Everything posted by mailee
Virago Tyre choice
I just replaced my front tyre on my viggie 750 with another Avon Venom and can't fault them.
Virago 750 exhaust
Has anyone on here used this company for exhausts? I am thinking of getting one of these for my 750 virago but was wondering just how loud it would be? At the moment the bike is fitted with the original 'pea shooters' http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/151279725859?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 TIA.
Wife lists bike lol.
That is brilliant! Had me in stitches.
Aldi Motorcycle gear 9th March
I was in there first thing this morning and bought a pair of the jeans and a set of the compression base layers. There were a lot of bikers there too.
- Aw bummer
Aw bummer
Had a really good ride out today starting with a breakfast at a local bikers cafe and visiting a friends home. Got back home and gave the bike a good clean only to find a large nail in the front tyre! bummer! Curiosity got the better of me and I pulled it out....it had gone through! Still I suppose I was lucky it didn't happen on the road. Guess I will now have to take the wheel off and get it fixed.
Anyone manage to get out today?
Yep went out today for the first time in about a month. Set off at 11.30am and arrived back home at 4.30pm. Great ride around the Lincolnshire countryside and came home quite warm with just a couple of fingers chilly....and of course a big grin on my face.
'97 XV535 vs. XV535 from all other years
I have read that the earlier models had starter issues. The later models were modified and so more reliable. I also think they made the tank bigger on the later models as the earlier ones had a small tank under the seat.
Diecast Cars & Flashing Lights
They look great. What scale are they?
Dickhead at work goes in my bag
Ah! there you go then, get one of those crazy kids to guard your bag while your at work. Sorry boss didn't know anything about that kid in the locker room and how he got hold of a hatchet is anyone's guess. LOL. I think the mousetrap is the best one ask my son. he he.
OH NO! I didn't mean....oh bu**er. i dropped myself in it there didn't I? LOL.
I LOVE MY VIAGRA it's the 750 though...and I am small. :-)
which old duffers remember this.
Oh yes, I do remember that. And I call the music on the radio today! LOL.
Balls of steel!
LOL, so do I but not at 100 MPH!
Balls of steel!
Now this guy has got some guts or is it nuts? http://news.sky.com/story/1147663/wingsuiter-jeb-corliss-in-flying-dagger-jump
Pilninggas' new toy
Nowt wrong with a viggie. I love mine to bits, always gives me a grin when I'm out on it.
How to avoid tyre removal fee
I think you might have a problem going to the tyre company to have it taken off if your having it powder coated.....how do you get home?? LOL.
Who's you favourite riding legend?
Mike Hailwood gets my vote.
Found this website useful...
I have the Viper RS 131 but there is no specs on this one on that site. I assume it must be the same rating as the 121 model. I am happy with mine although I have never had a spill with it.
Things you wish you'd known when you were starting out on a bike, and things you're glad you did
Worst thing I did when I started riding was buy a Haynes manual thinking it would show me everything......it didn't. Bought the Clymer manual, much better. Best thing I ever did was choose the bike over the wife, the feeling of freedom is worth it's weight in gold. LOL.
What is this Part/Fitting?
Ah yes, that's a Decombooberator.
Ian's Cartoon Corner
A friend of mine once stated after his divorce that he would never marry again, he would just find a woman he hated and give her a house. and that's why I am now single.
Yam Virago 535
I was under the impression that pre 90 versions had the starter problem after which it was changed to a solenoid system which cured it.
Yes/No on buying a 94 Virago 535?
I own a 750 Virago ok it's not a 535 but essentially the same bike. The starter was only a problem on the earlier models and was sorted around 92. I love the Virago as I tried a Dragstar before i bought a bike and found the forward foot controls too far a stretch for me. I am 5'4" and of slight build. (And no I am not a poof) Yes the virago is not a performance bike and is not really a full blown cruiser but it is a joy to ride, reliable, and what's more it isn't full of electronics that can go wrong! Servicing is simple and cheap and the addition of a shaft drive in my opinion is a godsend compared to a chain. It is a nice sedate ride but has when needed on occasion surprised me with it's acceleration. I am very happy i bought it and would buy another tomorrow.
Too Hot For Comfort
Aw, cmon guys, it is about time we had some decent weather after all the polar weather we had last year and so far this year. I love the hot weather and yes it is hot on the bike but you can always carry a bottle of water to cool you down.