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Everything posted by paul-666

  1. My area ain't all that bad ,the only reason people try and steel things is that they can't be arsed to save up for what they want to pinch and are not bothered that you have saved up for it I come from a rough area and I can say there are good and bad people where Ever you live that's just life
  2. There's 2-3" so far here in sunny Durham and I'm glad I'm off today but have to ride in it tomorrow
  3. yes I was going to buy new as it had thought the second hand ones may be worse than the ones I have now lol
  4. looks like I'll need new handlebars as mime are bent from when they tried to snap the steering lock barstewards I was looking at some new ones but now I really do need to buy some ,I only found this out on my way to work and the left hand is in a different place to the right it feels like driving around corners all the time but I'll manage unroll payday
  5. Got the ground ancor in now and the only thing I can see wrong is the barrel is a bit loose
  6. Yes I was lucky but I'd love to find the fecker and show him the errors of his ways and after that he won't be thinking of steeling any one else's bike LOL
  7. I went out side at about 20:00 tonight and seen that my bike had moved so I asked the wife if she knew what had happened and she said nothing and came and had a look and on closer look my bike had been moved of its centre stand and was resting against the wall and the steering lock was still on in the left position but the bike had moved strait along so if it had fallen of the stand it could not get to where it was so on a close look on the floor there were wet foot prints on the dry parts of the yard which are larger than mine or the wifes ,there is no damage that I could see in the dark but the steering lock looked loose but is still on,so from now on ill put the bike lock on strait away instead of last thing at night when I put the cover on,thank god we lock our back gate or it would have been gone ,and first thing in the morning I'm getting a ground ancor to fit to the floor invade the barstewards come back
  8. What would upping the back spricket do for me as I can't find much info in it ?
  9. Will changing the sprokets help me go up hills better ? My ybr struggles getting up the big hilpl when coming home from work but it is fine on the flat and down hills but will not go over 40 ish on this bank and as its a 60 mph road I look a right div LOL is thee a way to make this improve ? I have spoken to a lad at work about this and he said he changed his on his old ybr , what he didw was add ane extra tooth on the front and what that did was make it faster on the flat but made his fifth gear non existent but that would be no good for me,is there a way to do what I'm looking for ?
  10. I know how you feel mate my ybr could do with a bit more power when going up hills .on some it will not go faster than 45mph LOL
  11. paul-666

    Northern Meet

    Yes that would be a bit far like LOL
  12. paul-666

    Northern Meet

    There is a place where my matemeets up with other bikers at The Pit stop cafe bike meet at the old philly bus station in Washington If any one was looking for some where to meet up its on a Monday night 5pm till late I was told there are a few people get to it I may have a look myself . HTH any one local
  13. Just seen this thread and I can say I have riden my bike threw all the bad weather and it was ok a few scary moments but stayed on threw the bad times . The only bad thing was my hands would be nearly blue by the time I got to work lol and I had a great time in the snow going sideways along the street was along my back street was fun when I got used to it but most of all enjoyed taking the hit and miss out of the fair wearer riders LOL
  14. paul-666

    Northern Meet

    Where were you thinking of as I'm in Duham if that's fare enough north for you just let me know when and where and I'll see if I can get to the meet
  15. could you do somthing like this on a motorbike tyre ??
  16. paul-666

    YBR grips

    sounds like you recomed them then ? as I was looking at these and was a bit put off when they could drain the battery this meens I'd be stuck at work or in the house untill I get the battery charged is there no way for them to be turned off when you turn the bike off ??
  17. cheers for the info mate I went to the local auto shop they had one size bulb but the smaller one they had never seen before and said go to a main deeler for the part and I bet it wont be £2.99 for two bulbs from there lol
  18. just had it all to bits to find that the light on the fuel gage is a difrent size to the speedo and all it says on the bulb is ZM 12V 1.7W but the when I type it in to ebay it comes up with nothing in the search but if I type in 12v 1.7w it comes up with a few but I'm not to sure on if its the coret fitting http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/330799295865?_trksid=p5197.c0.m619 they look the same as the ones I need but not to sure on what the ZM ment ??? And for the smaller bulbs for the indicators etc on the display the bulb only has this printed on it and it has me well confused (VCH D8P 12/1 21 12V ) any Ideas on what they actually could be ???
  19. I seen this today and thaught you may want to have a look http://www.gizmag.com/meet-the-greenfly-the-worlds-first-lpg-motorcycle/10414/
  20. If all these fail get a piece of 3 mm steel and if you wear that out I cant help lol
  21. I was planning on leaving for work earlyer on a moning so if the roads are bad I'll get there in plenty of time even if I have to go extra slow and as the bad weater hits where I live first around here and lat sat when every where close by to where we live had a dusting of snow there was a 1" on the floor here so I'm thinking theres going to be skating times ahead lol
  22. my mirrors fog up in the fog its a pain lol
  23. the only thing I could find on studed tyres are DIY ones I donn't know how I would get them on my ybr 125 tho lol http://www.snowmobiletrails.com/moto/index.html
  24. also come across this http://www.lifetimerepairkits.com/Tire_Grip_Winter_Traction_Aid_kit.html
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