TheBoltons changed their profile photo
Sorry for being absent...
Not been on for a while and missed loads of posts... Been in and out of hospitals etc many times thanks to the National waste my effin time with no regard to your Health Service... But... SR engine completely stripped down to nothing, crankcase rebonded, all gaskets replaced, everything cleaned to a shine and oiled, and she runs!!! Annoyingly, doesnt like idling again, which is the problem I had and rectified before... Then took it to pieces again :-S I have noticed though if I apply the tiniest mouse fingered throttle, it idles like a dream... Throttle cable has a wee bit of play too, so should I just tighten it a little?
Help! lol. Tightening the chain on a 1999 Sr125?
Exactly as KirriePete says - I have a 99 SR125 and that is exactly right - the bottom of the chain should be at the bottom of the window - just. There will be a littke space above the chain in the window. Any more help needed just send me a message. :-)
new handlebars...
So about to buy some new bars... Then I notice that the wazzock that put racing bars on my SR125 must have also shortened the brake line and possibly the throttle cable... So as I am customizing the rest of the bike, IF I got bigger bars (i.e. Bigger than standards), how awkward would it be to sort out a longer brake line, throttle cable, electrics, etc? I mean obviously it should be child's play, but im thinking the electrics would be more awkward. Anything I should pay close attention to? Also the wire from the clutch lever has corroded to s*** and pretty much broke - are we talking new clutch mount for the bars altogether or can I fix?
The energizer bunny has died
Lol thats a good one... Do you think he carried a Donor Card? Theres other "rabbits" that could do with some of his body parts...
The ghost page
Apologies for the dreadful typos - on me mobile again and the little qwerty just aint compatible with my lightning fast fingertips
The ghost page
Oh and my opinion on religion? Short and sweet, it is glorified dictatorship. The Vatican onky telk people the stufftheywant to, and keep other info ti themselves, they only release the stuff they want to influence people towards a certain decision or way of life. And most other religions do the same. It is all about control, as someone said before, and the reason it works is cos most of the sheep need to believe something, it is in the human genome to long to be part of some sort of group or following or whatever. And to the atheists that dont think they have that longing to be a part of a crowd or group..... If youre reading this, youre part of a group ;-)
The ghost page
First time seeing this thread, feel I have to put in my tuppence. I have had many unexplainable experiences in my life, and it has driven me to research the occult and the paranormal for most of my life. I have quite a strong ESP (whether you believe it or not ;-) ) and am often aware of other parallels coinciding with ours. I have had visits from past family members, allbeit only twice, but regularly sense "visitors" among us. A few points I want to put in, firstly orbs on camera. There are probably many of you that support the whole "dust on the lens" theory, but every year, and I mean EVERY year, any photographs taken of my children at Christmas on ANY camera is flooded with orbs. Every time. Yet photos of others taken on the same cameras don't. Secondly "poltergeists." I do not believe the general "rules" about so called poltergeists but I can tell you they are out there. When I was young I had a favourite He-Man figure (laugh away lol) and it went missing. Nothing strange about that. I was given another for Christmas, identical. Also went missing. So I was give a G I Joe for my birthday. Also went missing. Meanwhile my brother and I suffered night terrors for years in that house, and many recurring nightmares. My mum was constantly scolding us kids for using sharp knives and leaving them in the washing up bowl, yet we never did, typically my mum would start running the water, walk away for a cig, then come back and plunge her hands in expecting nothing but soapy water and find a knife, occasionally cutting herself. And so it went on, until we moved out. Before we did, my dad decided to have the mother of all parties to piss of the council that treated us like shit and the neighbors that made our life hell, and it involved a bonfire like youve never seen it. He even ripped up a few floorboards to keep the fire going. It was underthose floorboards, that hadnt even been exposed in my lifetime, that two He Man dolls, a GI Joe and a few other missing things were found. Make your own mind up. Thirdly, an observation I get a little obsessive about. The human sense of smell. It is one of the only senses that we really take little notice of, yet has more interaction with our brains than we realise. Some of you have mentioned familiar smells of cigarettes which grandparents smoked etc. I regularly smell a perfume, a very distinctive perfume, and only one person ive ever met wore it. My late grandma. Theres also the distinctive smell of my great grandads house, and many others which I smell day to day, on occasion, which have no earthly place at the time. If you pay more attention to your sense of smell, you will find feelings of nostalgia in everything. The smell of soggy fig rolls is always one for me - I used to nick my great grandmas fig rolls and dunk em in her cup of tea. Or Rusks. With my ESP, my sense of smell is often the firat indication I get that something is around. Of the proverbial soap box now, but if anyone wants to know about or chat about anything from past lives to tarot cards to healing stones etc, I have a vast font of knowledge on the subject. (or information I suppose as knowledge is based on fact not theory) Feel free to send me a message ;-)
think my bike is scared of me...
Thanks dt. My old man told me to do something similar but with wd40 instead of water. He reckons its a definite air leak (he was a mechanic for years before his accident) so will be doing that over the weekend. Also replacing the couple of gaskets that I didnt first time round and using gasket sealant this time as I didnt before. Havent been able to keep the bike at a decent enough temp long enough for gaskets to make properly. Few screws are also questionable so replacing them and will whack em in with an impact driver. I do have an inline filter, but will be flushing the tank too. Thanks again all.
think my bike is scared of me...
Checked the carb eleventeen times... Float working fine, needle working fine, no overflow, air filter clean, the only "if" in the carb is the main jet. The nozzle is clean as a whistle, as is the jet screw, but there is a possibility that the hole in the main jet screw is smaller than standard. Being that I had no screw to start with (only the remains of one) I had nothing to compare it with. My local yamaha dealer had no specific parts in for the carb, so I gave him the specs instead of part number and he found one to match. Thinking about buying a whole new carb instead, but would rather avoid that if possible. And then it still dies completely if I try and put it in gear. Putting it away for tonight and hoping I can fix it tomorrow. All help has been and will be appreciated! Thanks!
think my bike is scared of me...
Cynic you are nearly right and you are right. It is a fuel issue - nothing to do with the carb. Managed to isolate it to the tank and fuel tap. The main line was blocked. Only reason I realised was because I switched it to reserve instead if off to drain the carb and then we had fuel!! Soooo, it is now functioning perfectly, and starts with no choke or throttle and I went up and down the road fine. But... Still have this issue where it picks up revs with no throttle movement at all, no choke, and it revs up to top whack and stays there. (if I let it. Which I dont) Sometimes a twist on the throttle causes it to come down when I release, sometimes not. It is happening less frequent, and after it does I can then no longer kick into gear without it cutting out. Really dont want to ride it if out of nowhere it will accelerate with no signs of stopping!
What you DONT see on the news
Yay it did! There are hundreds out there. A close mate of mine has a lot of family and friends in British Forces and his mother works at a local barracks - some of the videos he gets sent.... Well it scares the jebus out of me.
What you DONT see on the news
Ive seen this one. I have it on good authority that the main reason the blast was so big is because it was only buried very close to the surface. This one, was buried deeper... Luckily TOO deep. Dont know if that will embed - on mobile atm.
Country/regional threads?
Exactly - hear hear. As I said, if the need arose (which I dont see happening), you could even have 5 continental stickys, then if joe bloggs was riding across europe, but live in the states, and head for asia they could check each thread on their way through. BUT... I dont think that would ever happen on this forum. Maybe a general motorcycle forum, but not one that is bike make specific.
think my bike is scared of me...
And throttle now kills the engine... Fandabbydozy
think my bike is scared of me...
As far as I can tell... I did reset everything to factory spec. Giving it another go now before I lose light.