Everything posted by mailee
- Mug Shots
English 101 (for Americans)
Here are a couple more different words in uk /usa speak Indicators are turn signals and a torch is a flash light. and how about a fanny! it's your bum. :-)
Biker hit and run
Well that statement has got to be wrong as they stated he had suffered bruising of the brain....he obviously hadn't got one! I hope the cager was ok though.
Look who I met!
Just returned from Barton bike night and it was a great night. I met this guy there who seems to be a bike racer or something. :oops: There were hundreds of bikes there and one that caught my eye was this one that I had never seen before. Anyone know anything about these bikes? a very unusual design indeed. :?
virago whine on deceleration
Yup, I have the whine on my 750 too. It is quite normal for the Virago it is shaft drive after all. Had me worried at first too.
ma new ride
Not my colour but a very nice bike indeed.
Armed police!
How about a nice Barratt .50, bit more range.
Armed police!
Are you sure it was a radar gun and not a Glock? !!
Armed police!
Just got back from a trip out to Willingham woods, well got to as the sun was out. there were three policemen in front of us int he queue for tea and two of them were wearing guns! :? Now I know they are red hot on speeding bikers on that road but i think this is taking it a bit too far! So next time you are hitting the red line down that road better duck as it may not be a radar gun in his hand!
Counter steering
Counter steering seems to be the flavour of the month at the moment. It seems like most people can't remember back to being kids and riding push bikes?? It was a natural instinct then as it is now on two wheels. What's the mystery?
worst scooter driver ever!
Absolutely fantastic, I just spat my coffee all over my laptop.
The old mans new toy!
Oh, what a lovely bike. very nice, I envy your old man.
Settling in to it
Well today I went out for a good ride. not too exciting you might say but it is the first real ride on my own bike since passing my test on Monday. I did a short trip on Wednesday but the rain stopped play so this is my first 'real ride' I set off around town taking my time and getting used to the different balance of the Virago to the ER6 that I had taken my tests on so my corners were a bit slow to start with. I then headed out of town on some of the country roads while the weather was fine. After a few miles I found I started to relax more and my gear changing got smoother. The Virago is no R1 and is pretty sedate which is fine for me and I soon found I was accelerating faster and giving the throttle a good twist. At one point on a long straight road I actually touched 80 MPH! then down came the rain which had been forecast but wasn't too heavy just a light shower so I pressed on with a large grin on my face. the rain did stop I am happy to say and before long it was getting dull and looking at my clock it read 8.30! time to go home I thought and made the run home to find that i had been out for three hours and covered 40 miles! When I got off the bike I had a grin so wide it must have looked like my throat had been cut. LOL. I can't wait for my next ride now.
Damp start!
Well after passing my test on Monday I actually got out on the bike this evening. The intention was to go to Willingham Woods and I set off to my mates home where we would set off from. Half way to his home the heavens opened up! Bummer. :roll: Got to his home and had a cuppa while we waited to see if it would stop. it didn't and I ended up riding back home again in the rain. All in all it was about a twenty minute ride and I was soaked at the end of it but it was worth every minute to be out on the road on my own bike. and I have stopped shaking now.
Nailed MOD 2
Well I passed the MOD 2 today! I ended up with 7 minors mainly for being slow on the country roads and hesitation but it is still a pass and my freedom, whoo hoo! Now to get the bike insured and taxed and get on with it.
xvs 650 or xv535
But I love my Viggie 750, boo hoo. No tassles though That is just not cool. Love chrome though. I AM a small rider though.
Village shop
It's not the local shop for local people from Roysten Vasey is it? LOL.
Ok, well mine was a character in a book I once wrote.
Lifes big questions
What came first, Chicken or the egg?? And the real brain teaser, how does a woman's mind work? clouds have tons of water in them, how do they stay up??
I'm not dying ... I hope.
"meet your maker thinking where the hell did he come from" that really amused me....but true. Well you know what they say about us oldies, there is a young man inside trying to get out! and that's so true too.
Finally I passed!
Well i finally passed MOD 1 after three failed attempts! Was pretty nervous again this morning and not looking forward to the avoidance again, lots of deep breaths trying to get karma and then repeating to myself 'I can do this'...and I did. What a happy bunny I am today. Roll on MOD 2.
Another Day at the Office
Oh brilliant Jimmy, that brought back some memories for me. I used to be a diving instructor and we had a few trips up to the West coast. One of the best times up there was taking our club RIB from the mainland to Tobermory where we stayed for a week and dived around the island. Our trip over was as smooth as silk and the sea was like a mill pond. (I actually fell asleep between the tubes) Different ride on the way home though as it was horizontal hail! also spent a lot of time on the isle of Mull at the university diving station. Ah the good old days. I certainly envy you up there....and as for the bike....WOW!
new members asking questions without an introduction
Well personally I think it is pretty clear enough: 'New members welcome area' says it all really. I can't see how anyone can miss it?
m³ of bikes
I just read under the heading: 'Message to our customers' "To provide a good source of inexpensive reliable used tractors" !!?? just what are they trying to say?
Are Muslim Extremists Invading Britain?
Religion has to be the biggest course for starting wars throughout history! I am a great believer of 'When in Rome' I would never dream of going to another country and laying down my own rules! We should be more like Australia.