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Everything posted by dt502001

  1. Let me guess airhead a dtre is point fired? Why don't people add the year of the bike when asking for help!It's like saying my bike won't run .
  2. I have to agree with lallasro not the ideal location for city running,mind you did do a nice clean job.I would make another bracket simmilar that could fit under the mirror where it attaches to the bar mount then it would be at the right place to get a quick look without haveing to total loose road view.
  3. Oh that explanes it then why there so slow,when it supposed to be resting all the power leaks out
  4. Not sure about your side of the pond but here,stanley sells tools with life time guarantee and canadian tire does as well,I have a tool box full of snap-on at work and for home I have the cheap stuff form the above mentioned realy they work just as well,just if something breaks I have to take it back to the store vs at work the tool truck shows up weekly. And if I need to modifie a tool the cheap stuff get it done to it and not a frackin 40 dollar snapon wrench. Over the years of turning wrenches for a living I have learned that when buying tools I look at how often will I realy need this tool,any high use tool then spend big, if I'm only going to need it a couple of times now and then cheap.Like my impact gun yes I spent 600.00 on it and my air wratchet cost 600.00,but for the average person the cheapest gun and wratchet will work but stay with brand name not the cheapey cheapy made in china crap The best thing to do is put the tool on a bolt/nut and see if it actualy fits..sure it says 14mm but is it realy 14mm some of that cheap stuff is more like 14.3mm this is what makes rounded bolts and nuts and get you busted knuckels and bleading and make a otherwise simple job hard.If they don't fit return them befor you use them. When it come to buying ridin gear then ask everyone I bought Joe rocket pants with a year warrenty and returned them every year for the last 5 years they are crap the stiching come out the zipper break and they are a big company,I bought a no name jacket knock off of a joe rocket jacket 9 years ago and it has only broken one zipper, so no Idea about whats good in that department,I think that just the luck of the draw.
  5. Yep for the cost of a buffing pad and some compound vs the cost of paying someone you could pollish quite afew.I do my own polishing,nice to be able to clean them back up when you want to ,it not hard just a bit messy. lots of differen't company sell the kits to DIY.
  6. I wouldn't just right off the speed woble to tires check the head bearing's are tight and the rim dosen't have excessive run out.,Also check the ballance Sounds like your real happy with the bike though,real torque monsters they are, have fun with your new toy.
  7. Sounds like a cdi problem but first rule out the charging coils and the pick up coil,test them as per the manual each has a specific resistance measured in ohms if they pass the test then your cdi is most likely the problem. Hope that helps
  8. Yep got it a couple of months ago same stratige here,problem is all the stations change names in the last year or so so no idea who they buy there gas from. None of the stations are named shell bp esso ect. I just go for the stations that have lower prices and high volume sales so at least your getting fresh gas. Read a artical about the shelf life of modern fules and after 30days it is crap.
  9. LoL noise ever notice that hardleys leave ther pee spot everywhere they park,I'm not saying it wont work but three bond 1104 is what yamaha uses,hope it works and you don't have a bike that likes to leave pee spots.Would be dissapointing to go to all that work and have a leaker.
  10. Ok your doing a nice job and making a great" how to" but take the time to clean the pistons, this should have been done before installing so you should buy new c clips and remove them so no carbon ends up in the bottom end,carb cleaner work ok if you soak the pistons in it for a couple of days. then a stiff bush like a nail Personaly I would have used three bond and not rtv to seal the cases. Keep at it and you'll be riding soon
  11. Yep they will stop you from hyper extending your knee,as well as help from rotating it. To keep cost down when my son started he had a set of elbow/knee pads from skate boarding ( x games pair) I used to strap them on him and they worked,But it was funny to watch him try to walk/move in thor boots,pants jersey,, pads and chest protector looked like a penguin on a stick trying to move till he got on the bike then he adapted to the constraints of the gear. Nothing wrong with a used neck brace if IF it has been cared for,but if it's been heavely abused by throwing it around when not wearing it then it might be streched,remeber these are a spring for your neck/head.That would be something I would want to look at in person befor commiting to purchase,just a good excuse to go for a ride anyway.
  12. Ya found a wealth of info and I'm sure you have alot to add,welcome
  13. Hey Ian as ..Grouch hasen't been around in a while,,,I was wondering if your cartoons are on file can you photo shop grouch in so we can Waldo him LOL.
  14. Sorry to hear about the dog Tommy and glad to hear hes getting better,I've had dog's all my life and it hurts when they go.I always say that's it no more dogs.Never made it more than a couple of months befor the next one came home with me.After my last shepered went I realy thought thats it!! he was so close to me and so smart I thought no way will I ever find a dog as good as he was. Then 1 day after work I come home and the shop just down the road is asking everyone " did you loose your dog" well they didn't want it to go to the pound and I said I 'll keep her untill some one come's looking for her. she was.... well a mess... under fed, afraid of /hated women,news paper rolls,fly swaters. and she couldn't keep her hair. Long story short 7 years later Harriet is still here ( a pun she shed so much in the first few weeks it seemed the right name),never cost me any vet bills,save for shots ,and a great dog would die to save me or my son from harm.She just a mixed mutt but she's my mutt and part of the family and is fine around women,just wish i knew how old she is. Wishing a speed recovery to your loved one
  15. Cool comercial if thats the link?
  16. Knee braces are for guys old like me who have dammaged thier knees before,if i don't wear my left one I walk with a lip for days after mxing.That said I supose that if I had worn one before I wouldn't have buggered my knees. As far as upper gear I wear a chest/back protector and a jersey (like the Thore one in my avatar) they ofeer great protection breath well and easy to move in not good for pavement but on dirt they wear like steel in a get off.Thor pants and mx gloves,goggles with tear off's The neck brace some swear by them other can't ride with 1 one,I'v tried 1 and just couldn't get used to it.probably the best piece of protection you can buy though next to a proper pair of boots. And a helmet of course. But yep a grand for neck and knee braces is easy to spend. but they are a 1 time life investment and both could be the difference between living in a wheel chair or walking. Leat desinged them after his son was parralized,alot of the tracks won't let kids ride without them now,I rarely get off any more for a few reasons 39 years of mxing and I don't ride at 110% anymore,I know my limits and know when I'm tired/tireing out and adjust my riding.Thats probalby when most get off's will occour, guys will keep tring to push them self's not realizing that the just don't have the strenght to control the bike as well as the first few laps. Forarm pump is your ennime start traing you fore arms and wrists and get some chocolat milk for after workout recovery,no idea if you work out but you should start if you don't.Mxing is the second most demanding sport next to water polo and if your not realy strong you will crash more often.Lots of info about mx training get reading.You will be in great shape after a year of mxing,trust me after a day of mxing your body will tell you all about it if your not in good shape and will hurt every where even if you don't crash LOL I guess the most improtant part of the gear you select to wear is that you have to be comfortable ,able to move as if you wern't wearing gear .when mxing your constantly moving on the bike anything that slows you down in movment will cost you,possibly causing you to crashwhen ever split second count between a save and a crash
  17. The Mt09 is quite the bike read this link. sounds like a offical press release but ,impressive none the less. http://www.totalmotorcycle.com/motorcycles/2014models/2014-Yamaha-MT09.htm
  18. dt502001


    No mention of spark on the cylinder that's inop? OOPS just re read . so what about if you put a we bit of gas directly in the cylinder will it warm the exhaust pipe
  19. Sweet bike welshwan my buddy has both th SM and the te,I rode both and yeehaa quite the beast
  20. This might sound silly but is the coil grounded and has power,it won't work unles it is. at this point you have to go backwards and find what you did wrong The proper way is to follow the flow chart in the manual. 1st is to replace spark plug ( i'm sure you tried that) 2nd is to check every connection in the ignition system. 3 engine stop switch'and clutch saftey open and closes(test with a multi meter set on ohms scale,will have minimal resistance in run and infinate off) 4 Check coil ( done as you have a new one) 5 Check pick up coil and charging coils (Pick up coil sends signal to cdi to time the spark,no signal =no spark charge coil gives the juice) 6check netural switch If all the above is good then and only then the cdi is at fault. Sounds like step 2 has been over looked or the netural switch,possibly when rebuilding the motor you buggered it. Will it crank ove with the starter? And did it before rebuilding?
  21. YOU have to be DUcking kidding . Here buy bike take recipet to Dvla,give vin# pay tax,mto,insure carrie on,even if it has a lost ownership,20 bucks and they generate a new one,provided it dosen't come up stolen or writen off. importing not so easy unless allready here ,,,if so then back to 2nd sentince. Importing total mucking head ache first time ,but any bike that has been brought into the country will have been recorded with the dvla or customs officals so a quic call to the dvla give vin and either the dvla has file or,, customs does as unregiestered imported vehicle awaiting regersitry,then it get fun tring to get the lazy bastereds at customs to get off ther duff and find it( file) to regenerate the import papers.
  22. One cable pulls the throttle open and the other shuts it ,so the slide basicaly can't get jamed open from dirt..ect.. This you might need to do a bit of Bing Google photo search for...... the throttle cabels should be running right above the front brake master slightly foward of the cap this alows you to get full throtle without bending you wrist down Oh about the tape don't wrap the whole baffel just a bit at the end ..say 1-3 cm to block just a few holes right near the exit. Ok Welshwan when does you fig you gona let the cat out of the bag and tell us what you bought? Or did I miss it already?
  23. LPG and carbon monxide are both Heavier than air, thats why you shuold never lay on the floor to chech for leaks when running a eng,monxide builds up in your system never to leave.
  24. That looks like you had to move the throttle so far back that getting WFO your wrist is going to be in the wrong position,the mirros look good but I would try to get the throttle back even if the mirros look like they are on wrong. or the right on dosen't work as well Well mabey a holiday run then not sure but from the picts welshwan posted looks like there is lots of places to camp,a week of camping and riding the counrty side he lives near would be fun. Anyone who wants to charge you to show you around is a dick IMO,the way I look at it is I'm going for a ride if you want to come along then the more the merrier.If I'm loading the bike in the truck and driving a couple of hunded miles to get to another spot/track then split the cost of gas ,But thats it bring your own beer. About the pipe try tapeing up some of the openings in the baffel ,gun tape /duckt tape goes like cement after heated and if it dosent get it shushed up then easy to drill the holes open again
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