Everything posted by dzish
Steering key
Hi, I own a Yamaha DT 50/80 R. I bought the motorcycle with unlocked steering wheel, and no key from that lock. I was wandering, is it possible to make a key for this? What do I need to disassembly so I can remove the cylinder (without damage it) and take it to key maker? Thanks
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
Clutch washer plates
You can see the motorcycle Basket and clutch plates are the same with DT 125
Clutch washer plates
I bought a set of new clutch plates for my DT 80, and I tried to do the change yesterday. But when I remove the old clutch plates, in the basket there was 5 clutch plates and 3 washer plates (between two clutch plates one washer plate is missing) . So I was wondering is it ok to leave it like that, or should I look for washer plate? Worth to be mentioned: one of the old plate (where waser plate was missing), was broken. I`ll put an image when I go home.
"Upgrade" to Windows 8???
I had older TV tuner which worked fine on Win XP. When I move to Win 7, there was no support for my tuner, and driver from XP was not supported in Win 7, so my tuner was useless... until I moved to win 8. Then I was able to use the driver from XP, so my personal opinion is that win 8 will be as good as win 7 (I think that sometime is better) with older software and hardware. Also RAM usage is lower at win 8, which is important if you had 1 GB.
"Upgrade" to Windows 8???
Win 8 is much faster and better optimised than 7. If you not like how start meny looks with metro style, you can simply go to http://ninite.com/ and find Classic Start.... It is a Classic Shell for Win8 wich make start meny to look classic.
WTF remember this ?
This video is EPIC. Maybee something near mr. Trolololo
Oil will be history,,
Yeah, but have one in mind... We cannot afford to make fuel from food. Number of people is constantly going up, and there is possibility of lack of food. Maybe some bio diesel from grass and leaves will be invented soon, and that is the best we can count on. I have read a lot about NASA space science... the first Discovery is almost 30 year old, and it is powered by some nuclear power battery with size as normal car battery much or less (or it can power normal house for 10 years). That might be key to all fuel and electricity problems (imagine instead of power plants, high voltage transformers, transmission lines and cables, you just had one 1m x 1m x 1m lets say hole with a battery in it, and your house is connected to electricity) but as long as we have consumers society we are not going to see something in production which will save money, and make you free from bills.
Oil will be history,,
I`d like to see that, but my opinion is that until we have oil, we will look at the electrics concepts which will be stored in a drawer waiting for a better society... Just look at the all great engine designs who are more efficient than current Oto/Diesel piston engine... There is one Macedonian scientist who can made current engine to work without fumes. He won the first price for innovation at Deaf World/Hearing World in 1996, but his invention was not accepted from car manufacturers. His invention currently is build in his car (Fiat from 1985) and it is kept in his garage bricked from all side to prevent stealing. He also invent chimney extend who do the same thing with fumes from houses/plants. Short video of his home made laboratory (if you can call it like that).
i need your help guys, my bike wont start (at all)
Engine start might fail from 2 reasons: Missing spark or missing fuel. According to what I read here, you might have them both. If you see that plug is sending a spark, return it to the cylinder and try to start the engine with push or find some hill where you can go down at least 200 meters with 25-30 km/h. It should pull the fuel to system and start.
bike advice
You can't really go wrong with any machine wich is not produced in China/Korea.
x-referancing part numbers from different bikes?
Here is the 50 cc engine from my dt R, wich is swaped with dt 80 LC. Are the same engine?
Forum site speed
I`m more reader than writer... Forum site has good speed, all the time.
- F*ckin' had it! >.<
Vehicle: Yamaha DT 50 R (1993)
Name: Yamaha DT 50 R (1993) Date Added: 13 November 2012 - 07:43 PM Owner: dzish Short Description: Yamaha DT 50 R, originaly air cooled, 50 cm3 engine, with 4 speed gearbox. Top speed ~60 km/h Currently, DT 80 LC (liquid cooled), 80 cm3 engine, with 6 speed gearbox. Top speed ~80 km/h View Vehicle
TDM 850 Project
Wow, that look very good. How did you got the texture? Did you use some bumper color with texture applied in it, or there is some technique of painting?
TZR 125 Need more power
If you do not want to do modification of the engine, you can made modification on chain transfer system. If you add smaller sprocket at the rear (one or two teethhs smaller) , you are changing the power transfer ratio, and you can achieve higher speed. But engine torque and acceleration will be (slightly) decreased. Also chain need to be modificated, if you added smaller sprocket, current chain will be very long (remove some pitch is a solution). If you add bigger sprocket at the rear, motorcycle will have smaller top speed, but torque and acceleration are going to be encreased.
Yamaha YZ80 - 1985. Just how much has it changed?
Easiest way to found out if the engine from newer model will fit is to search on the net for frame photos. That is the way I discover it that on dt 50 R frame cannot fit DT 125 engine (and there are a lot of 125 engine here). So I found a RD 80, wich has the same engine with DT 80. It needed a little modification on the rear engine holder, but it fits. Originaly, DT 80 has a pipe wich is placed on the left side of the bike, and DT 50 R () and YZ 80 has the pipe from the right side. Currently I`m using old pipe from dt 50, but I think that it is small. That is why I asked for YZ measurments, if it fits to the cylinder I can order a pipe from ebay.
Yamaha YZ80 - 1985. Just how much has it changed?
Also I need to know... will YZ 80 exhaust will fit to DT 80? Do you have some picc from exhaust pipe?
Yamaha YZ80 - 1985. Just how much has it changed?
Hi, I own a DT 50 r with DT 80 LC engine... I cant say if the YZ and DT 80 engines are identical, but I can help you with pictures and measurments if needed. Your bike should have liquid cooling, right?
Yamaha DT/RD 80 engine parts
Thanks for reply. Did you mean, I should get new bolts and springs with plates also?
Help need please!
According to my opinion, there should be no problem, and you can run the motorcycle with no worries. At the other hand, for approx £ 20 you are taking a risk, because if something go wrong, you can have engine damage which can be more than £100.
Yamaha DT/RD 80 engine parts
Hello, I`ve finaly found the part on ebay.de ... there is a lot of DT/RD 80 engines and parts there, so if someone has similar issue as mine, I`d recommend to check Deutche ebay at least once per week. I was doing it for more than 3 months. here it is, an image from seller. It cost me 27 euros + 12 for shipping. I odred it, so when it is delivered, I`ll let you updated with pictures. Also I was wondering, did anyone try to change clutch plates?
Chinese lead the world................but nothing to do with bikes!
On the first day god created the earth.... Rest was made in China.
1989 DT 50 MX Running problems and parts help please...
Instead of kicking, remove the left cover case, and find the ignition magnet. It is fixed to the crankshaft with nut. So basicly if you can find tool wich fit to the nut, you can rotate the crankshaft with that nut. All you need to do is to rotate engine in correct way, and find a way to connect tool with hand driller. So you have much faster rotation and bigger chances to start engine, or find some hill and push the motorcycle down... it should start. Also it worth to be mentioned... Kick start shaft are not made someone to jump 10 hours per day. They crack very easy.