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Everything posted by welshwan

  1. Surely there are more pressing issues in this country then bikers speeding......... As long as it's for a good reason and not just to collect revenue from road users
  2. welshwan replied to j0hn's post in a topic in Projects
    I'll be honest mate, i have only been off road a handful of times on it (the rear tire has all of about 5mm of tread in the center-i think UK bike limit is 1mm ) .....i will swap it over for the almost new tire on my xt as they are both the same size! But i have done a fairly decent greenlane after it had been dry for a few days, i fucking flew around it man! got about half way and came across a bloody convoy of land rover defenders. to be fair they all let me pass and never got near me after that. The te is fucking fast! on forestry tracks which are wide enough for two cars to squeeze past each other i am doing what i would on the road (i think about 50-70 - but i could get 55 out of my xt on these tracks). ALSO got stopped by police the other day ! APPARENTLY i was speeding...... he told me that i took off from them soo fast that they thought it might have been stolen!OOOOOPS (bragging rights? hahahaha - ride it like you stole it ) Thing is i wasn't even going flat out! i really try not to rev the thing too much....god knows how they would even dream to catch someone on a sports bike. i have found the best way to ride it is- point it in the direction you wish to travel, open throttle to engage warp drive, and hold on as tight as you can. hahaha i'm only messing the throttle is very user friendly not an on/off feeling one. needless to say I LOVE IT! just need to see how it goes in tighter and more technical terrain. suspension feels 5 times better then the XT's, brembo brakes front and rear, about 8foot of ground clearance and pulls like a train from idle revs!
  3. welshwan replied to j0hn's post in a topic in Projects
    So how's the bike treating ya mate? Any cool pics or videos to show us? have you mastered the wheelie yet? AND did you make it out to those greenlanes/track for a go? Not heard anything about it for a while, hope it's all good man! More then likely out on the bike too much to post about it lol
  4. Okay i'll fess up! I fell for it too, my blood was boiling and i was sat here thinking 'HEADBUTT THE CUNT!' . When it got to the weird scene i even had to go back and see if it was the same guy, i thought it might have been someone that looks abit like the guy in the car and he was just being lighthearted about it all. But it's 100% the same dude. He's shockingly good at being a pussy Just wanted to see if it would catch others out, plus it's quite funny to be fair!
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jxQV3Umhr4&list=TLBDBbnONUggM
  6. Made me laugh at her- but feel sorry for whoever belongs to the bike
  7. welshwan replied to Russbiker's post in a topic in Random
  8. Don't worry they are just BMW's no harm, no foul hahahahah
  9. welshwan replied to j0hn's post in a topic in Projects
    Some people hate used stuff, but in all honesty once your balls deep in the mud and caked in crap whats it matter? Also helmet- if i remember correctly, shouldn't you replace your helmet once its been hit?- so why not go for something nearer the 30 or 40 mark? sounds cheap but i have always used nitro helmets. I landed on my head in the old one hahaha, hit my head soo hard i felt a bit sick for 15 or soo mins but after that i was hunky doorey and the helmet hadn't actually split at all. (i still bought a new one after as i'm sure they are only designed to take one bang) Blue Red Not sure whats on ebay, ill have a look a bit later on matey
  10. welshwan replied to welshwan's post in a topic in The Bar
    Thanks for the advice Airhead! Very much appreciated, i will go and have a good look at this chain in a min (once i have had my food lol!) i'll let you know if one of the links are stiff! I won't be pissing about too much on the knobblies matey! i'm brave...but i'm not that fucking brave hahahaha
  11. welshwan replied to welshwan's post in a topic in The Bar
    thanks for the heads up dt50! sorry but what does excessive run out on the rims mean? and how would i go about checking this? actually how would i check the head bearings for that matter? If i hold the handle bars really tight, like tense my arms to the max then i can hold it fairly still at high speeds, this is what lead me to believe it was the tires? any thoughts? One other thing (for now lol) the chain it making a clicking noise when the bike is moved, i lifted the back wheel and spun it and that is when it makes a noise (at the front sprocket i think, but not sure) any ideas about this one? i have checked that the chain is not too tight and have put some wax on it when cold...will re-wax when i next get it warmed up so it will stick . it does sound just like an over tightened chain but the chain is not too tight, might too loose cause it? i think the chain is about right. i am hoping its a fucked chain
  12. welshwan replied to welshwan's post in a topic in The Bar
    sounds good good good! I think having some SuMo wheels on the bike would be a great way to get the power down on the road! Plus supermotos have the best cornering! Went for the first real spin on the open road today- fuck me it's stupidly quick (for a dirt bike!) Speedo does not currently work so i dunno how quick i managed to get out of it, one thing i do know is it just keeps speeding up well past the point where the front wheel is speed wobbling (this is due to having dirt tires) Will catapult you forward from any rpm- almost ticking over revs! Haven't been off road yet (well i turned around in the garden and managed to take a nice chunk out of the lawn ooops ) need to spend some more hours to get used to this behemoth. Very happy lad!
  13. welshwan replied to drewpy's post in a topic in General
    yeah have a good one man! PS don't loose any of the scouts!
  14. Abit heavy but still looks good! then again how much does the thundercat weigh?
  15. sap gloves are the welshwans choice!..... look just like a pair of bike gloves.......
  16. welshwan replied to j0hn's post in a topic in Projects
    DT50 knows more about what you should be wearing on the track then me! That's for damn sure! all i can say is When i go laning i ALWAYS wear my MX boots (alpinestars tech6)- bought these 2nd hand and scruffy as fuck for about £30! i have had them almost a year now! they are the only footwear i use on my bike! these have saved my ankle at least one! the bike went from under me and landed on my leg! my knee bent but my ankle didn't budge at all! i know for a fact my knee can take more of a beating them my ankle! Also its good to get some cheap scruffy boots as it don't matter how they look when you are trying to get through mud that is up to your knees anyways! As for top- i have 3 motor bike jackets, one leather redbull one i got as a gift from a family member (i do not use this in the rain, or in muddy conditions) and two textile ones a black summer one and one RST olive green and black that i got off ebay for cheap being the only bidder! The rst one is the one i use on the lanes and in the mud for these reasons: Cheap - so does not matter if it comes home caked in mud and stinking of crap Has elbow and shoulder pads It's textile - so designed for road use- basically if u fall of on the way to the lanes you will stand a far greater chance of keeping your skin on then if you were to wear a MX jersey! Water proof ( to an extent) Load of air vents to keep you cool while you are trying to wrestle the lane! if i were you, i would look into getting some of that body armor like in the pic you posted ^ not up to much on tarmac but will certainly be of use when you come off on the lane. looks like it is fully plated out! Just the ticket for off road, id have thought. Trousers- i wear a pair of summer adventure bike trousers. Plenty of air vents to keep your junk cool hahaha, comfy and knee protection built in! If it's raining i just pop a pair of waterproof over trousers on as well. basically the main bit of advice i can offer on the subject is- if you are getting to these places on the road then you need to make sure you have something that won't disappear once it comes into contact with tarmac. Not sure if this will be of any use to you but then again maybe it will!
  17. welshwan replied to blackhat250's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    What a fucking cunt Hope you get it back soon! and like sniff said not too many about now-so they do stand out!, keep an eye on ebay for parts!
  18. welshwan replied to Alexengongong's post in a topic in The Bar
    Happy days man! Well done you!
  19. welshwan replied to kearnsy123's post in a topic in The Bar
    Try item number 360709996746 on ebay. It's the right side and correct year.
  20. welshwan replied to welshwan's post in a topic in The Bar
    Lets hope i don't think i'm riding the 125 bip, i think this bike would spit me off in a second if i wasn't ready for the acceleration! Yeah hopefully once i get used to the power and height it should be all good! It is a bitch to start Airhead! and it's kick only...but like you say, in due course. The bloke i bought it off was starting it on the first kick....takes me a few more then one kick at the moment! Thanks DT502001! When i had a test of the bike before buying i didn't even get to half rpm.....lol. Cant wait to get it out on the road! (before i go anywhere on it i really want to bleed front brake, change liquid in radiators and change the oil and clear the filter) waiting for the oil and liquid ice to turn up and will pick up some brake fluid tomorrow. Have been letting it tick over for about 5 mins every other day though. Very jealous of your friend having the SM as well...... ever since i came across a certain video i have decided i need to have a set of SuMo wheels for it!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1dInhZvy7o Just wait until they get to the mountain roads about 4 or 5 mins into the video! cheers finnerz! i do agree they look ready to take on anything! (and probably will)
  21. welshwan replied to BillyBennett's post in a topic in The Bar
    are you sure that the chain is actually slipping? once i had a push bike and if you had to put a lot of force on the pedals (going up a steep hill for example) it would feel like the chain had come off making my leg fly forward and my knee hit the bars. If i remember correctly it was something inside the thing, the bearing that lets you go down a hill without having to keep pedaling. that make any sense?
  22. welshwan replied to welshwan's post in a topic in The Bar
    looks great mate! Bet that thing aint too slow either ehh! Do you struggle to get parts for it?
  23. welshwan replied to welshwan's post in a topic in The Bar
    lol not just any husqvarna.....the carlsberg of husqvarnas! TE610 .... 577CC of thumper
  24. welshwan replied to welshwan's post in a topic in The Bar
    nice one! The bloke said it passed it's MOT as it stands now. But it has MOT until next year, so no need to worry about that for a little while yet. As far as i know that is the original tail, a bit random looking but it is a 2000 (X) reg, maybe they tried to make it look modern at the time. As long as all the lights are working and it keeps some mud from flying up my back then it'll do just fine for now. As for my XT being a toy in comparison, you are 100% correct! I used to be able to start my XT on the kicker by hand! This one i cannot start in trainers and even with boots i think it will snap my ankle if it gets half a chance! Also i can get both my feet flat on the ground on my XT, this one is tip toe on both feet.
  25. welshwan replied to welshwan's post in a topic in The Bar
    Yeah dirty those husqvarna Wr250 2smokers look crazy fast!...and just as tall lol. Thanks bippo, can't wait to see how it does on the lanes!- so far, all i have done on it was have a quick blast round an industrial-estate when i was testing it prior to buying....i'm not going to lie, it scares me LOL- but i do like a challenge!