Everything posted by welshwan
2003 WR250F 'Legalize It' Project
Just posted this now, any ideas what it is?
New bike....new to me anyways
I have spent a couple of months hunting for a bike to replace my XT125X, i needed something with off-road capability and preferably something that had a supermoto model of the same bike (less of a headache to try and sort out a Sumo conversion) Also needed more ommph then the 125, anything 250 and up really. I tried to arrange to view a '99 Honda xr250, but couldn't make a viewing before end of auction- so missed that one. After looking for a good couple of months i managed to find a bike for the 'right price', plenty of power, tons of ground clearance, maybe a bit tall- but then again most of these enduro bikes are. So i went to see a bike and after a lot of umming and argghhing over the price, we managed to settle on what i would say to be a fair enough price, told him i would be back the next week to fetch it, arranged to borrow a transit for the next week and now i have it!!! warning It's not another yammy can you tell what it is yet?
2003 WR250F 'Legalize It' Project
nice one lads! Sounds like the square single is just the ticket, now to pick a color......
Buying Yamaha Parts Online
www.ajsutton.co.uk are good for new parts, but if you don't mind 2nd hand then i would check ebay first.
i thought it was my birthday today :-))
good man! take no prisoners
2003 WR250F 'Legalize It' Project
Firstly where abouts are you? there are a fuckton of lanes around here...... i know enough of the top of my head for at least a full days laning, and have a map of most local greenlanes (some i have yet to venture to my self). I would consider looking at some local MX tracks, see how much they cost...could be worth it for a day out. But if you can find a farmer that will let you tear up his field for less then i would go for that instead, less people around and don't have to worry about the people that have been at it since 10 passing ya every 2 laps. as for 'off-roading courses' do you mean when you pay someone to take you around lanes? - if thats what you mean then yeah i agree they are a fucking rip off IF you go on your own, the one nearest me (i think) charges £120 for a one day guided tour with your own bike.....but if there are 6 of you it's £30 each, i guess thats not such a bad price? ...but on the other hand these are roads that anyone can use, just that very few people know where they are, so you almost pay for that information. Hmm i might go over there one day and try and find them for my self. what i have been meaning to ask you is.... do you think that aftermarket headlight fairing could support two mini spotlights...the one i had on my XT?if you remember. They are pretty small and not extremely heavy....how does that headlight attach anyways? is it just a velcro strap? as well how do you wire it up? do you cut off the old connectors and solder the new light in? do they come with instructions or at least easy enough to figure out what wire is what on the new headlight?
The Raiden Files - Portland to Dakar - A Riding Movie
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTvYAcJOx3s Description Icon sends it's best riders on an adventure that tests man and machine to the limit in every condition imaginable. There's action, there's adventure, there's romance, there's drama. It's more than a riding video, it's a movie. Sit back and enjoy the show. Basically an advert for icon clothing- BUT! Has some bloody amazing footage, very well shot and edited. Really is pretty much a half hour movie, with a cool storyline. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Also makes the Triumph tiger 800 XC like a damn good adventure bike.
Biker rammed.
OMG that is the most funny video i have seen in forever!!!!! obviously not a fellow taff........ i bet that fucking hurt when it was ramming him...i have seen two sheep headbutt each other....one got sparked out cold, and the 'clonk' when they hit made me cringe so much.
ugly number plate
HAHAHAHHA thats how i did my plate on my xt125, but as it is an enduro style bike i always planned on saying i had just been off road and dropped the bike- must have bent the bracket.....
ugly number plate
I put one a couple of inches smaller on my bike and never got any hassle for it, but i do know another bloke in the same town as me has had a fine. So basically what you should be asking your self is.... 'do i feel lucky?' .....Well do ya punk?
Mod 1
Best of luck with round 2!
2003 WR250F 'Legalize It' Project
looks really nice mate! have you been out tearing up the countryside yet?
- Mod 1
10 points - COMBO BONUS!
clutch cable snapped, what would you do?
I had this happened to me once, luckily i knew you could change gear without using the clutch (same for cars) without too much hassle and because i live in the middle of nowhere i didn't have to come to a complete stop once on my several miles home. Only time i stalled was when i was at my garden and just give the brake a firm squeeze (whilst at walking pace) to bring it to a stop, to be honest i could have just popped it into neutral and hopped off but the bike was just where i wanted to park it up anyways. You could ride that xt at such low rpm without clutch and still not stall. Not sure about 2 strokes as i thought that they didn't have much power under certain RPM, making crawling along without clutch a bit difficult? when going to a junction without clutch don't fly at it and slam the brakes just crawl up to it checking the road is clear and when it is just go for it. as apposed to having to try and scoot it with your feet and pop into 1st
sticker kit's
These look pretty sweet Here are the ones they have Never had to buy decals for a bike so dunno if that company is any good or not.
new member, new owner, generally new...
good introduction man! Welcome aboard!
2003 WR250F 'Legalize It' Project
I have left it long enough for one of you others to mention the song, since no one has i better had!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABc8ciT5QLs As for what bike, I'll keep you lot guessing but unfortunately it isn't another yammy! it'll take more then a new bike to get rid of me though!
2003 WR250F 'Legalize It' Project
sounds like a good idea either way! Nah the XT is going to be sold as a project or something to someone that fancys a cheap fixer-upper. Reason that was asking is that i have gone out and put a deposit down on a big bad thumper (and thought it might help with the insurance, guess not lol )should be picking it up end of this week! as to what it is i'll leave you in suspense until i go and fetch it
2003 WR250F 'Legalize It' Project
Well, I'm more then impressed!!! no pissing about, straight to work on it. that neutral light is brilliant, as is the immobilizer! was the immobilizer hard to install? making the bike truly one of a kind! And everything seems to be for function as well as looking good! Well done sir! keep the updates coming
bike protective clothing. lack of......
i have seen 3 bikers this summer wearing shorts. The consequences don't bare thinking about
Exhaust noise/Engine noise?
My bike, its taxed and insured- i'll ride it when ever i feel like. I'm sure he pisses some people off but then how many people go about with chavie as fuck cars that have what looks like a dustbin being used as a back box. Unless he is speeding, being dangerous or on the red line the whole time just leave him too it, tell your neighbors not too be old farts about it lol.
1T0-004530 Please help ID
ty 80 perhaps? with maybe a few bits mixed and matched from other bikes over the years?
Dont they make 2 stroke MX bikes anymore? and why?
Only thing i can say on this topic is they no longer produce big engined 2 smokers. Heavy weights of yesteryear are: Yamaha TZ 750 Honda cr500 Kawasaki KX500 Yamaha RD500 (im sure they made a 500?) And a fair few others that i can't think of.....maybe some of the older ones will be able to list them?
XT has died
Difference being i know what is wrong, and could probably fix it if i really tried