Seeing as I've been browsing this site for 6 weeks or more and posting the odd reply, thought I'd say hello and tell you a bit about my motoring history.
Been riding bikes since before I was 16 (had an elder brother who had bikes and he had friends with bikes) and started my "official" biking life with an FS1E-DX in yellow. P reg I think and I thought it looked like the dogs bits, especially with the addition of a cockfit fairing and drop bars which did nothing for performance but did keep me a bit drier!
A year or so later I graduated to an RD125DX in metallic red, which was a sweet little twin, that had a bit of performance but struggled 2 up.
Having endured one winter on the FS1E and another on the RD and with parents who were getting increasing annoyed at my regular borrowing of Mum's car, I realised the time had come to migrate to four wheels.
Funds didn't permit the keeping of the bike so with that sold and a good (or at least I thought so at the time) deal on a Mini, my biking carreer was over.
A succession of cars followed; two Mark 1 Escorts, a Rover V8, a Mini traveller, Mark 4 Cortina, two Fiesta's, a BMW 3 series, Fiat Bravo, Golf GTi turbo, an A4 cabriolet, Scenic and 2 Octavia vRS' and here I am now having recently acquired a DT400E (from one of the contributors to this site).
I did have a two year fling with a green KH250 in the early nineties, but kids and work meant it got little use and had to go, even though it did sound sooooooooooooooooooooooooo good!
Thankfully the DT spent the first 34 years of its life in warm and dry California before emigrating to the UK almost a year ago and hence is in lovely condition with the benefit of some careful work done by the previous owner.
I have a few jobs lined up for it when winter comes, namely a barrel and head clean up and respray and a tank respray if funds permit (it doesn't really need it, but the graphics have chipped in a few places and the paint has worn through where the seat touches is it).
Other than that, it's just had a new air filter, some dog leg leavers (from the F) and pattern mirrors. I'm awaiting a front brake light switch as the exisiting one is broken and the brake light stays on permanently and the replacement of the brake shoes as I think the existing ones are the original ones.
I'll get some photos up shortly, though there are some in a post in the For Sale section and please feel free to ask me any questions, as I will surely be asking some when I get stuck with something on the bike!