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Everything posted by bippo

  1. The cover was huge on my YBR too - I used to bungee it round the bike. A right pain, but helped keep it in place. Anyway, glad you got your parts Nigel. Heard the weather is supposed to be ok tomorrow. A bit of rain in the morning I think? But who really knows for sure eh! I'm off out on my bike tomorrow, woohoo!
  2. True... Where's the fun in that... I rather enjoyed cruising past Paul on the way back to Squires last year. Made up for him giving me a run for his money on the ride to Stafford. Bandit vs. YBR... Hmm... Ha ha!
  3. I might join you Drewps, would be a good ride and depending in weather I could fit it in with a few nights camping...
  4. I don't have a classic bike, or a Yammy but rest assured I'll try my best to come along to whatever you plan this year. Miles aren't a problem with my bike so don't have any preference on location if Squires is a no go. Granted I couldn't camp last year (work) but it would have been great to. Plus I still owe Kev a drink for being so kind and getting the round in last time! We seem to have a few Southern based regular contributors to the forum (Noise, Mike, Slice), along with our token token Taffy (Welshy). I know it's a pipe dream, but ideally it would be great to see a few more attendees this time! Is there anything Midlands based? I know these things aren't easy to plan, but just thought I I'd throw it out there. In essence, no burning desire / opinions from me, I'll go with the flow and am also happy to help out where possible! It was truly great meeting so many of you last year and would recommend it to anyone on the forum.
  5. Love the "sensible persons" high-viz jacket to compliment such glorious riding. There's an oxymoron to be proud of...
  6. FYI, it's also displaying the same on my iPad. I use Tapatalk most of the time though so works fine via that!
  7. Mine is doing the same on OSX, via Safari, Firefox and Chrome. Must be a wider issue.
  8. I should know, been out today in my own bikini today. Oh dear, for anyone who's met me, that'll conjure up horrid thoughts... Ha ha!! Where's that bottle of Mind Bleach that crops up whenever Foamy's been about?
  9. Very nice indeed DDT - and cracking weather for it too! Enjoy yourself out there.
  10. Happy New Year everyone!
  11. Yeah, lower centre of gravity = more resistant to cross-wind... Logic in there somewhere I'm sure... *cough*
  12. Regardless of the bike I'm sure it'll be great fun! Fingers crossed the weather will be good for you.
  13. Jeez Nigel, sorry to hear that. With my camping trip to Cornwall before Crimbo my Tiger was physically rocking in the wind, and that's a heavy bike! It was better when I removed the luggage, but still didn't like leaving it, ha ha!
  14. Gorgeous scenery. So does this mean you'll be cruising about on a Beemer with the package you won?
  15. Definitely take it easy Grouch - you can bash the final 200 miles out in a couple of rides, my average Sunday morning ride on my 125 was 120 miles. I'll admit it, having run in a 125 and now a bigger bike I did find the 125 a struggle purely because they are so slow when adhering to the manual, but it'll be worth it. You've bought yourself a very expensive 125 so treat it well! When running my 125 in I went out early / late to reduce the risk of someone around me getting pissed off by my granny antics, so maybe do the same for your final 200. Have to admit, I thought you would have long since clocked up these 500 miles, I couldn't be torn off my bike when I first got it, always taking to long way to everything, ha ha!
  16. Bloody hell DDT!! What a win! Well done you, looking forward to seeing pics of it. And as for your woman, definitely a keeper, ha ha!! Christmas was really good for me too, more camping gear so no excuses next year! In terms of biking stuff: ROK straps, handlebar bag (easier to get my work pass out of!), roll top bag, top box liner bag, new winter gloves, key ring, acoustic earplugs, Triumph t-shirt and jacket, loads of winter socks. In addition to the tank bag I bought myself shortly before Crimbo I think I did pretty well!
  17. That metal tank must have been cold against his manhood...!
  18. Merry Christmas everyone!! Hope you all have a cracking day.
  19. Ooh er... Sorry to hear about this, but glad you're alright and glad the crash protection did a good enough job. The day you posted this it was particularly icy out, I nearly stacked it on the morning dog walk. Embarrassing...
  20. bippo

    New toy :D

    Looks great, enjoy it!!
  21. bippo

    Adventure time...!

    Thanks everyone. And Kev - you're quite right, what a rookie drop, ha ha! Grouch, definitely get on it next year, no excuse now. I enjoyed travelling about on my 125, it makes for good adventures! 450 miles for one trip on my YBR, and I think Andrew Elvis did an even more ridiculous amount on his SR for this years Squires trip.
  22. bippo


    It's all about Christopher Lee for this years Christmas number 1... http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/christopher-lee-heavy-metal-christmas-2929902 Ha ha! Legend. Even have a movie poster of his hanging in my kitchen. That'll show the drones...
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