Everything posted by ACAFFAIR
the road to inverness
How did you know that, i didn't tell anyone !
FJR 1300 A
Hi Aj GTR 1400 I know it is nuts, but i cannot get my head around the tyre pressure sensors in the wheels, checked with a Kawa dealer and they said they can break even when changing tyres, you cannot change the batteries and they cost around £160 each. Some say you can but the dealer says you can't. This is the only problem but is sticking in my throat. Looked at the BMW but would only consider the new 1600 version but way too expensive for my budget. No I'm going to look around for a FJR first, glad you never gave me any horror stories Thanks Again Sid
FJR 1300 A
Hi Aj Brilliant, We have 6 weeks in the sun next year (Spain, France and Italy) so plenty of time to purchase a bike, but glad of your opinion so not to waste time. It's going to be an FJR now not the GTR 1400 as previously planned. The Yamaha comes in a bit expensive but seems a bikers bike to me. Adustable fairng flaps - now that's clever. Thank you again Sid
FJR 1300 A
Hi Aj, I'm looking to change my st1100 primarily because of the engine cooling in hot weather, Travelling through Italy last year and getting caught in traffic jams on the German Autobans for hours got my wind up looking at the temperature guage sitting at max. The bikes weight and clunking 1st gear change will be home from home from the St. I travel with my wife also so comfort is a key to my travel happiness so I'm pleased your wife finds the seat comfortable. When i come to test the bike, i'll look out for the heat transfer to my legs and the other items you mentioned. Thank you for your input Sid
FJR 1300 A
Hi looking to purchase a FJR1300 A 2010/11 model. Anything i should look out for when checking vehicle, as i have no experience on Yamaha bikes Thanks
Purchasing a FJR 1300
Hi, Thinking about purchasing a 2010 /11 FJR1300 A . I have absolutely no experience with Yamaha's What should i look for when checking these bike over as i'm sure there must be some faults as with any bike. Thanks