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Everything posted by bippo

  1. Sweet, I enjoyed following this J0hn - you've done a cracking job! Take care out there while you get used to it, and I'm looking forward to the videos and other updates. :-)
  2. My car insurance was expensive when I rented a flat in Salford Quays, but nothing like that!! Dropped dramatically when I moved away though, phew!
  3. This story should be shared with more people, but then again if they're stupid enough to jump on a bike without adequate clothing then I doubt they'll care. Just glad I'm not one of them! I met someone who fell off a moped they hired in Tenerife when they were younger. Only going about 20mph and came off on some gravel. Like a true tourist, she was wearing shorts and a vest, she needed a skin graft from her thighs, permanently scarred. I know someone (huge ego) who obtained his bike licence not long before I did. They are very much a summer rider with a GSXR750 - cruising around in normal jeans, trainers, t-shirt and motor cross gloves. Casually admits to bombing around at 140mph on the M3, while chatting on his helmet Bluetooth too. I'm waiting for the funeral...
  4. bippo

    S H E D S

    As a woman, I sadly don't have a man cave to call my own. But I do have my own little haven in the house though - I would call it a "lady cave", but that's just pure wrong... Anyway, I've got my guitar hanging on the wall, my office space, music and films, bike magazines, somewhere for the dog to hang out with me and all of my biking gear gets stored in there.
  5. I'm quite slack with this I must admit... My current bike hasn't been cleaned yet. Nearly 3000 miles since I got it. It's covered in bugs from evening rides in this glorious weather - but hey it's my all-weather workhorse so I think it's supposed to look grubby. I do keep the chain cleaned and lubed though as we'll as a general sense check of electrics, tyres and anything obviously a-miss with the beast. Plus regular servicing, so it isn't completely neglected!
  6. When I was a little-un I used to clean my Dads car with him, I'd clean the inside while he did the outside. I polished the steering wheel once with a load of Mr. Sheen (immaculate job might I add). He very nearly drove the car into a wall next to our drive as he was left for work the next day...
  7. What a great start to a Sunday, ha ha!!
  8. Thanks Gazzy! Yeah, it's a great bike - my first 'grown-up' bike, so it's hard for me to give an honest opinion, as quite frankly it's always going to be miles better than my little YBR!! Think I'm finding it's positioning the hardest, it's quite a large bike, so have found myself stretching for the handlebars etc, but slow adjustments each time are making it easier. I've adjusted the handlebars, found a happy medium with the screen, and fitting the handguards have also made a difference to comfort. Am thinking that a different seat is the next step, but I'm persevering for now. It's fine for short trips, and I appreciate it needed wearing in (new bike), but the recent long trip I did (800 miles in 2 days) was a struggle on the ass - more so than the YBR!! I'm 5'8" - 32" leg and can fully agree with it's height! Depending on the ground beneath me, I can struggle to get my foot down. I'm more comfortable with the bike now though, but the biggest thing for me was getting on and off the bike as the pillion seat is quite long and tall. After a few days of ownership I clouted my knee into the pillion grab handle and received my first battle scar, ha ha! All good now though. Now, you won't have that problem at all on your XVS!! In terms of pillion riding - the engine behaves as if they aren't even there, it's great!
  9. Yesterday was spent fitting some handguards in prep for my winter commute over the Pennines. I know, it's terrible that I'm already thinking about winter! Went for a blast over to the Rocket Centre in Blackburn to see what they were like at speed. Really happy with them, had still air around my fingers, which will suck in summer, but very much a god-send in our darker months! Anyway, here's a quick snap of them at the Rocket Centre: I picked up a new tax disc from there as the stock one keeps ditching my tax disc around the place... So have bought something a little sturdier and will also be moving where it's mounted to the left-side of the screen. I completed my jaunt with a long ride home, all-in-all, 110 miles added to my new steed!
  10. This months Ride magazine has a supplement about France. Some useful info in it, and some recommended routes.
  11. Sorry, I'm not chipping in to offer any technical advice whatsoever - but I did just want to say that's a sweet looking bike John. Hope you enjoy it (once you finish off these bits!)
  12. I know blackhat, I'm kicking myself that I didn't get a picture! If they arrived 5 minutes earlier I still had my stuff out so could have snuck a snap of her. Instead she (sadly) lives on in my memory...!
  13. Thanks Gaz! Yeah it's a lovely place. We're lucky in this country, there are a fair few places that are just lovely, Cornwall being just one. Yep, live in Glossop, just off Snake Pass in fact, so you would have gone past my house! Great road, but a shocking number of sirens are heard speed by on a sunny day...
  14. Yeah Tommy - and I needed it - I could feel that bike sinking in the grass...
  15. Welcome back mate!
  16. And you should see what I can do with it... ;-)
  17. Yeah it sure is a long jaunt for one night in a field, but I wanted an excuse to go out for a proper ride on my bike! It was fantastic, and I'd do it again in a shot. :-) No, I sold the YBR privately, got the price I wanted with no haggling so it was a breeze. I had nothing to hide with the bike so it sold itself really. Originally, when I was looking at getting the ER-6f I was going to trade it in, but the Triumph garage I bought mine from sold purely Triumphs so only had larger CC bikes - personally I don't think they wanted the hassle of trading it on.
  18. Thanks Ian! The bike faired really well - it's definitely a mile-muncher. I would have clocked up more miles, but I ended up being the weak link!
  19. Hey guys, I got back from my short bike adventure late last night, had a wicked time! Here's a breakdown of what I got up to: The trip down Quick check of the bike, loaded up and left Glossop around 11.30pm on Friday. Headed down via Buxton - Leek - Stone - Stafford - Wolverhampton - Kidderminster - Worcester. Absolutely loving the fact that my headlights light my way (as opposed to my YBR)! I ended up joining the M5 at Worcester. It wasn't my original plan, but I rather foolishly left without a map (pretty much the A38 at that point all the way to Tiverton - but I didn't want to risk straying). I was also aware of time - a very short trip and I wanted to enjoy it in Cornwall as opposed to making my way there. Once on the M5 I stopped at some services for some petrol and a break. Still bedding the new seat in and it was beginning to take it's toll! Anyway I pressed on and made it to may favourite beach, Polzeath, for 6.30am on Saturday. Wonderfully peaceful - and not too hot, so I chilled out there for a while. Here's my bike there: Making good use of the food I bought with me, I also took the opportunity to have some Cornflakes! After that I went for a little ride around Trebetherick, Rock, St. Minver, St. Issey, Padstow, Trevone and St. Merryn before heading to Perranporth. Had a little wander around the town until 10am before heading to the campsite. The campsite Ample choice in Cornwall as you very well know, but I chose Blue Hills Touring Park in Trevellas purely because the owners are bikers! They were fully booked this weekend, but it didn't feel overcrowded. The have no set check-in / check-out times which is a positive during off-peak times, but a little frustrating when they are busy as I had to wait for 2 hours before a pitch was available. Not the end of the world though as I could talk bikes to the owners! They have both toured the world on their Honda Dominators - some great sounding trips that just made me jealous. Gary's Dominator was there - and it really did look well travelled! I bet it has a good few stories to tell. Lou also writes for a bike magazine (forget the name) and had managed to blag a trip to Greece for 2 months on a Bonneville, complete with sidecar for their dog. Overall, their lifestyle just made me green with envy!! Anyway, got to my pitch just after 12, it was absolutely massive, so I squashed up in case they could squeeze someone else in, which they did. Even with that we still had plenty of room. Pitching a tent in the mid-day sun on such a hot day isn't fun, so I did the quickest possible job of it! With no rain or wind, I wasn't too concerned. Then came the dilemma, do I stick around in the campsite without any alcohol, or go to the trouble of gearing up again in the scorching sun? I chose to go out again, not wanting to risk safety too much, I did compromise and take my knee and back pads out of my gear. A few tears later I was back in full biking attire and feeling the heat. But once I was out of the single-track roads and able to get some speed the grin was back on my face! I didn't want to go to all that effort for a short trip, so ended up heading over to Wadebridge where I picked up my supplies. By the time I got back to the campsite, it was starting to get a little cooler, so I just spent my time relaxing, drinking, reading, listening to music and cooking. Bikes are also far more practical than cars - they make for a good washing line! I wasn't the only biker in the campsite - spotted a GS1200 and got chatting to a husband and wife who both own Buell Thunderbolt's. They didn't have the bikes on them (Greyhounds came with them for the holiday), but it was nice being on a campsite that embraced biking. I went for a stroll down to the nearby beach around 6.30pm - Trevellas Porth I think it's called. The tide was in, but I understand it's a lovely beach. Regardless of that I just sat and enjoyed the peace, as well as taking in the sites of the beautiful derelict buildings of an old Tin Town. I had to get a picture of my bike in this setting... The final day 7.30am start to my day where the aim was to pack up as quickly as possible. I knew it was going to be another hot day and I didn't want to mess about with the tent when it was too hot. Good job really as by 8.30am the sun already meant business. Back on the road at 9.30am, I headed back to that beach. A little navigation around some hairpins (freshly gravelled by the Council a week before) and I found a picturesque spot. Just a shame that the only camera I had on me was that of an iPad. Very difficult to get a good picture with the sun shining down on the screen, but here goes: Back on the bike and I went towards The Lizard, taking in some great country lanes between Gweek and Penryn. By the time I found myself back on a main road (near Redruth) I decided I should make tracks towards home. Hayfever was beginning to get the better of me, and the heat was crazy. I got to just outside of Okehampton before the heat got the better of me and I needed some shade. I found a good spot in a carpark and ended up staying there until 4pm. Had fun watching the world go by, listening to music, stocking up on fluids and grabbing a bite to eat. At one point, a bloke parked up next to me on this RD125 (which was in great condition): After that, it was just a dull trip home, where I'll only bore you further with another story... Stopped in some services on the M5. Getting ready to leave and I hear the tone of some bikes approaching, so I stop and look. Along comes a husband and wife duo, both on matching R1's with matching helmets. They perform a stupid (and pointless overtake) of a bewildered car driver. Let me try to explain this as best as possible... Car was getting ready to leave, they were indicating left (towards the exit) and had quite rightly stopped at a give way sign, because the road they were going to pull out onto had a vehicle on it, also heading to the exit. So basically, nothing wrong with what either car was doing. The bikes suddenly appear at speed in a car park, husband in front. They intended on riding straight over this junction towards the services entrance. Instead of waiting two seconds for the car to pass and the other to pull out, they steam towards the junction, beep and then excessively rev the engine, pull onto the other side of the road at this junction and cruise straight over, in the path of one of the cars. Then, in true parrot-fashion, the wife copies her husband (complete with imitation throttle blipping). So, there's a 'thanks no. 1' for brandishing all bikers with the 'pillock' stamp. But to top it off - both were in shorts and vest tops, oh - and no gloves. Just great. You immediately want them to fall off their bikes. But finally, let me leave you with this mental image of the whole affair... Imagine the wife (on an R1, you recall?) Well she was about 5'2" and had the girth of Dawn French. Can you all picture Dawn French bent over a sportsbike in shorts and a vest? I hope you can, and then you can all experience the vomit in the back of your throat as I did when I saw it. Of course, I'd like to believe that both of them really used those R1's to their full potential, but my heart says 'no' for some reason...! After that delightful experience, I pressed on home. I reset my trip back on that Friday evening, and feel rather pleased with myself for having clocked up 16 and a half hours of riding and over 800 miles: Short-lived, but it was my first biking adventure, and I loved every minute of it! Scotland next methinks...
  20. Well at least you managed to go for a good ride Ian - and Bude is a nice place so not all bad! An adventure is still an adventure, even if it didn't go quite according to plan. I have my campsite booked for Saturday, staying near Perranporth. I'm working from home tomorrow so will give my bike the once over, pack, plan my route and leave around 11pm / midnight for a leisurely jaunt down. Will be heading to my favourite beach (Polzeath) first, then I'll just play the rest by ear.
  21. Enjoy yourself, and safe travels!
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