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Everything posted by dt502001

  1. +1 free machine shop services how did you make out,after all it's just a hunk of metal,unforunatly most don't have free lathe service at hand so I wasn't thinking along thoes terms.Did he fix it or did you just fit new/used?
  2. dt502001

    Gasket set?

    LOL you been marrierd how long? she should be use to this by now,roof over head 1st food on table 2nd and kids needs 3rd then bikes need before a new dress ,it's all about priorites.
  3. . LOL the first day of grade 9 auto shop they gave us all lawn mower's to get running,my friend Tony and I had ours running before the class ended and this was to be our project for the 6 months the class ran for. We had been collecting broke mowers all summer and fixing them,so it wasn't much of a project for us. We spent the rest of the year rebuilding a small block chevy 350 for his car( a 71 nova 4 speed) and got it in before the end of the year,every year after the teachers just let us do what we wanted to do.I didn't know at the time but both our dads were friends with the shop teachers and had gone to school with them for mechanics trade certification. Keep showing them you can do more than what they expect and you will have free run of the school's shop's, thier respect and extra help in no time,remember the shop teachers are gear head's too and have a welth of knowlage to learn from. I couldn't have ever afforded to drive if it wasn't for thier help and my dad pushing me to be better . I've made alife out of fixing stuff ,and a rather good living too I might add.Not too many people can demand 100+ bucks per hour of thier time but mechanic's can and I do,last year my door rate was 85 per hour and I raised it and haven't lost any income. It's good to see young guys that aren't all about IT crap the world needs gear heads and young guy's like you ,Mat, Noise ,John,Klume ect.. who are trying to learn and need help will alway's be top on my list for help if I can.Its you guys who when the shit hits the fan will be OK in life cause you can fix it yourself or at least have a idea about how to fix it. Keep learning I still am
  4. dt502001

    Gasket set?

    I'm going with 1052 buy OE seals for the crank,tranny,valve's just not worth saving a few bucks only to have to do it over again. When people bring me cheap gasket kits to rebuild with they always get the same talk"fine I can put it together with this crap but if leaks your paying to have them replaced,I would go get OE then if it leaks I will change them for free" never had any oe gaskets leak replaced many a cheap gasket/seal. When In my early 20's we had a seal at work that fit perfectly on the shifeter shaft of my rz 350 and it would seal for a few weeks,then the heat would kill it and start leaking again so after changing it 5 times I ordered a oe seal and it didn't leak again.That was my lesson learned.I dont think it was the rubber but the metal spring that is responsable for the finnal seal on the shaft that was weaking,so just cause it fits dosen't mean shite. It's your time and money but do you realy want to rebuild it 2x cause of a crapy seal,or have a valve seal that leaks oil and have to change plugs all summer long to be able to ride and have a smoker. The clutch cover stator cover and other misa gaskets are just paper( as I'm sure you know) a roll of quality gasket paper is cheap and with a bit of time not hard to make, if you need more time to kill in your retirement.Or want to equal out the cost of oe seals vs a kit of crap. FEL-PRO is my fave for making thoes hard to get gaskets or i can't waite for the dealer to supply,I just mist the cover with water and press it to the paper to mark the holes for the bolts,then with a hole punch I make them first, then I use a crafting knife and cut the rest out tracing the out side first with the part held firmly in place,normaly buy this time the paper has been marked for the inner cut out needed,I cut the biggest part first and then the leftover can be used for smaller parts Anyway Slice just my 2 cents worth
  5. Not to rush you but it's been 2 days got that vid ready yet, I'm currious the adversment say''s a breif imersion in water have you used them in the rain for a long period of time I just bought thesehttp://www.hiddencameraglasses.com/?msn-search-glasses waiting to try them when they show up not sure how easy the button s will be to operate with the lid on,or how they will stand up over time but for 90 bucks no big loss
  6. You wouldn't want to waite for recovery here might be days before they find you depending on where you are IT"S A BIG COUNTRY with lots of back roads
  7. Thats cool Billy is the school letting you do it there or is it a home project? Had some realy cool teachers when I was in high school.let me use the paint booth to paint my first street bike tank,had full access to the welding shop/machine shop after school for a few hours every day. Never cost me a penny to use school material and got graded on stuff I needed/wanted anyway so I probably put in a better effort than if I had to do the assined projects like the rest of the class. start a workshop/or projects thread and post some pict of the work. Bet school is goin to be a bit more fun this year
  8. Take 2 nuts and bolts and get 1 dirty and spray 1 with acf-50 here we use krown same stuff different name,,leave outside for a few months and see wich one comes appart with easy and one that you have to work at getting appart,thats all the reason I need to keep my bikes clean and protected. Not to mention that if you break down and you need to get it appart with minimal tools like the one that come with the bike you have a 100% better chance of fixing it than some rusty dirty POS with seized nuts and bolts.I work on cars all day and the ones that are clean and coated with rust protection cost less for the customer to have repaired because it takes less time to remove parts,, less broken bolts ect.. same goes with a bike.Most electrical problems are caused buy corroision that could have been prevented by simply coating the connectors with some form of protection So the time you spend cleaning and protecting will save you money and time when you have to repair it,you cant pull a barrel with dirt all around the gaskets and not chance getting any in the motor ! If you work on your bike when it's dirty your a fool!!! just asking for problems.The manufactuers went to alot of trouble to create seal's that keep the dirt out of moving parts opening up these part when dirty is just plane stupid your going to end up with dirt where it dosen't belong and have parts fail because of it.And end up doing more work. If spending/waisting your time with rusty seized bolts is your idea of fun then let it rot away.I get such a warm fuzzy feeling when a vehicle is as dirty as a port a potty at 3am after a drunk fest,I just sooo want to fix it NOT Bottom line wether you fix your bike yourself or you pay others to fix it for you,,, time and money wil be saved in the long run by simply washing and adding the easy to apply protection and when it break's your going to have to clean it anyway,so clean a little every now and then quickly or spend alot of time trying to get years of dirt off only to find a rust hole in your frame ect... that was hidded under dirt. My bike's get serviced to the piont of over kill,but you will never hear me complaing that I have broken a part trying to get it off or can't get someting apart both are 01's and can be taken appart as if they were new.Over the many years I have been turning wrenches for a liveing I have devised many a different way to get other peoples crap appart,so I know it's simpler to just keep it clean/lubed for my own crap. I do it for a living and when I have to fix my stuff I want it to go as easly as possible. And trust me I do charge more for working on dirty bikes ALOT more.They are like dirty girls fun to ride but you realy don't want your friends/co workers/family knowing about it. Now the rain is stoping and I''m on hollidays I think I will take my clean, well looked after bike out for a ride and listen for the sound of rust forming on the other types of bikes LOL
  9. Hi Rich I guess thats your name,,, nice first intro with help instead of a question,what else are you into if you look you will find the new members section and you can add what you want about youself,but nice to have you aboard giving help.I think this might help someone else out, the bike with the 170 kit he's been scratching his head for months possibly this is the answer to his problems care to add some more details? Edit 2 stroke in the mag= you have problems with the crank seal best change it out
  10. looks good and I know that the tail light is correct but realy it belongs on a busLOL ,,,GPS on the bar?
  11. Your just jellouse cause my bike is so much better than yours,dosen't get stuck in mud and cleaner the chick's dig it sooooo much more than that stinky 2t
  12. So nice of you to answer task to bad he has no manners to at least say thanks,I could add alot more but why bother
  13. Honestly 125 is a guess she might be more or less haven't bothered weighing her in a while she dosen't like going to the vet but right around there and yes she''s a big dog,but not as big as the neighbours rottie his head is bigger than the size of socker ball closer to a basket ball he weighs in at 135ish. You don't get in there way when they playor they will mow you down,my son could ride harriet untill he was about 8 then his legs were to long How the dog doing tommy?
  14. Is that not the same as what is cast into the clutch case but in cc's aprox 1500cc?
  15. Yep always ride like they are all out to kill you then nothing supprises you to much.
  16. dt502001

    tab washer

    Must be frustrating then and guess I should count myself lucky the guys at the shop I doo most of my busness with do all the double checking and get me my parts right everytime or I wouldn't do bussiness with them,hell they know my phone number and when they answer the phone they say "hello Phil what ya need today" I would be livid if some one treated me like you say they treat you,here the customer is right even if ther wrong and company's treat there customers right. Sounds as if a guy wanted to make a good living there he could open a bike parts shop that provided good services and make a killing on repeat customers. The shops here have to make most of there cash in a few months and if I cant ride because some idiot can't look up a part # correctly then I'm going to let them and thier boss know all about why I'm not happy.
  17. LOL John just a matter of where you sit on the seat,close to the tank will help stop the front comming up but if you like wheelies as much as i do sit at the back of the seat,short shift to 4th then a quick off and on with the throttle and your on the back wheel,ride the rear brake a wee bit and you can ride like that for miles.Once you get the hang of the ballence point.The beauty of the wr is it's oiling system you won't starve the cams of oil doing wheelis like most bikes. Welsh you best be carfule or your not going to have a licence for long,as far as catching sport bike's you still have a advantage you can go anywhere sport bike's suck in the mud,so do cop cars/bikes.Ive never seen a cop go through a ditch into a mudy feild and through a forest of trees a few feet appart and come out the otherside of the forest like we can,not saying I've ever done that Sounds like you both are haveing fun with the new toy's too bad wer all so far appartwould be fun to get together and bash bars.
  18. Oh I wouldn't cancel out the head not helping out in the HP department,I would have to think with the plug being in the right spot it's going to provide a cleaner/fuller burn of the fuel HEMI head's always work better.
  19. Do not listen to theees lazy buggers,except jimmy,jet washers push dirt into places you don`t want it so cancel that,for a quick clean soap and watter with a proper wash mitten( I use 2 one for paint and 1 for wheels and tires) followed by a good whipe down with a old towel starting at the clean/ paint parts and down the dirty stuff so you don't scratch/bring dirt backon the paint,this should take no more than 10-15 min For the big clean the spray every oilie part with wd-40 but keep it off the tires/brakes waite about 15 min then get as many different sizes brushes as you can to get into all the different spots and go nuts,then dish soap to knock the wd and dirt off,then dry with towel and compressor air to get all the water off/out from everylast spot followed by a good fresh coat of wax and autosol for the shiney stuff a light coat of wd -40 for the not shiney stuff this can take hours but realy you only need to do this 1 or 2 times a year. Now the hardest part the chain and sprockets a proper chain brush helps alot here and some minneral spirts the front sprocket you will need to remove the cover to get at it and I highly recomend that you do this 3-4 time's a year to get the longest life out of them,fully clean the chain and sprockets of any dirt then oil or wax the chain,if you can remove the chain and soak in warm chain lube hang it and let it drip dry over night that way it won't throw oil all over you tire/bike. i know some say why bother cleaning it it'sonly going to get dirty again and the rain washes most of the dirt off,but cleaning your bike give you the time to look at each part and check it,hell I wash my dirt bike between races so some weekends it might get washed 5 times in one day,it's a HP to weight thing why carry around a extra 10 lbs of dirt to slow the bike down when a quick spray can take it off. The other thing is that it keeps the bike newer looking and who wants to buy a bike that looks like it has never been cleaned//cared for,I like to keep some bike's 10-20 years and when I sell a bike I always get what I want for it no dickering on the price! My 81 gs 1100 I sold for the same price as what I paid for it in 83 in 2001 to the first guy who looked at it, and it needed the seat recovered as the cover had split from age but the rest of the bike looked great.The money I got for the bike paied for 1/3rd of a brand new 01 bandit 1200 that still looks just like new ,,,well almost. Happy cleaning
  20. ok .2 amp draw over a few hours is going to kill any battery sooner or later,the lights should be turned off if the bike is not running,it`s not a christmass tree it`s a bike I would take them off!
  21. dt502001

    tab washer

    Hope you get your parts kev ,but this also raise`s a qwestion,,,,,,,, you guy's can't simply call a locale shop/parts seller tell them what you need and get it the next day or the same day?,,from what your saying would seem you guy`s waite along time to get parts If I need front pads/ rotors/ calipers for a whatever car I can call/ring them and have them delivered in less than 20 min,,, bike rotors if i call before say 10 am could have them the same day at 3pm if not then first thing in the mornning the next day 8itsh..No delivery charges on car parts bike parts sure I have to go pick them up but it`s only a 8 min drive down the road to the aftermarket parts and a 20 min drive to the dealer Whats up with this waiting for the post man,I don``t get it,sure you rd is a classic and not that many left but the same drive gear is used on so many bikes . The only time I have to wait for a part is if it`s not in the country and then it`s only a couple of days
  22. +1 hope it's a good one!
  23. LOL thats funny all the training they get and somone cant park a bike,I always hate parking in a row of bikes for fear of that happening but as mat said just a bunch of BMW's so no great loss.
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