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Everything posted by dt502001

  1. I thought u might have cut the pipe to reshape it,three words that never sound good together bike ,fell ,leg. They might call it a orange but still looks more yellow to me even on the car,the 2008 Sts had a better orange IMO but as long as you like it then thats all that matters. I take it your going to paint a scheem on the tank in orange,thing is with candy it's going to be a different colour than the fenders because you used a different base colour with the parts not right beside eachother it might not be as noticable though.
  2. dt502001

    1976 DT175C

    Only 11 more months left in this year!Hows the tank looking,did you convince the hubby to do it,not like you need it now but the longer it hardes befor put to use the better .
  3. What happend to Laura was so looking foward to the picts of her little beauty outside?
  4. Looking much different in the picts looks more yellow? When painting a tank I always make sure no paint gets on the area where the cap seals,made that mistake years ago and gas got under the paint and lifted it,I now tape down past the sealing area about 1/8 inch this way the paint is never soaking in fuel and the cap covers it so you dont see it and since doing it that way never had a problem with paint lifting/bubbling. Your not serious about the pipe,so what you doing with it ? Going for a high shot gun look?
  5. Well that will learn ya,if the can says ues in well ventlated area it means it.Now don't it Leroy It does reminde me of something we disscused in school about gas,if you inhale enough fumes it will close your gag valve and next to impossible to revive you most die from syphoning using there mouth,if you need to,, either submerge the hose and then cap the end with your thumb pull it out,get a proper syphon hose/pump or blow compressed air past the end of the hose. So fucking be carefull from now on with the chemies, you want your head stone to read "dumb ass fell down staris and broke his neck"????
  6. Cool another success story for the YOC any picts of the bike??
  7. Are you not running a t stat cause your bike should run at the same temp summer or winter,granted it will take longer in the winter to come up to full temp. If you talking in C not F then 90 is fine 50 is to cold I have discused this before but lets talk more about over cooling, the piston gets very little effect of cooling from the rads,the cylinder however gets a great effect ,every time the t stat opens it should stay open to get a even/consistant flow if the rads can cool the coolant down faster than the motor can heat it then you run the risk of cold seizure ( commonly refered to 4 corner ) the cylinder litteraly rappidly cools and grabs the piston,old air cooled bikes had this problem when run hot into a cold water stream/river. The termostat is opend and closed by a wax pellet and dose not change temp as fast as the coolant to close when nessary so with to big of a cooling system it can flow cold coolant into a hot motor then trap it.The piston at the same time is not changing temp. You have no options on what temp t stat you can run so you need to match the cooling capisity to the amount needed or your eng will be running hot cold hot cold.You can drill holes in a t stat to compensate but not advisable. Most if not all cooling systems now are built to just meet the needs under normal driving and backed up with a temp controled elec. fan to compensate when ideling for the lack of air flow.Many systems now incorporate a method to close off the cooling system at high speeds when the air flow exceeds the demand for 2 reasons 1 decreased drag and 2 to keep the eng at a optimum operating temp.and not cycle the t stat. Ask anyone over the age of say 45 and they will tell you about changing t stats 2x a year 1 for summer 185F and 1 for winter 195f in there 60's 70'80's cars. You mentioned a yz 125 having 2 rads well thats fine for a bike intended to be run at 100% all the time crusing around on a yz125 it would be running to cold. So what I am sayin is try to match need to ability keeping it from over heating but at a optium temp .Royal purple claims there coolant to drop temp by 10% so that might be all you need. Other co's make simmilar claims Here is a debate about temp and how to coold wears a eng fasterhttp://dirtrider.net/forums3/showthread.php?84106-Coolant-Temperature-on-2-strokes no conclusive answers but more to think about. Good luck with the project I too have built things just cause I could,but going into unknow teritory is alway a gamble,there was another member who was doing the same thing with a belga motor in a dt NEV i think mabey try and pick his mind you 2 might be facing the same challenges/decisions
  8. Looks like another 1 hit wonder couldn't wait a day to get the info,nice of you to offer though Yamgod.
  9. Kim after you are sure that you have all the right bulbs and good grounds /clean sockets,if it still wont flash try flicking the flasher relay with your finger if it flashes then the relay is sticking,sometimes you can file the contacts clean though normaly its best to just replace.
  10. The reason why the 2 bikes you mentioned have such big rads is because of the negative air pressure/s enviroment they live in. co efficent drag dictates ,,they must be located where they are, you on the other hand are pushing a bilboard down the road in tearms of drag co. efficenty ,,so alot smaller rad will do the job is all I am sain.
  11. Well this should be fun to watch ......---....---..man get's near sun POOF he's gone is it live or meormex..If the koreans are going to try and pull this off and fake a sun landing then it will be a great achevment to prove how fucking stupid Kim realy is Me thinks he has spent to may hour in the opium den if he thinks anyone is going to belive this. Like the propaganda they shot about how american's are forced to eat snow wish I could find it againhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJoQOQHQ8oA ooo here it is again LMAO
  12. HAHAHAHAHAHA CARDIOLOGIST FUNERAL This would be an acceptable reason to laugh at a funeral... A very prestigious cardiologist died, and was given a very elaborate funeral by the hospital he worked for most of his life.. A huge heart... covered in flowers stood behind the casket during the service as all the doctors from the hospital sat in awe. Following the eulogy, the heart opened, and the casket rolled inside. The heart then closed, sealing the doctor in the beautiful heart forever. At that point, one of the mourners just burst into laughter. When all eyes stared at him, he said, 'I'm so sorry... I was just thinking of my own funeral...I'm a gynecologist!' The priest fainted!
  13. Just about every new sport/sport touring/naked bike I have ridden over 700cc in the last few years all seem to suffer from poor gearing for highway running.On the B I found 1 tooth down on the rear helped alot ,,at first I was always searching for another gear,then I just got used to checking the revs.I thinke it's has alot to do with the amount of mid range torque built into them,when you crusing in top gear at say 65mph you just dont expect to have that instane pull without a gear change. Where the 400 is just nicely in the upper end of lower end of the power,my rz 350 was like that once in 6th you were crusing and it felt like it,still power when you roll on the throttle but nothing like 1st to 4th.Where as the new bikes just go at 70-80 like you still in 3rd or 4th. How the front end I hear they are a bit soft and feed back is vauge,I havent ridden 1 yet but the fz9 (mt9) is on the list of test rides this year.Yam did a fantastic job on the styling and the motor is to die for street riding so all test reviews say. Sounds like you got a even better deal on the 400 if it just need's some normal wear and tear fixed.Good on ya nice find
  14. Most likey it because a I.C.E is realy just a heat exchanger reduce the thermo efficency and you reduce the finnal output. In the stock tz frame with body work the eng would be running hotter,and in the location of the rad,negitave air perssure behind the front wheel and it just dosen't flow as much air to cool the eng. Factor in the location and the huge air scoopps that you use in the dt and the size of the rad can easly be made smaller with the same efficency. In the picture the new rads look thicker. Do you have the tz rad to see how much volume it holds to be able to compare to the dt rad? I would be more inclined to try the stock dt rad and see how well it works first and then see what more is needed if anything. If a old 490 yz could run with just some finns hanging on the side of the motor then how much cooling do you realy need?
  15. I honestly have no idea if any of it's true but found it funny and informative,though what your sain makes sence. Sadly beeing born and raise in Canada we were taught more about american history,after they drilled the war of 1812,normandy, ww1 and ww2 into our heads in the 5th or 6th grade. than anything about europe.
  16. That was one the best vids i've seen BH clear and easy to follow. So Kim give it go and report back with what you get,I think you just need to fine tune the carb now and all should be right. Ps please put up your avitar nice to have a pretty face to see now and then.
  17. hmm HISTORY OF THE FAMOUS MIDDLE FINGER Isn't history more fun when you know something about it? The History of the Middle Finger: Well, now......here's something I never knew before, and now that I know it, I feel compelled to send it on to my more intelligent friends in the hope that they, too, will feel edified. Before the Battle of Agincourt in 1415, the French, anticipating victory over the English, proposed to cut off the middle finger of all captured English soldiers. Without the middle finger it would be impossible to draw the renowned English longbow and therefore they would be incapable of fighting in the future. This famous English longbow was made of the native English Yew tree, and the act of drawing the longbow was known as 'plucking the yew' (or 'pluck yew'). Much to the bewilderment of the French, the English won a major upset and they began mocking the French by waving their middle fingers at the defeated French, saying, See, we can still pluck yew! Since 'pluck yew' is rather difficult to say, the difficult consonant cluster at the beginning has gradually changed to a labiodental fricative 'F', and thus the words often used in conjunction with the one-finger-salute! It is also because of the pheasant feathers on the arrows used with the longbow that the symbolic gesture is known as 'giving the bird.' And yew thought yew knew every plucking thing.
  18. I would think they would be over kill the thermostat would be getting quite the workout trying to keep the eng at temp with the typical temp you live in. .Judging by the size in the pictuers I would think just the extra surface area and volume of 1 of thoes rads would be more than enough to control any extra heat from the hoped up motor. My wr250 dosent have that much rad surface/volume Or just a puller type 12v fan for stop and go traffic if she want to run hot at stop lights
  19. Nice lot ,at least the wife wont be complaing your spending alot on this project you already spent it ages ago,with that many new parts this should turn out like new can't wait to see it done.I would still make it a 350 though in 250 disguise
  20. Step back and say hi first in the new members section,,,you dont have to but you will find that if you do the information you want will come flowing. I dont have the spec's but bet someone does or knows where to find them. Some old guys here and I mean old haaha. Hi by the way Slapps more canuck's the better
  21. Good your learning but realy we are just gettin you to fix all the shit you left un fixed MUUUUHAAHHAHHAHAH Serious though if you fix all the stuff you know is wrong then everyone here will help you get the rest sorted out there is only a few possibiltys of what is wrong most have been covered 2x
  22. Thats why I am saying set them to the loose side,your valves are old and pre stressed so it should work better,you just need to slap the valve against the seat a few hundred thousand time's and it will be fully seated again. And when you re check them hopefully they will all still be in spec. Come to think about this you heated the barrels hot enough to release the sleeves, when you baked the cylinder head the valve seat's may have shifted as well But as all you clearnce's are tighter I would think it's all ok.Had they shifted I would expect them to be very loose measurments.
  23. Then is it sealed or not? If air can get in there then it will affect the bikes running ,,you realy need to fix all known problems missing parts seal ect
  24. And what about the idle screw if it has a flat spot worn into it it will be realy PITA to adjust the height of the slide,you can sand it round again if it does have aflat spot wont be perfect but it will work.
  25. No air he is missing the pilot screw washer and seal
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