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Everything posted by dt502001

  1. I have done some scraping in my day and the only way to get top dollar for metal is to break it into clean metal and thats a Pita when it come to removing all the steel from ali. Probably best to pull what ever good parts there is and just bin the rest for scrap steel weight ,because if the scrap yard find 1 tiny little piece of steel then it all gets clasified as dirty ali. O I just had a thought You could run it over with a tank and then seperate all the steel with a magnet Its just a honda
  2. Wow you like your classics a k15 and now this.What do you intend to do with it? It's a classic example of cafe' racer from the day,save for that little ali farring? bit above the head lamp thats from the 80's off a honda. What information are you looking for? Ie will points fit from later models,,ask away someone will know and please keep the pictuers comming I love the bike as it is now,they call new bikes naked but that is truley naked.
  3. Ok just so I can get a scope of what is what how long of a drive would that be,I see that you get kinda blocked on the m6 when you get to birmingham area but it look like you could take the 449 and skip alot of city traffic. It only looks to be about 200 miles,maybe not a ideal day trip but still doable
  4. Well now I know why you have so little miles on your bike,all work and no play time. I guess having 4 seasons and being forced off the road for the winter isn't so bad vs 1 season of rain,work on bike when I cant ride work on nothing when I can LOL
  5. Most likely the injector will be fine,the bike wont run unless it has the 30-60 psi(not sure what the specs are for a ybr125) of fuel pressure from the pump. You can soak the injector in cleaner if it looks dirty just be sure to remove the outer seals first.There is f all to a injector ,a needle, a coil,seals and a nozzel and they rarley plug up to the point the bike wont run.Most injectors on gas engines will go 600k and never fail
  6. Hey Ross well that is a hard question to answer because if you run17 "SM wheels it changes the over all gearing.stock gearing is good for everything except long highway runs,but then again these bikes weren't made for pounding down miles on the slab so buy a different bike for that. The bike wheelies just fine with stock but if your thinking of doing stunt riding then get a way bigger rear sprocket Use this site http://www.gearingcommander.com/ to get a idea as to what is what for different tire sizes and gearing you can play with the numbers and it will tell you how many links you will need for the chain as well.
  7. Holy crap foams right up on your brake fluid aren't you impressed zi am !
  8. Thats stupid,,so if it's attached to the bike you can fill it but if you take it off you cant what a BS rule.I would stand there and argue that point. Tell the dip shit that my bike ran out of gas and I need gas now stupid. Sorry we are jacking this thread lets get back to hearing how this 400 comes along
  9. When was the last time you check the valve adjustment? valves get tight not loose and if the intake is held open then your wearing out the cam and letting blow back into the carbs.
  10. Got to agree with rex the bike may be listed as both but each bike is used in different climates and altitude,and then best to use the one for your climate and sea level,so best to ask someone in your area as to which one is best for your climate. Or the factory manual NOT some POS climer or haynes also with the different fuels now adays the old manuals would be wrong anyway. Even the gap is wrong for modern pump/race/low or high octain fuels
  11. LOL BH your rite,wright,right or did you just write that to totaly confuse lasso,now dont even go there,thier or they'er
  12. LOL as I just pointed out to lasso never get a scott or newfie to write anything down and expect anyone elst to understand what it means,,, lmao lumbard =labomobity + namby pamby= still on his mom tit? not even sure what jobsworth means but guessing not much good for anything LOL. I know you not a scott cynic but it get just aboiut as confusing at times LOL I defiy anyone to refuse to fill a gas tank that is certified for transfering fuel,,even when in the USA they guy at the fuel center for race fuel "not fo public sale or road use" laughed when we took the gas tanks off and had them filled,,had we pulled up on the bike he could have refused us be laughed when we showed up with just the tanks from the bike's,, AND said " well that one way around the law"
  13. FYI Lasso MUHAHaHaHA Is a evile laugh,like the bad guy in a moive,,,,, haha is just a laugh,,,, and LOL is laugh hard out loud,lmao is laughing my ass off,
  14. Ok just un plug the dock and see what happens
  15. LOL you will never learn english if you read 1/2 of what i write,POS could mean "piece of shit" or "positive" sorry. write= to script to paper right=could mean turning not left but right wright= you are wrong and I am not all sound the same when said,I didnt creat this language and after 47 years you would think I could get it right,wright,,,, a piss on it i dont care if you can spell it rite or if I can I know the jist of what your saying. And dont even get the scotts or newfies involved they will spellit any way they want and you will never understand
  16. Ok pos is + ...neg is - if looking at battery..get it? If you dont have a multi meter then just disconnect the gps for the night ,,,by the sounds of things it is what is causing you problems anyway.
  17. Try these guys but I dont think they have a listing for your bike so you will have to contact them directly no doubt.http://www.delwestengineering.com/parts_titanium_valves.html If not at least replace them with new stock.
  18. Never seen a gas station refuse to fill a gas tank on or off the bike. Like I said before the main reason these motors blow up is because the valves and springs dont get changed, So don't rush it pull the valves and check them bet they are streched and the springs are bent.The local yam dealer changes the springs valves and keepers every 10hrs on thier race bike,and after talking with Gord he told me he has seen as much as .010" strech after 1 weekend of racing on factory valves and spring that were bent .030" The full service interval on these bikes is every 1000kms (600 miles) and all the service is in the head or re plating the cylinder the rest of the motor is almost bulit proof.You dont have to change the springs evertime but if you test them for pressure you find they get weak fast and dont sit square.the other thing to check very carefully is the keeper area of the valve,the keepers will cut the shite out of the valve and eventualy break the top of the valve off and then the valve drops into the cylinder. Honestly its cheaper to throw them away and start with new,aftermarket stronger valves. The heads always look a bit better than the barrel on these motors,Yam must have used better ali when making them,that and they spend alot of time in a parts washer during service.
  19. Ok Noise there is a problem here I got out before you,and we have been burried in snow for 5 months, your already 1500kms behind this year LOL better get some monkey butt cream http://2339489.r.msn.com/?ld=Dv8IYAiil8ULxPKu3ZuHSzkTVUCUxNgNsJlk4l2I_TffTCSmtBNJIQSH7ywySn1hJ8mFcVL_zIoX7MXg6VNkl5ALP1ZRtmH1YSdTkmKQvpGcq6Ycbty6FdGrJ3wQhF72N0dV-rRwTeW7QidT9idS8k1lDzBk4&u=http%3a%2f%2fpronto.com%2fuser%2fsearch.do%3fSEM%3dtrue%26query%3dmonkey%2bbutt%2bcream%26adid%3d010cbf01-ff47-4ad7-a86b-86ec9733f5df-0-pt_mse%26kwid%3dmonkey%2520butt%2520cream%26cid%3d2850818899to help break in that new seat. good luck with the MTO and hope your riding soon. Best to spend today going over it all,give her a shake down and then recheck all the bolts/nuts
  20. How far is it? Just looking on google maps and I cant see any where other that hotels called cottonoplis,but shit anywhere you can go dosent look more than 10 hrs. From London I go for that just for the gustas and ducks but i would be hanging around the lanticas,thoes thing rocked in rally back in there day
  21. LOL just incase you forgot your suposed to slow down and stay more up right on sandy surfaces.Unless you have knobbies and in sand/dirt
  22. Hook up your multy meter between the neg cable and battery and on the amp mode and disconecting the gps holder,and see if you have a amp draw while connected (gps) and if it stops when un pluged. If not then start pulling fuses till it stops pulling amps then you will know what circut it pulling amps when the bike is off.
  23. Opps soryy to hear that! Did the wife add that extra insurance on you she was talking about on friday ?
  24. Haha beliveit or not BH I drove past a lake that is still frozen solid on the 2 hr ride up to Stoney Creek,we just got a blast of warm weather wont last but nice to get out,it been around 15 during the day and +0 for the last few nights. A couple of days of rain makes for getting rid of the snow quick. I think every person who owns a bike in ontario had them out in the last few days, I mannaged to get to 3 of the great lakes in 2 days,was going to stop and see Jeff Rz resurection yesterday but he was in the wrong direction from home and the rain came in, a realy good thunderstorm so now the roads will be cleaned up from all the grit and salt.Managed 1500+kms in 2 days and might still get out today ,got monkey butt LOL got to break in my arse cheaks. while the roads might be more to what you guys on that side are used to, the roads in and around stoney creak are some of the worst roads I have ridden on in ontario. They realy aren't paved as much as they are a pacth quilt of different fixesEven some of the roads up north are better.Riding on the mountain road reminds me of the cork screw at laguna seca,totaly blind entry and a 80 degree drop hair pin,lots of fun but get it wrong and it wil eat you.
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