Everything posted by bippo
Found my next bike :)
Thanks Paul. It is a big jump up from the YBR! But it's such an easy bike to ride, in many respects its easier to ride then the YBR (as silly as that may sound). I just did a 200 mile jaunt on A roads last night to get down to my parents, was absolute bliss!
Found my next bike :)
Thanks Ryan! I'm about to go down to my parents for a few days. Not taking the car (why would I?!) and I'm not touching a motorway. It's A roads for me all the way and I can't wait!
YBR rear wheel swap
Just note that your smaller tyres will be better at carving through any snow etc, seeing as you're a winter rider. I went to a Mini show in my classic Cooper Sport once, it had been raining heavily a few days before and the field we were parking in was muddy. My car got stuck because of the fat wheels. Managed to get it out by sticking it in 2nd and rocking it. Sprayed the Mini behind me who then strolled round me with their skinny (standard) wheels. Oops... You also have to consider the additional weight and affect on speed etc. You've already mentioned that your YBR struggles up the hill to your house, so I'm not sure if this will help or hinder matters.
- SMIDSY petition
YBR rear wheel swap
I never had a problem with the Pilot Sporty tyres - not sure if you have them on your YBR Paul? Rode through winter without concerns over grip, and you can get a decent lean on them too. Compare them against the original tyres and you can see how different they are.
What do you do while you're stationary at lights or in traffic?
I used to leave my YBR in 1st, unless I knew I'd be there for a very long time, but that's only because the gearbox was a little funny and finding neutral was sometimes difficult. But other than that I just used to look around, checking my mirrors occasionally to see if there were any potential hazards emerging behind me. I don't bother with pretending like I'm doing anything else though. My Tiger is a much nicer gearbox, so I'm getting into the habit of popping it into neutral - the fuel tank is so ridiculously high it makes for a nice place to rest my arms. But that's it really for me, having a look about, including what's happening behind me. Pretty boring I suppose!
Found my next bike :)
It sure is a tall bike. I'm 5'8", so add a little bit to that with bike boots on. On level ground I can nearly flat foot. The bike has an adjustable seat, 810mm or 830mm. Naturally I'm on the lowest setting, but apart from that I've left the bike standard. They have the option of a lower seat (£££) and obviously people have lowered the suspension etc so I have scope should I not adjust. I know they are completely different bikes but it's interesting, but on paper this bike has the same wet weight (210kg) and seat height (810mm) as the Kawasaki ER-6f I was originally looking at getting. However because the weight was so low down it was a doddle to push about. When on that bike the seat was so narrow I could flat foot with knees bent. Getting on it was easy too because the pillion seat is lower. I even sat on a Versys 650 in the showroom and with a seat height of 845mm I was on tip toes, but it was manageable. I just find it amazing how different bikes can feel compared with how they are on paper.
Found my next bike :)
Thanks Jimmy! I really love the look of the Scambler, they had a couple in the showroom while I was waiting. Could be tempted by that...! The top box came free with it. I have to admit, I don't like the look of top boxes, but they are practical, in fact I've already used it as I popped to the shops yesterday while on my adventure! But in answer to your question, no I'll only have it on the bike when I need it. You can remove it within a matter of seconds with the key.
Found my next bike :)
Thanks guys! And Tommy, I'm sure you're right, I do remember being phased by the YBR too. It was funny, whenever stationary in traffic, I thought a nice bike had stopped behind me because of the noise from the exhaust. Then I realised it was me!! Made me smile - the YBR was so quiet, any loud bike just drowned it out (as you'd expect from a 125).
Found my next bike :)
So I picked up my bike first thing this morning. Funnily enough I wasn't nervous about riding it, instead it was the thought of just getting on the bike in front of the showroom, silly i know. The bike is quite tall and I had visions that I'd smack my leg into the pillion seat. So that's exactly what I did... Idiot! Anyway, second attempt and I was on. Then my nerves moved onto the height of the bike and starting to think about stopping on roads with an uneven surface. but i pushed that to the back of my mind and set off for the 40ish mile trip home over the Pennines. En route I stopped off at an industrial park to practice some slow speed manoeuvres, just to become acquainted with my new steed. The ride home was fun, and even the rain didn't put a downer on things. Once I got home, I dropped off all the paperwork etc then went out for another ride. I even went on the motorway for the first time ever on a bike. The screen and fairing made it a pleasant experience actually. However I soon got bored and made my way back to the twisties! The height is now less of a concern, so I think if I continue to gain confidence in the bike I won't find myself thinking about that too much. My main observation is how heavy it is when pushing it. Blokes may find it easier I don't know, but I've already pulled both my arms while trying to straighten it up outside my house, ha ha!
lets just say im not very happy!
Jeez Noise. Really lucky he didn't actually hit your house. Hope it isn't too much agro to sort everything out.
first ride outside with my XVS950A
Ahh yeah, great roads aren't they! I'm picking my bike up tomorrow at 9!! I have a nice ride back over the Pennines, 40 miles or so. Riding on roads similar to that in your pictures. Can't wait!
Grandpa and his new "toy!"
Who's to say I haven't already got one...
first ride outside with my XVS950A
That's just great - bet you have a huge grin on your face when riding! Where were those pictures taken?
Bye bye project mong :(
Foamy has competition here for sure...! This is a tempting offer, I won't lie. ;-)
Bye bye project mong :(
I'm picking it up this Saturday! Can't friggin' wait! Feels like its taken an absolute age, but not that bad in the scheme of things. I would have liked them to of pushed it through for last weekend (bike arrived at garage in plenty of time for PDI etc) but that didn't happen. This week I've been away with work, so have had to go without... But I'll be at the garage early doors tomorrow. Very excited, not ridden now since I passed my test 3 weeks ago. We've had some lovely weather and a drive in the car just doesn't cut the mustard!
Guess the price of an ebay item game
I got it spot on, no word of a lie.
What happens next?...
It's the still images at the end of the video that put it into perspective!
Bye bye project mong :(
Glad it's sold Foamy. I sold my YBR at the weekend, thought I'd be heartbroken (first bike, some brilliant memories and it made me always opt for the bike instead of the car, even over winter) but oddly I've hardly thought about it... Some 17 year old lad is now the proud owner of the bike I cared for so much. I didn't meet him as his dad came to collect, but he seemed like a decent bloke. I do hope it's looked after.
- i`m done
Yamaha's brand new model, The MT-09
A lot more than one of these bikes Tommy! Ouch...
Yamaha's brand new model, The MT-09
I like it to, and love the purple-style paint option. The Yammy website is quoting £6,799 for one of these Ian.
Proper introductions
Welcome to the forum Steve, great intro and glad you managed to find a compromise!
Nailed MOD 2
Yay! Well done, its a great feeling isn't it! Enjoy the fantastic weather on your new steed.
- ooops