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Everything posted by dt502001

  1. Is true though seen a guy in shorts last week when it hit +1,,,still a little cold for me HAHA
  2. dt502001

    Fz600 Gulf

    Measure the resistance of your coils first. If they are high then swap coils,, Low ohms coils work better and less back pressure /feed on the cap.
  3. Yep post up a pict... .. I have one thought but let me see your problem. EDIT: that will teach ya for messing with hardly parts HAHAH just let me see it!
  4. Hey the snows melting a bit now, a week ago you wouldn't have seen it at all,that is a row of cars to the left,, the van is green so it attracts the sun and melted a bit quicker. Notice the foot prints in the snow its packed snow that you can walk on. Snow cones anyone?
  5. Thank you Mike it made no sence at all,funny though I liked the band back then alwasy thought she had a great voice.
  6. Ps apparently there is a ford pick up beside it
  7. Was at my local place and looking for some truck parts."Yes there is a dodge mini van out back you can get some parts off go help yourself" so say the guy this is what i found LOL Think I'll wait till it melts That a 8 foot fence that you could walk over
  8. I hope to god you have a exhaust fan or your going to pass out again from exposure to fumes
  9. God I hope he isn't in charge of bulding bridges,not even brave enough to ride it himself who would want to be the test pilot LMAO
  10. Tooth brush 1 extra pair of undies and socks, and your good to go. Having a extra bag of parts is not worth it,a extra brake light and head light bulb is good to have on hand tire plug kit and a co2 to refill the tire also good to have.Most everything else you can get by without till you can find some place to buy it. Most important thing to do is go over your bike and check everything wheel bearings brakes ect.. dont leave with worn parts and you should be ok.If your brakes are worn more than 2/3rds then replace them now,if your battery is old replace it now,check your charging system now. Best way to ruin a big trip is to leave on a POS that hasent been maintained and ready for the trip. As far as leagle stuff from country to country alway best to check with the countrys travel agents ,or even one near you they dont charge for information,,,laws change and even if you have been there before things might have changed since your last visit.
  11. ER UM your in the wrong place this is a nut house,but hey welcome anyway.
  12. Ok send me some of what ever it is ya all doing cause it has to be good shit when cheese becomes funny
  13. No problem,but if you intend on riding for a few years then buy a chain breaker they are cheap and make life so much easier. ESP when the new chain comes and is too long.
  14. Well be thankfull that as soon as you do finnish it you can ride it,were still stuck in snow for at least another few weeks. Is a good idea to fire it up,I never let my bike's sit for more than a week or so before fireing them back up keeps the fuel fresh in the carb and the jets clean even though I use fuel stabelizer. I dont like the thought of the valves/springs beeing left open and under pressure or the rings sitting in one spot. Now get that bitch done march is here and you dead line is approching LOL
  15. Sunny and a high of -3 this weekend here , congrats on a new ride nothing like a spanking new bike to put a smile on ya. Seems alot of the members this year have gotten em.
  16. It a simple straight foward job,loosen the front sprocket bolt first before removing the rest, if it's the factory chain then you will need a chain breaker or grinder to open the chain to remove it. When installing the new chain if using a split link the heel (closed) end goes in the direction of travel.
  17. Dosent matter but on is better less chance of it spilling out,Brake fluid is great paint stripper so if you spill any be sure to wash it off
  18. Thats one sharp looking machine Katie not crazy about the rack,the bikes I'm sure your's is a delightful site,but I dont like any rack on any bike just alwasy look outa place. Have fun with it and let us know how she holds up,we don't even have a dealer within a 100 miles from me not sure if they even have that bike here.That bike here would be a exotic,be lucky to see one ever.
  19. Do the ink lay out and if they are worn/not mached well then the undercut is cheaper than replacing.Like I said 2nd gear is the most important and also normaly the most worn gear
  20. Blue ink the gear engaugement dogs ( the three fingers on the gear that slides) and see how well they contact the mating gears window by smacking them together befor the ink dries. To undercut is like a dove tail joint at a 5 degree angle,The idea is when the very tip of the dog gets into the window then they will pull themself together vertualy eliminating miss shifts, 2nd gear is the most important. Hope that clears it up.
  21. Hahaha shouldn't that be in the for sale section Dirty DT,picky picky. All joking aside really start a thread on your project should be intresting to see how that rusted old popcorn maker turns out,lots of us love to watch em old bikes come back to life and yours should be a long build.Also some of the less experienced members get to learn along the way
  22. As it's a ali sprocket and wont last long anyway I wouldn't worry about it it's not realy in the drive part of the sprocket.
  23. dt502001

    Then and Now

    1990 lost the hair re-did the bike 2nd place trophy for the london bike show
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