grabbing CUNTS
Speed Sensor Unit XT125 X (2005)
Don't get your hopes up about the top speed! I once got it to say 72MPH going down a big old hill.....but on the flat you are looking at anything between 55-65MPH (give or take) completely depending on your size/weight.
- ooops
Doug Henry
Doug Henry (born September 6, 1969) is a multi-time AMA championship-winning motocross racer. Doug is a fan-favorite in the sport for his guts and determination, as well as his never-say-die attitude while making comebacks from potentially career-ending injuries. Henry broke his back on March 4, 2007, in a Supermoto race. He now suffers partial paralysis from the waist down, but if you think this stopped him from doing his thing- THINK AGAIN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ItYINHMg7Y An inspiration if ever i saw one!
Speed Sensor Unit XT125 X (2005)
iv had a look on ebay but there doesn't seem to be any on there at the moment, nor is there any xt125's advertised as breaking for parts- so what i would say is try and open it up and fix it even if you have to glue it back together or whatever- at least worth a try at £61! Good luck mate Also you have the same model and year bike as i do- that's cool
Nailed MOD 2
Nice one mate! now it's time to burn some rubber!
It was a bit of a grouch move wasn't it? ahh well shit happens...... i guess i must have been going too quick or something also i'm not too convinced these bikes are designed to take much of a beating off the tarmac. Havent a clue how to do that mate Could you please tell me how i would go about doing this? Yeah i didn't actually see it break but looking at the amount of pieces it is in would lead me to believe it pretty much just smashed/ exploded to bits on impact- i think i was lucky not to get a flat looking how sharp some of the bits were. Yeah thanks i'm fine , i didn't come off or anything - just the suspension fully compressed and the next thing to take the impact was the bearings. Ordered a flexi one off ebay right after i posted, and a couple of inches smaller then the one i had....hopefully not too small as to be noticeably different from any other numberplate. yeah mate, since it is off the road anyways i took the front half of the exhaust off today (as i had already painted the back part)and gave it a good clean and painted black- will have a good look over it tomorrow and finish painting, also got the indicator replaced. Once that exhaust is back on and more importantly the sumpguard i'll get it up on a stand and take old bearings out and also i think a chain and sprocket change is long overdue! The other thing is i have had to make a numberplate bracket- nothing fancy just something to keep it on the bike and maybe angle it abit further from the wheel then before- almost finished it just need to make holes in it for bolts to secure it to the bike! For sure, was about ready to push the fucker off the nearest ledge hahahaha only joking but what i will say is - it was good that no one was around to hear my language!
Biker now owning a new Yamaha
a 550cc on a cbt
what he said.......
Anyone recommend a WR250F as a good off-roader?
road registrable.......if you are gonna go through all the hassle of getting a bike road legal maybe the yz 250 could be the way to go? But yeah i would love a WRF. Not much help to you i'm afraid hahahah
Agreed and yeah it was the bike that took all the impact ...not me, thank fuck! just a bit annoying having no bike for next couple of days! I already have a spare indicator just need to wait for bearing and reg...i will order tonight in hope that they will be sent out tomorrow for arrival on Tuesday ...we shall see
Hi, newbie here, kate from glasgow
Got some new knobbly tires on the bike yesterday so thought i would do a spot of greenlaning Went well for the first hour or so then....i went too quick through a large dip in the path (far too fast) and bottomed out my suspension, this got the numberplate to catch on the wheel, this smashed the reg plate to bits taking the left rear indicator with it AND also smashed the rear bearing Had to get it just ticking over in first whilst walking very briskly alongside it for a mile or two then managed to get signal then got hold of family to come and fetch me, and the bike of course. I found the bit with the reflector on the path and the rest was spread out through the grass on the side of the road. Silly man
BIke Loading Fails
We loaded my bike onto a Mitsubishi pick-up today , we used a scaffolding plank as a ramp and we got it on and off without hassle- the back of the truck is at least waist height I think the problem might be trying to do it on ones own, if anything happens it's just you to hold the fucker upright.
The Cursed XT 125 X
not sure on that one mate- i would say it's too risky. wait for one of the 'elders' to clear that one up- just encase
The Cursed XT 125 X
Don't forget-if you are going to see if it will work with the new bolt i think you will need to refill the oil or the clutch wont work properly?
The Cursed XT 125 X
Good on you for trying Grouch! i thought it was going to be buried at the back of the shed and forgotten about ! Nice one mate
Alter lever span without changing the levers
These are a slightly different style to the ones i used but atleast u get the idea of what im trying to explain.
Bye bye Middle lane hoggers! Hello Mr and Mrs chop and change.
yes! this pisses me off also, if you feel safe and in control of the vehicle at 40 on the wide open road, then HOW THE FUCK are you safe and in control doing the same speed though built up areas!
Bye bye Middle lane hoggers! Hello Mr and Mrs chop and change.
Won't work but will make a pretty penny in on the spot fines.....and that's all that matters really isn't it? well it sure as fuck wasn't passed for my safety, was it Also when i had a car the insurance was £3000 in my own name! but luckily my parents let me insure it in their name but that was still £1600, if i would have got a 3 point on the spot bullshit it would likely have increased by at least 30% and if i would have racked up 6 points in my first few years of driving i would have automatically lost my driving license! ANOTHER thing that is more to do with speeding fines is that doing 33 in a 30 could get me half way to loosing my license.....i know you are thinking 'well keep an eye on the speed'. The thing with this is that people spend so much more time concentrating on their speedo then they should have too, and as a result are not concentrating on the road enough. If you don't believe me next time you are a passenger keep an eye on the speedometer and if the driver is very focused on the road as appose to speedo they do creep over the speed limit fairly often.....it's just a numbers game, pass enough cameras and they'll get you in the end. One law that is rarely enforced around here is working lights on a trailer, i have lost count of how many of the old farmers i have seen pulling trailers with no brake lights connected to them....it's fucking lethal, the difference it creates in your ability to know when they are slowing down especially if they jump on that brake, it's scary. bloody farmers! (if any of you lot are bobbies, please keep an eye out for these twats and make sure you get them for it ) Right i have well and truly gone off topic, moithering about bloody farmers! hahahah all i'm saying is there must be a better way to deal with these things then to take peoples money
Alter lever span without changing the levers
Not sure about bending the one you have, i don't see why you wouldn't be able to do that, just that it might look abit odd compared to the brake lever? might look like you droped the bike or something lol, i only have about 3/4 of both my front levers due to being a silly bugger. However the bike i used for my lessons and test had adjustable clutch and front brake levers, they just had a dial that you turn to change the distance that the levers where from the bar. it had 4 settings on it and the difference between 1 and 4 was a lot. They were easy to adjust and didn't take anytime you just turned the dial 1/4 turn for next setting. This might be abetter route to take? From what i could gather they weren't stock on his bike so must have been some kind of aftermarket part. Hopefully this was of some assistance to you
To nod, or not to nod
ALWAYS NOD.......even in busy traffic i just nod but don't actually make eye contact (too busy making sure the prick infront don't stomp on that bloody middle pedal and send me into a world of pain!). If they are in a situation to see that i have nodded then they'll be happy and even if they don't notice i at least did my part as a member of the biker fraternity! They may well have nodded back at me but they might have just ignored me and thought fuck that prick......i don't know and it doesn't matter to me, i did the right thing.....and you know it
Cleared out the shed today! alot of work but it's done now Even gave it a coat of paint when i was done, might do another layer soon-ish ...if i can be bothered At the back of the garage i found something AMAZING! and it explains my deep-rooted love for bikes! My nain (nan to you non welshys) bought me this when i was about 2 or 3, no longer with us god bless her .Loved that woman to bits! ....not just for the bike hahaha Gonna try and find a charger too see if it still works - and no i wont be blasting about on it.........i'm not insured! hahahaha Needs a quick clean too. A Kawasaki BUT awesome none the less
DT 175 in bloom,,
Look's sweet and in so much better nick then my bike...the XT is a only a 2005 too hahaha