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Everything posted by dt502001

  1. It will only come out with the bike running ,when the head gets hot enough for the crack to open,the plug will tell all if it's steam cleaned then cracked head.
  2. Then your lucky if the head was cracked it would be pressurizing the coolant system and blowing it out.
  3. Try filling it up not running(coolant) then fire it up if it pisses it all out the over flow tube then internal crack.
  4. Cracked head internaly,check you spark plug bet it clean like new.Also check the thermostat.
  5. No 1 kit does all,but you can get complete eng kits,that will give you all gskts,seals.. the rings and piston can be bought a 1 or seperate. The hoses if you can find them will be seperate,you have to remember you are working on a bike 28 yrs old so finding parts may be difficult. First thing to do is call your local bike shop and see what listings for part they might have if any ie air filter seat cover,throttle cabels,complete gasket kit , Then call your local yamaha dealer and see what is still listed IE Intake rubberand air filter as you need both,cylinder, piston , hoses,cables. If there is a bike wrecker anywhere near you call them and see what they might have,then try on line and see what wreckes have,you might be racking up some miles on your urabus searcing in old wreckers.The bike was only 15-18 hundred new and if it went bang alot of people just scraped them . The japs love to throw out all old stock over 20 yrs old and discontinue the part numbers. These bikes weren't very popular over here,thankfully for you they were in europe so you may find that you will be importing parts and that will get costly shipping and import taxes might be 2-3 times the cost of the part. I'm not trying to get you down but see whats avaiable first befor you get to much cash in it , a bike of this age should have new crank seals installed as they get dry and if the left seal lets in air it will fry the piston in short order. So get a tube,new spark plug, air filter( i see from the picts it had a uni filter on before) and take it out for a run,pre mix 30 to 1 is a safe mix to start with and see if the tranmission/clutch is all good,give it a good blast and pull the spark plug out and check the colour,tan is good ,white is bad. this will set you back 30-40 bucks and you will have a better idea as to what your starting with.If you can do a compression test,anything less that 80psi and your looking at a top end rebuild. Good luck.
  6. So put the eng elecs in the new motor,not positive if it will fit but 1 way to find out is try.When I did mine it was from 86fz foxeye to 85 fj basicly the same motor just different transmission and cdi curve. If the stator will bolt into place(most likely it will) than thats solved provided the rotor is the same size,and the pick up coil sits on a bracket so if it dosent fit make it fit. Without both wirein diagrams I can't help any more than to suggest the above sorry.
  7. Why do I keep vinnager in my night side table....I like it on my fish
  8. Men teach thier son's how to catch ,clean and eat fish ....why.. because only 2 thing smell like fish and fish is 1.
  9. I have seen that happen before ,sometimes you have to lean the bike over a wee bit to the site glass side wait a second for the oil to come to view then stand the bike up right and check the level of it off the center stand why not sure but it normaly works.
  10. I would call your ins co and see if they will transfer you policy for the day from your other bike,my broker does it,what she does is fill out all the paper work,as if starting a new policy but "forgets to file it" then if nothing happen IE accident or cops then she just throws the paper work away when I call the next day to transfer it back. Saves her the hassel of doing the work twice.
  11. The simpest way i can see to fix this is to swap the elecs from the old motor to the new. Thats what I did when I put a fj motor in a fz many moons ago. 6th gear is taller so you will save a bit on fuel crusing the highway.
  12. Hmm just a thought but if your battery was dieing then mabey thats what was wrong,messing with the power valve servo. Did you get your new battery yet?
  13. Your going to have to be a bit more specific,or take your foot off the brake
  14. Post a picture of the spring thing you speak of. As for the transmission it's is not suposed to be filled to the top, below the cap is there a sight glass? or does the cap have a dip stick attached when checking the fluid level the bike needs to be up right not on the stand. You should pick up a manual for the bike and read it
  15. dt502001


    Congrats,just watch out for the twits in cages they own the road,well they think they do.
  16. Put a cone style air filter on it at least untill you find a intake rubber,sucking in dirt will kill the eng quick. No pressurer washer ...no problem get a gallon of varsol and a stiff brush,put a try under the bike to catch the varsol so you can reuse it,and just go at it untill all the old grease,dirt ect is loose and then hot water with dish soap.Pop the carb off and plug the intake will make it easy to get the eng under it cleaned up. Is ther rust in the gas tank? if so you should put a filter in line so the rust dosen't get into the carb and plug it up. The easiest way to get a ownership for it,is ask the last owner to go to the licence offic and get a relpacment as the original was lost noromaly 15-20 bucks.But they will have to know who's name the bike was regerstered in. The next way is to claim the bike abanonded go to a lawyer and sign a affidavit that you can't find the owner and take that to the licence office with the serial # and they can produce a new one in your name, normaly 50 to the lawyer and same 15-20 to the licence office.
  17. dt502001

    1976 DT175C

    Well what week is it this week or next week do they know what year it is they might finnish your motor?
  18. I remember racing in the 400 production class in 1988-91 it should have been called the rz350 class because that was the only bike raced,save for 1 lone nsr400 v3 in a field of 30 bikes. I had a 81-83-85 and not 1 had matching #'s and that was 20+ yrs ago I wouldn't hold out for a matching # bike you may never find 1 as said they were beaten daily and alot went bang and any motor avaiable were stuck in
  19. Fair enough as you said your money,any help I can give no problem. First find a intake rubber and air filter Thats the part you need to fit between the air box and carb. The little wires hanging are what the battery hooks up to the other 2 ar for the signals. Or oil level sending unit. The pump can be checked by putting some oil in the tank( if it still exists large hose from pump goes back to tank) and run the bike oil will come out of the hose next to the carb while the bike is running,if not pump is junk. They are self lubed by the oil being pumped through if left too long without oil it is probably NFG. But will need the cable hooked up. The oil pump cable hooks up to the throttle cable, Half way down the cable will be a plastic tube and it goes in there .most likely been changed so your going to need a new cable. The small hose will fit to the brass nippel at the carb exhaust side. Never let it be said I stoped someone from fixing anything
  20. Let me save you alot of money,forget ever getting it on the road.Just beat whatever life it has left in it and save your cash for somthing better to start with. Your going to spend 1500.00-2000.00 or more to get this thing back into shape,for that kind of cash you can buy something that hasn't been beaten and neglected. A nice yz 125 2000 ish can be picked up for 1500.00 in very good condition,with better suspension brakes ect.. For now take the rivets out andstuff some insulation in the old pipe and stick it back on that will sush it up a we bit, to re fit the oil pump hoses will require you cleaning the whole thing as I'm sure it's full of dirt,not worth it just pre mix it for field use,and plug the brass nippel at the carb. They gave you this bike because it's not realy worth fixing. If it's been run for long without a air filter you can be asured that there is dammage to the eng. and by the looks of it it has. the motor alone to fix is going to cost inwards of 1000.00 add new tires brakes, signals, fork seals+ possibly new forks if they are pitted and I bet they are,seat cover, new chain and sprockets (yours are done now) new front sprocket cover, handel bars,grips, levers,battery box and battery,ect.. add another 1000.00 at least.. As I said beat what ever life it has left in it with a air filter might last a week maybe a month.
  21. Hmm sorry I would have thought it would be easier,if that don't do it your looking at a smaller main jet then. Your carb is heated by coolant?
  22. Hi RR as slice said best to post a hello. But as for your? the valves should be replaced they strech and you don't want them breaking,also because of the spring pressure the keepers will have started to wear the top of the valve. The guys running the 450's around here all go with a 10 race schedual of valve replacement,but not guides and seats just check the bore of the guide and resurface the seats if needed. As for the pistion and rings the pistion is probably fine but for 60 bucks I would change it anyway and 100hrs the rings should have been done 2x by now. I know a grand seem alot but if the valve breaks then your looking more like 3000.00 to fix it. A grand is just about normal to freshen up a 450 Slice they burn oil from day 1 all of em 250's and 450's, when I first got mine I kept looking for a leak thinking it couldn't possibly burn that much oil,wrong no leak normal,I top up the oil and check the gas .
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