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Everything posted by dt502001

  1. At 400 it is due for it's first valve adjustment and that can get costly/involved on a duck,beauty bike but I'd never own one. You have been warned it's ducking fast so keep your head when you first ride it,it will break most every speed limit in first gear.
  2. Cool tommy you'll look a proper part of the next mad max movie,just hope it works for the hayfever
  3. All lookin good this has been a very interseting build to watch. As tommy said I realy wouldn't have looked twice at a 50 to restor/build better than just make it run right and stop. But with that beauty seat and the tank the new head lamp with speedo hidden inside this is going to be one looker of a 50,that will stop on a dime. May I ask why you chosed that bike,was it dirt cheap to start with? or just something that you had in the back of you mind to do some day? If I am correct this is for your son to learn on right what a lucky lad,personaly i would never put that much work into a bike then hand it over to a rookey be interseting to see how long it stays nice,hopefully forever for both your son and the bikes sake Keep up the great work I'll be . watching.
  4. Most likely is that the PO removed the weights when installing new grips/bar end mirrors and undid the weights to the point the nuts fell off and as you said couldn't figure how to get them out, got new ones and left them to rattel. LOL I'v heard that the only thing wrong with a bike was the loose nut holding the bars but this adds a twist
  5. Na coils won't go that way they work up untill a certian thresh hold then break down take Dirtydt's advice.Clean the tank and filter the tank fuel line. But the jet my be different in size than the 1 you ordered why not just clean out the old one? Chances are you will find that paint in the carb when you open it up and thats all your problems.PS don't forget to clean the pilot jet and the emulsion tube (The part that the main jet fits into) as well when your in there.
  6. Bar end weights are missing from you bike Right! that what the nuts are for put them back on they kill vibes in the bars much nicer to have on.
  7. dt502001

    1976 DT175C

    Yep HARDLY mechanic's at work I'm thinking you could have done a better job blind folded,,realy how do you not see that? oh i know screw someone around for months on end and then just slap it together. I hope thats the only thing they ducked up. I guess they don't have a wire wheel either they could have cleaned up the rust on that shaft in seconds, but then againg they would have to care about the work they do! The motor is not that heavy just get lots of rags and tape them to the frame where you might nick the paint when instaling the motor set it in place and use a jack tolift it up to get the mounting brackets and bolt to line up. GET ER DONE LOL
  8. this stuff http://classicmotorcycles.about.com/gi/o.htm?zi=1/XJ&zTi=1&sdn=classicmotorcycles&cdn=autos&tm=121&gps=17_26_1093_548&f=00&su=p284.13.342.ip_&tt=29&bt=5&bts=&zu=http%3A//www.motodracing.com/motorcycle_undersuit.html hleps we have been in the 30's and add the humidex it's around 45c. Other gear like fully mesh jackets are nice for these days.Just don't stop any water. And task is right the DRY HEAT is no where as bad calli and texas just dont feel as hot same with west Canada Ontario surrounde by lakes every where get the humidity bad.
  9. I Have not done it but realy it shoud work,provided that the mounting bosses are in the same place on the 750 and1100,the pick up only sends a signal to the cdi to reference TDC( actualy BTDC) so the cdi can fire the coils at the right time. The pick-up is just a pulse generating coil so as long as it's timed correctly then in THEORY it would work. Where you may find difference is the size of the rotor and clearences to the pick up coil So check everything 3x before rotating the motor. Disclaimer if you do this and it breaks something don't blame me. Mabey try sending a PM to rex's speed shop he like's to play with that stuff.
  10. dt502001

    1976 DT175C

    Ok here it comes then,WTF you haven't got the motor in the frame yet why? Don't you have 2 tanks just pop the other 1 one to run the bike untill you sort out the paint,the year is getting shorter allready ,or should you be putting white picket fence around this project. LOL.it's comming along nicely don't let the small set backs slow you down still a good 4 months of riding so geter done!
  11. Cool how much do you have thats missing in the pict?
  12. You didn't mention if you have spark,so do you have spark?
  13. I bet the boss that locates the spring is broken,As Slice said pop it appart to know for sure.
  14. Check that your voltage reg is not over charging, blowing bulbs tend to be the first sign that the regulatro is over charging.AS prichard said check you ground is nice and solid. Also do not touch the glass part of the bulb ever,I had a coustomer put 3 in in 3 days in a car untill I told him not to touch the glass section,if you do touch the glass section whipe clean with rubbing alochol.
  15. dt502001

    1976 DT175C

    What a bummer,cant see how the decal company can blame the RM products,did they give any recomened ratios for mixing the clear/hardner? I;m leaning towards they printed the decals on crap vinal did the backing paper have 3M on it? Doubt they will pay for repaint but they could at least give you new stickers free. Did the side pannels react as well?
  16. Hi scott while we can't help with the manual end of this,starting a post in workshop about how to fix front brakes/bleed brakes then we can help guide you. For a first post nice to sse you at least said something about your ability's and not just HELP ME. We get alot of one hit wonders who get help never say thankyou and bugger off so new members should contribute to other sections like the joke page and what made you laugh today if you intend to hang around.and the sites other members form the USA could use some more company So you need to figure out wether the caliper is stuck or the master is not making pressure or the line has collapsed. .Start a thread in workshop the xs 400 is well known by members so you should get lots of help.
  17. Clean carbs and replace the coolant temp switch for fan control or plug it back in if un pluged or check the wireing,the puter just runs the fans all the time to avoid over heating if it has no signal from the switch. Not sure how the pump knows when to stop ,it's a low pressure system so it may just need the floats to provide back pressure or there may be a pressure sencing switch a good look at the wireing diagram will tell you. Might need to clean the pump. Edit just a second though might have a mechanical fuel pressur switch vac controled post a picture if you can
  18. dt502001


    +1 For a 5er you can replace the W/P seal and it will need doing sooner or later 1 flush and your done or atleast you have narrowed it down to crank seals why wait untill it actualy hurts something?
  19. Puma you only come here when you have problems, also the threads some times move fast and no one see's the older ones ,NOTE this is NOT a repair info site just a bunch of guy's and gals who like bikes. The last thing I would have suggested was that you had the jets in wrong,not even sure how you managed that or synced the carbs, and things like loose wires are mostly only ever found by looking at the bike yourself. Not by me or anyone else helping from here. If it's a common problem with you spefic bike then only someone with that bike would probably know. The only general solutions are 1 spark 2 fuel 3 compression 4 dirty carbs/incorectly set up. After that then it starts to be bike specific ,any bike ove 10 yrs old should have the entire wireing system completly checked for green death and loose wireing bitching about not getting help is counter productive.
  20. Just to put your mind at easy running with the choke wouldn't have hurt anything. At the bottome of the carb there is a screw for draining the carb,try draing the fuel with the fuel tap in the off pos. If you don't have off pos clamp fuel line so fuel cant flow. Place the spark plug on the head and make sure it's grounded crank over the eng and watch for spark( note do not place the spark plug over the hole or fire may blow out )if you have spark then put a tea spoon of fuel in the cylinder replace plug to hole and try to start should fire right up.if it does then turn the fuel to res or on quickly If not Try another new plug and if you get it running take it out for a long ride to clean out the raw fuel. With the choke off LOL this time.Then when home make sure you turn the fuel to off possiton then in 5 or so min go out and try to start againg without choke ( only needed when engine is cold) Should fire right up even with the fuel in off pos,then turn fuel on and run for 1-2 min. turn fule off and wait 2-3 hrs till cold try starting without choke first if it dosent start then try with choke. Now go and introduce yourself and thank everyone for all the help and let us know how you make out.As said 1 hit wonder who do not thank others who help make the members angery and if in the future you need help with other problems you won't get any. And it sounds like you might need some in the future.
  21. Well it's we bit different here the road could be run at 230kpm easliy mostly straight line with a few sweepers and no maps required as most of SWO ( south west ontario) roads are built on a grid system so getting lost is hard unlees to can't tell NSEW from your butt. If you get into some of the city's them you might need a map to find the street your looking for but again grid system mostly.Not that the roads are all straight line but eventualy form a square grid pattern so all you need to know is wich way is home or your destination and you can find your way.abeit a few kms out of the way but not far out if you have any sence of direction. So here i go again ,yesterday sheephead and whitefish but no rainbows,got 45 yellow and white (mixed) pearch to clean myself all toll for the 3 of us yesterday 117,we share our catch so everyone get big ones and small one to clean, weather might be more favorable today silghtly over cast and less windy,fingers crossed I come home with a 8-10lber rainbow or a salmon ther out there I know cause I've seen other guy's bring them in just can find them yet. Lake erie is not small and the fish move daily EDIT O ps I love the fact that I get to combine 2 of my fave things in one trip riding and fishing.
  22. Also now your spark plugs are most likely fuel fouled so you will need to dry them out and the cylinders are full of raw fuel so pull them out for a night and let everything dry out.
  23. Ok first your right a boout the bracket to hole the cable in place. the bike will never start without the pilot jets installed so put them back in they go in the hole closest to the eng. your throttle/idle screw should not be turned in all the way the plates are open way to far. I would suggest you pick up a manual so you can set the float height and the rest of the carbs proprely.The slow return on the #1 carb is due to weak spring perssure,or the slide is gummed up with old dry fuel. Now that you have mess with the pilot setting the carbs will need to be ballanced for this you will need some vac gauges or manomerters. Check out utube for "carb ballancing "lots of vids about how to do. One other thing do you have spark and to keep thing simple keep your thread running instead of starting a new one for every step you encounter problems
  24. dt502001


    Nothing will ever stop me from riding if I can't hold up 2 wheels then I will build a trike or strap on a side car. Not exactly the same but close enough. As far a stats they don't hold much weight for me,once hear that your more likely to get hit by a buss than die in a plane crash, so does this mean if you never fly in a plane you will never get hit by a bus
  25. I have easlie spent more on keeping my wr running than I paid for it ,so as the saying goes "you got to pay to play" If you had bouhgt the bike to restore and sell then it would be a poor investment,but you will keep it and ride it once done so the money factor is not applicable IMO,I think you got the bike for a graet price even if you have to rebuild the whole bike,you will have a classic built the way you want it. I hate seeing bikes restored to the point that no one will ride it for fear of it getting old again,thats BS,fixer up nice enought to ride safely and look good but don't go over kill on eveery last nut and bolt then park it under glass,there is enough of thoes bike. Be looking foward to the project page and folowing the build. you got a solid start enjoy the journey Dirtydt EDIT I guess I'm a fool for spending money I'll never get back but I love my wr and even more when I pass a guy on a much newer bike,but it's mine set up for me just the way i like it and i cant go buy a new bike like that cheaper than to keep fixing mine.So untill it get realy hard to find parts for it I will keep floging this horse.
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