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Everything posted by dt502001

  1. How do Laura welcome to the YOC,I love a good project page so looking foward to see what you do.
  2. Hi Par6 welcome to the YOC,as Slice said you've found the right plact to talk dt175s between the members if there is anything they don't know I guess you don't need to.
  3. Ryan first thing I can tell you about ordering anything from china is you have to learn to wait,if the add says shipis in 24hrs that is code for we will find the part in 24hrs and put it in a box and hand it to someone else who may or may not finnish processing it in the next week,then we will give it to a nice guy who will fly it to 3-4 different countrys run it through every customs office between china and canada they can find,then to another nice guy drives around in a big truck who will sneek up to your door wisper is anyone home knock very softly once and then drop a card in the mail box and run away.Then you get to play find my part with the shipping company,this part gets fun they know they have it,the puter tells them that,but it is always in proccess between a truck and or a wearhouse. If your realy lucky it won't be broken by the time you actualy get it in your hands and have to start a shipping insurance claim. A word of caution do not sign for the part untill you open the package some shipping co's play nasty that way if you sign for it then you have accepeted the package as is and making a insurance claim is no longer a option.
  4. Rat grow up,when you do and learn how to ride a real bike not some wind up toy I'll explain to you how to preload your suspension and why you do it.I'v got 40 years riding experience raced every type of track from Ice to Ashphalt and I'll ride any dam way I please if I get a ticket o well,but some how I have managed to not get one in over 20 years.No I am not rossi but I am a dam good rider and mechanic what you know about ABS is limited tothe pea sized brain you have along with your narow site Your entitled to your opinion about ABS but caling members twits is not what this site is about I'm sure there are lots of places you can troll SO SHOVE OFF. As you seem to get pleasure out of this I could care less what you think about anything post what you like but I won't be bothered to read anything you post,I ignore assholes like you everyday l have better things to do.
  5. First thing to do is to open the cover on the eng and actualy look and see if it is moving full stroke and that the alingment marks are right. When if ever was the last time you oiled the PV cables?
  6. dt502001

    Deja vu

    Did you read what wrote about checking the tranny first,they mis diagnosed the problem so you shouldn't pay them anything. You took your bike to them and told them it wont shift,so the first thing they should have checked was why did the shaft break,as the shaft has very little resistance on it in normal use they should not break,2 minutes to check that the tranny shifted before ordering anything and they would have known that the tranny was jamed.
  7. Strang they can't do it in 1 dip I'v seen may different shapes done,swiriling gets both side of a dash in some of the other vidieos,I seen a bicycle frame done in cammo 1 dip maybe it depends more on the pattern.I don't know that much about it yet i'm looking into getting a set up dosen't look that hard to do. How much did they quote you?
  8. Grouch they should have checked the shifting befor putting it back together and most certinaly befor calling you and telling you it was ready. The motor dosen't need to be running to check the shifting,you don't even need the clutch installed to check this,Hell they didn't even need the shifter shaft to check if the tranny shifted the shift drum can be rolled by hand through all the gears,and before even telling you what was wrong they should have checked this first ,so they best not be charging you again for thier cock up. It shouldn't take them more than a hour to pull it appart and fix it so you should have your bike back today
  9. So glad to have ya Back Groucho,your troubles always make mine seen trivial,are you sure you don't have a sign that reads KICK ME on your forhead. O well the cash you saved the bike shop will be happy to relive you from. They boched the job the first time so i'm sure they can find something else to charge you for.
  10. On my wr there is a rubber that sits between the rear of the tank and in front of the air box opening and syas right on it FOR WET RIDING All it does is close up the area where water could easly splash off the bottom of the tank and straight into the top of the air box. Also are you running the drain for the air box open or with the plug/cap in for deeper water crossing you want it in. If your air box has been modified ie holes drilled in the sides tape them up with gaffer tap.The air filter will not stop water from entering the carb,if water gets in the box then it will get into the carb If the spark plug cap dosent fit tight around the HT lead and spark plug replace,get waterproof grease or dielectric grease and coat the wires to the coil,make sure the gromet at the stator is sealed as well as the CDI plug and kill switch
  11. Been following and this is looking like a fault the the electrical system,try by passing the ignition switch and dash. disconnect the kill switch,lastly try the wiggel test,that is to wiggel wires related to the ignition circut.I would guess you have derestricted the bike so look closely at that wireing You say you changed the stator but did you try changing the pick up coil. The power valve moving left or right in the exhaust port wouldn`t cause enough blockage to cause this problem,and pined open should matter at 6k rpm it would be open anyways.
  12. When this all started you had a whole motor for 250 used,you should have taken my advice then and swaped the motor out and learned how to fix your original motor youself. 300 starter 50 battery 60 shifter shaft 10 gasket 15 oil ---- 435 total parts what is the hourly rate at this shop cause for 265 in labour they must be charging 87.00 per hour and layering the price of each job seperatly to come up with 3 hrs labour Anyone who knows what they are doing could change out the shaft in a hour and a half,the starter has to come out any ways and be put back in, so realy there should be no charge for that, short of soldering on a new cable end. Surely there must be a company who rebuilds starters near you and could do it for much less,ask REX SPEED SHOP grab the used 1 and rebuild your old one so when the used 1 craps out you can just swap it. The battery why didn`t the shop put it on charge when the bike arrived they`ve had the bike for 2 weeks, a 7 month old battery should come back to life,normaly a battery can be run flat 5-6 times befor it sulfates beyond use. I don`t know Groucho but it sounds like you getting the shaft all right.
  13. What about oxide red for the powder coat and then give them the treatment of black like the eng, I don`t know how it would stand up I just found out about this myself but hydrodiped carbon fiber would look cool
  14. If you take the total and divide it out over say 6-8 yrs which other than the lid you will be using the rest for more that 8 it`s actualy cheap insurance.Unless you brake something and then well it was the gear or you and personaly I`d rather break a knee support than my knee 1 broken neck cost ???? 2 hyperextend legs off work for weeks cost---________? 1broken collar bone off work 2 weeks cost_________? ECT ECT... you get my drift about how much this stuff is going to save you in the long run,I`m not saying your never going to get hurt or that your invensible wearing the gear but your way less to get seriously hurt. The jacke is a bit over kill for plane dirting ,but your going to be riding on the road to get to the dirt so it makes sence.I think all the gear you bought will serve your well for may years to come and if you deside that MXing isn`t for you then you have a lot of gear to go with the bike when you sell it,most used gear still fetches a good buck. Breaking in new boots sucks get em wet clamp em up nice and tight and wear them for a few hours walking around ,at first you wil look/feel like a penguin but they will start to give abit at the ankle and make it easier to shift/break. O I forgot to ask does the jacket have a spin protection built in?
  15. LMAO I've been watching this unfold. DUDE any bike can have all the problems you have mentioned,rotten bolts lower, clamps, exhaust studs,striped spark plug holes,exhaust pipes holed ect... all bikes have ali heads prone to striped spark threads. To go all off on 1 bike is insane,stupid and down right wrong. Unless you want to talk about spefic things like comstar wheels that honda put on so many bikes that will fail no matter what you do and kill someone eventualy. To say things like physics will teach you sonner or later is again stupid,learing from the school of hard knocks is the wrong aproch to learing safe riding skills.The bike should fit the rider to help build confidence and skills. I would never put someone on a bike they can't touch down with both feet untill they have all the other skils to ride with confidence,if they have the riding skills to ride a bike with 1 foot then thats thier choice.But to start your best off with a bike you can. I'm 5'11" and no way I could stop my bandit 12 from ending up on the ground once past the point of no return,may be a guy built like the ROCK could but few riders could may be 1% of al riders in the world could. My wr I cant touch down with 1 foot without shifting to 1 side but it's light so it dosen't matter,if I had to ride my 12 like that it would be very unsafe,if I seen a rider doing that at every light I would be thinking ..what a idiot why not just put a lowering kit on it ....so that blows your theroy of respect out the window Goin on about how a crusier dosen't handel because of steering angles is utter BS,a sport bike angel of say 26 degrees is more prone to twitch on pavement cracks,speed wobles ect. a crusier angle of say 29 is much more forgiving thoe slower to react to dive into a cornner once mastered a cruiser on the street in the REAL world at real speeds can be driven as fast on most roads.My buddie rides a midnight star and eats young ricky road racers in the twisties,O ya his pipes are scrached to hell and to my knowlage he's never crashed it. Now if you expect a fork diameter of that of the 125 to handle the weight of a 200 lb rider to act the same when you put a 125 lb rider on your nuts I dont care if its a nsr 125 or a xvs125 both bikes will be affected. Your entied thread is based on the fact that you got taken and bought someones else POS and most likely over paid for it and just want to wine about it.Mabey next time you decide to buy a bike you will have it looked at by someone who actualy knows what they are looking at.If you cant see these things yourself befor purchasing.We live in a disposable world and every bike if not looked after will end up in the same place ....the scrap yard. All the problems you mentioned are NOT the result of poor desine but the result of neglect and poor maintence. Every line of bike will have a lemon in the mix,1 bike my go 100k and never give problems the next one in the serial sequence may be in the shop every month. EDIT and to almost tink I was going to agree with you about a track day and why it makes you a better rider, you look at it as weee look at me se how fast ican don the same thing over and over again! The way i look at at a track day for a nebie is ....here now you have a safe place to explore your boundries without the distractions of all the things on the road..and lets look at how your doing things... then solve the wrong things
  16. While you have the tranny out check all the engaugment dogs and engauge windows in the mating gears,particulary 1-2-3. also I can see free HP and a faster reving eng by removing the counter ballance shaft.
  17. Glad you got it fixed,and you didn`t take personal offence,but I`m sure you have had it happen too,being binlded by a light from unadjusted light.At sometime. And with our rules I would say about 10-15% of bikes are running around with lights that are of little value. Our Mto rules are appauling here in Ontario , Have vehicle inspect when you buy it and drive it into the ground if you chose. UNLESS it cant pass a emission test every 2 years.... tires bald thats OK we just want to test you computer to make sure your not polouting. Drives me nuts seeing all the junk running around . But go west and MTO whats that? Rules in Alberta to operate a vehicle on the road ,,101 Dose it run? Ok Sort of stop? OK Got insurance incase you kill someone with it? OK Ok pay here and see ya later,here`s your new plates.
  18. I hate to tell but all your old bikes did have adjustable lamps. On the FJ I belive the adjuster fit`s into a plastic socket behind the lamp possibly it has poped out,your going to have to remove the lamp to see how the adjuster is fixed in it`s position and to do that on a FJ that means removing the farring. as a inspector I would not pass a lamp that was jamed into positon.As I have to test the angle of the lamp and if it`s not 100% then it fails not my rules the govs.And I`m not taking a fine for anyone so if I cant adjust it properly and be sure it will stay that way then it fails. Not to mention I hate beeing blinded by some idiot riding /driving with his lights shinning in my eyes and not on his side of the road. Edit not calling you a idiot but so many cars out there with lights shinning everywhere but where they should be it pisses me off.
  19. All abs units work with a sensor ring on the hub or special bearings that are magntized,if its using a pressed on tone stye ring vs a slotted ring bolted on then watch out for getting water under it and letting it freeze this casuse the tone ring to split and if you can only buy the tone ring with the wheel then you will be replacing the whole wheel. Levers make no difference,I think if you look both bikes share the same braking system except the abs unit,tone rings and pick up sensors. The abs unit sits mid way in the brake hoses and only controls the amount of pressure applied to the calipers,via the pick up siginal as long as the pick up is send info to the abs It does nothing when the pick up stops sending info the abs puter sences the whell locking up or about to it decrease the pressure and pulses the brakes,IMO a very uncomfortable feeling havin to trust a puter to stop me. If you don`t have a car with abs get a fried who dose and let you drive in a parking lot and activate the abs,accomplished by slaming the brakes on and trying to skid the car wet pavement makes this easy,this will give you what it feels like to have abs on a bike. Another note on abs the system is very sensitive to moisture contamination in the fluid,so fluid changes are very important. If your not able to do this yourself then more$$$ to spend yearly to have it serviced.I have chucked 3000 dollar units in the bin becaues the owner didn`t change the fluids. I don`t know how long you`ve been riding but I have been riding way to long to switch to ABS now.
  20. Well john you will certinaly look the part,not getting pant`s? While not 100% water proof they do work well and the tear resistance is amazing and the padding helps alot.
  21. Lmao priceless,he shouldn`t have to wory about the dammage he did,,its a right off now
  22. Other than 2t oil the bike shouldn`t use any oil if the gear box oil is disapearing then you`ve found your problem the right seal is gone.
  23. Nice job can we see the dash and hidden stuff.
  24. dt502001


    sporting a stash for the cause,and a great excuse to not shave for a month
  25. Also try a new spark plug. And no the crank seal is not a easy job if you have never done 1,should be lots of info about doing it though been discused many time here.
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