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Everything posted by dt502001

  1. Opps it's early morning and I just got up.... the sprage clutch contacts the back of the stator (magnet as you call it).. not the crank,so you will need a puller to get it off the crank.
  2. More than likely new roller's and spring will fix it, or are you talking about the kick
  3. HAHA only beeen riding 40Yrs( started when I was 5) fixing bikes for 30ish and a licensed mechanic for 18yrs you pick up a bit of info along the way LOL Are you in woodbridge alberta?
  4. Yep you can put in the kick then,ididn't know the case was already set up for it, you should have posted the pict first. The larger gear is suposed to spin after the started button is released,it's only "locked" to the crank during starting via the roller's #13,and wont lock up once the eng is running.
  5. Ok you must have missed this As far as putting a kick start on your inner case would have to be machined/cast from the factory to fit in the kick starter and you would need an new outer case with the hole in it and the kick assembly.Wouldn't it be easier to fix the starter clutch ,it will definatly be cheaper. The springs and rollers won't cost more than 20 bucks.
  6. yo jokidd welcome to the YOC. Best bet is to get a wiring diagram for both the fz and fj and check them against eachother. Headlight/tail, sigs, controls, horn starter will be the same. Where you might run into problems is when you get to the cdi and voltage reg the pin locations migh be different. or different plugs What cdi are you using the fj or fz? Ps you should move you ? to workshop the new members section dosen't get as many views and gets lost fast.
  7. Ok I got what hes sayin the sprag clutch isn't catching.Also didn't help that the first link takes you to the elce's not the starter clutch page emilz you need to fix all parts in nr10 ...12roller and 13spring are free wheeling around and not "ramping out" to lock up part 10 to the crank. Week springs worn rollers are your problem,or worse the crank is worn down.
  8. Na he just has the right punch to hard to explain how to make .I made myown and it only gets used for wheelbrngsto catch that small lip. But it done and you saved all the expence and tried yourself gained some experience unlike some people not mentioning names LOL if the bearing hadn't been so bad it would have come out like the other side did.Live and learn. Now don't over torque up the axle bolt that kills bearings.
  9. The switch is self grounding,only 1 wire comming out of it right? did you pull it out to change the gear oil,if so bet it stuck closed/on to close the circut
  10. FYI the speedo is recalibrated for the larger front wheel so top speed is what ever it is reguardless of wheel sizehttp://gearingcommander.com/ fillin the info and you will know the difference. get your race out yet?
  11. Don't cut it out with a dremal you will never get to the inner part of the race without cutting into the hub. If you have no means to weld in a washer take it to someone who can, the race will almost fall out after tack welding in a washer,as the weld cools the whole thing will shrink in size. Just get a washer bigger than the id of the race and smaller than the OD
  12. You will spend more cash on parts than gas monthly,and be tearing it apart every week if you drove it daily.for ring replacement +full service. Thats why when you see a dirt bike for sal something like "4hrs on new top end" will be in the add.
  13. well what I woud doo is to weld a washer to the race of the same ID size if there is absoutly nothing to hit,but looking at the pic at 12 -4-7 looks like there is a very small area of the race that with a sharp punch you could get a bite,punch about 3/16 in round will give you a better angle to get at the edge of the race.
  14. Warm up the hub lightly( heat gun or carefuly with a torch) the alumi will heat way faster than the steel bearing race and quickly drive out the old bearing race,more than 2 hands will make this easier. 2 to warm and hold and 2 to drive it out. or lean it against a bench . It DID not just let go it's been going for a while half the bearings are gone,lack of maitence,greasing and new seals about 6 months ago was in order.
  15. Yo jimmy hendrix HAHA Haven't sen you before The old bikes were cool.! they all handeled like crap ! And still do! But thats what is cool about them. My first road bike was a 1975 cb 360 honda .. And I loved that bike,I could drage the pipes,foot pegs and beat it daily ..changed the oil when I felt like it,wasn't fast...then came in line 4's in my view...HMMM need 750cc I thought........... a nice 78 gs 750 came along and well it was mine,ugly but it was mine. Learning how to drive that POS was ?? well fun not realy. Brut Hp sold bikes till the mid 80's then came back handeling ,shocks , tires ,and brakes,,,, became important again. Anything in good running order built after??? o say 1990 has the best most normal people could push to the limets. Bikes are now so good that anyone with enough basic skill can look good. I love the day's when men were men,It took balls to ride the shit out of a bike on the verge of killing you. ...h2 750 tripel anyone who ever rode 1 will know ..??? The gammas of 86 the rz 500 v4 ,nsr 400, lc 350's, *5-up gsxr 705 vfr 1100 Fj 1100 One of my faves cause it was the first bike to break 11.00 second's all way to much HP for the skinni tire of 130'ish(and that was huge in the day and in metric size all new then). The brakes? well untill the 85 Gsxr 750 were just addiquate, The fz 750 had anti dive and a brake system that was grr... well small ....The brakes on my 1981 gs 1100 were 1 in smaller and it weighed a ton more I think they were the same as my 750. I moved back to good handeling bikes,with brakes during the late 80's and 90's,then came what might be the best bikes ever for the street,The Sport touring bikes in the 2000's 1100-1200-1300-1400 and it just got bigger...faster 1/4 times,faster top speed ,,,duck 175 mph ,,,,lets get 200 out of this bitch and make it street illeagle for sale on the show room floor. I love the little bikes and the big ones,they are all fun to drive..But I will say...NO FUCKING REPLACEMENT FOR DISPLACEMENT .bikes ove 500lbs take time to learn how to ride but worth it. PS that 500 is Ucking ugly,looks like a piece of panneling with lights stuck on the xs 650 gets my vote for better lookin bike.
  16. Don't pull the bearing out (1st you will never pry it out 2nd you will make amess of the hub) drive it out from the inside oppsit end with a long punch/bar..through the hole that the axel fit's through.hit it at 12o clock then 6 -3 -9 and work aruond it till it pops out even/straight with the hub
  17. LOL rex it would be a little more help if you include the web site address,you kinda missed that part.
  18. If you can find a kit that fits then yes much better set up way easier to service IMO
  19. Tick over =idle screw..on side of carb with spring. You might have the slide in backwards? Does it go to the bottom fully or is half way open? Cut out side to air cleaner is right way.
  20. The owners manual should provide a usfull bit of info. Post a hello in new membars and then when stuck for a how to do post in workshop
  21. Opinions are like assholes everyons got `1 just ignore them who don't "get It' what ridin is all about and laugh at them when you pass the gas pump,or fill up for 1/10 of the cost. 1/2 as often.Every biker is a child/wife beater,law breaking thug don't you know. Youv'e just met the dickheads so far it seems,you will meet the ones who will stop you and say 'gee I rember how much fun my old bike was sure do miss it" As far as Death trap on a bike you have way more chance of avoiding a accident,then in a death cage,we can fit into small spaces that would not be open to cars thier by driving around the colision,better brakes to stop in less distance,better view to our suroundings. Just face the fact everytime you put on a helmet you have been sterio typed ,,bad by car drivers and good by felow bikers,ignor thoes who don't get it and will never enjoy the freedom,driving thier cars to a job they hate to pay for gas,drivin around trin to find a place to park.
  22. It drains back,you can also loosen the lines at the bottom when draing the oil.
  23. HAHA yep I know allabout waiting,called the guy who sells wood on saturday and ordered 3 more cords ,winter is not showing any real signs of letting up, he said no problem I bring it over tommorow afternoon,,now 4 days later wondering what afternoon he ment?Good thing the truss co around the corner has lots of end cuts or I'd be freezing my but off
  24. Hi welcome to the YOC,nice collection of bikes you have
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