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Everything posted by dt502001

  1. So now we know what you do when the wifes at work and not trying to play mechanic. Get them motors yet?
  2. Not sure what to say noise,but you dont have to strip the whole thing just the clutch cover. First thought was the pressure plate is on wrong but no that would cause it to not engauge, must be in the push rod/pull cam LOL drewps beet me to it what type is it push or pull?
  3. Nice score for 840 and well that insurance is cheap my ins.co wants 700 for the 250 . But realy its got the same problem as it's not realy a road bike,oil changes valve adjusts top end rebuilds every 1000 kms just makes it unpractical. No doubt I would incure lots of tickets on it anyway if I were to ride it on the street,wheelies ,whellies stoppie's. I think it's better to have 2 bikes 1 to get around on and 1 to giver shit on. I've never known anyone who owned 1 of the 650 suzui's but heard they are bulit proof,not rocket ships but go anywhere dependibility,with the rack on the back and some side boxes should be able to carry a weeks worth o camping gear easy. As you said not out to impress just get the job done so some aloy square boxes would look at home on it. The top half of the farring almost looks like they stole it from the fj 1100. does it not have e start as well? Or just the kicker?
  4. As I said I'm not a puter guy.I got the email from my 77 yr old father who dose have friends that are puter guys. I realy dont care as my security seems to catch anything,, even wont let me open stuff from friends at times .I back up my files to a second puter about once a month and its not connected to the net so good luck hacking it or giving it a virus. I just thought I would be nice and let you all know what I was told,I would rather someone told me about something that was fake or possibly real than find out the hard way. The prince all ready contacted me told him to keep it and feed the needy ,the 20 yr old who just need some cash for a flight to come marrie me, the lawyer who needed cash to bail out my brother,there must be some realy stupid people if anyone has fallen for this crap.
  5. Just been warned about a new one comming with a link. Be sure to go ALL the way down. IT IS NOT A JOKE > > > > Subject: FW: URGENT, PLEASE READ. Not a joke. > > > > > > > > > > > > THIS IS IMPORTANT > > > > BEWARE and tell everybody you can think of!!! Regards, > > > > Better to be safe than sorry > > > > Dave' s brother is a very advanced programmer who does computer work > > for a living and has a high up status with Microsoft. > > > > He doesn't send these if they aren't real. If He says this is for > > real, it for sure is. Be aware. > > > > > > VIRUS COMING ! > > > > > > Hi All, > > > > I checked with Norton Anti-Virus, and they are gearing up for this virus! > > > > I checked Snopes , and it is for real. Get this E-mail message sent > > around to your contacts ASAP. > > > > > > PLEASE FORWARD THIS WARNING AMONG FRIENDS, FAMILY AND CONTACTS! > > > > You should be alert during the next few days. Do not open any message > > with an attachment > > > > entitled POSTCARD FROM HALLMARK , regardless of who sent it to you. > > > > It is a virus which opens A POSTCARD IMAGE, which 'burns' the whole > > hard disc C of your computer. > > > > This virus will be received from someone who has your e -mail address > > in his/her contact list. > > > > This is the reason you need to send this e -mail to all your contacts. > > It is better to receive this message 25 times than to receive the > > virus and open it. > > > > > > If you receive an email entitled "POSTCARD," even though it was sent > > to you by a friend, do not open it! Shut down your computer > > immediately. This is the worst virus announced by CNN. > > > > > > It has been classified by Microsoft as the most destructive virus ever. > > > > This virus was discovered by McAfee yesterday, and there is no repair > > yet for this kind of Virus. > > > > This virus simply destroys the Zero Sector of the Hard Disc, where the > > vital information is kept. > > > > > > COPY THIS E-MAIL AND SEND IT TO YOUR FRIENDS. > > > > REMEMBER: IF YOU SEND IT TO THEM, YOU WILL BENEFIT ALL OF US > I never know what to belive but hey don't say I didn't give you a heads up. Been a hour since I opend the email and so far nothing so I doubt it was in this email.But I dont know I'm just a gear head I leave this puter shit to you guys who know puters. I still dont get why dickheads even start these viruses what is to be gained?
  6. Only thing I lost was my av picture,,sure its not to do with the server being downed by the storms or did they just drop service to this site?
  7. Hydro diped with skulls would suit it nicely,,but them yellow zip ties have to go!!!!!!
  8. LOL thing is that sign boad is free realestate people leave it on people lawns all the time wind blows it away and they put up new hahaha
  9. Just FN wait till this one get to you its bad here RFN and blowing hard your way now,on my raod the only thing moving is snowmobiles road is closed..LMOA but some how the china man made it to his store(4x4 ford PU) and it's open boose and ciggies if you can get there,,keeping my pig in reserve till it get's realy bad then out with the gun and knife ..Gov of CAN says you should have min 72 hrs of food,water 140 lb pig should last a while if this crap keep's up. Still got lots of deer and fish left though so he's safe for a while and as not much else to do gona go fishing tonight.
  10. Most reed blocks are marked "UP" but on yours I dont think it matters as they are even top and bottom and the reed stops are the same T& B right? if not then the smaller stop goes to the bottom
  11. dt502001

    Back to work

    LOL kids have been off school for 2 weeks and today suposed to be first day back and well........... snow day off ........we got 1.5 feet of snow or more last night and its hasen't stoped yet..vis is about 50 ft right now...storm blew in from the east last night and now its blowing from the west. Saturday it got up to 0c and the deck was clear now 2+ feet of snow,I plowed the lane 4x in the last 24hrs my neighbour just came with his hi ho loader and pushed the snow banks back so I have some place to put more snow. Just read that its a CND site hosting possibly they are in a power out?1/3 of eastern ontario/canada has been without power since the ice storm weeks ago and myPower has been up and down,, out for 4 hrs middel of the night came on for about 2hrs and its back out again,only thing to do here now is to keep the fire place stoked up and recharge my deep cell batteries....or go fishing? Ya that sounds like a idea might as well pike perch and pickerl are biting on wildwood lake
  12. lookin good ...but the yellow zip ties have to go and why didnt you paint/wire wheel the eng mounts and bolts/nuts or r u going for that rebuilt but not rebuilt look?.... if so why not just clear the tank light rust and all once cleared it will stop rusting
  13. Look up on utube how to make sandwich parts with carbon fiber and plastic corrageted sign board. Basicaly you make the first part to fit outa the sign board then cover with fiber cloth. Shouldn't be to hard to pake a pannel to fill in the area from the petcock to back
  14. Awa quit your bitchin at least you dont have to shovel you way outa the lane every morning and night to get back in ,feck some years I coulda dug a tunnel to china and picked up my own parts with the amount of shoveling done.
  15. Actualy they loook bad enought to warrent having the valves and seats re-cut
  16. E gads the exhaust valve seat's need cleaning up... and wont hurt to do the intake better get some paste and a suction tool to grind them back, this also mean the valves will most likely need to be re shimed. Post a picture of the valves margin
  17. Just a quick thought try running it in the prime position on the pet cock
  18. turn the slide around sounds like you have it in backwards
  19. I don't think that will work very well tommy the desel will just strip the paint off and eng paint wont take the heat header paint might some good stuff like pj1 or vht. But I had a second though coat them with 2t oil it last in 2t's and should burn off from the hottes part quickly stop smoking and leave a coating of carbon to save the rest from rotting.
  20. Not likely him reading the comments kev he didn't post it the person filiming did, he's not fast just stupid and lucky thoes bike's wernt a big rig or he would have been road pizza.
  21. What do you mean Blackhat its still being devloped,just not for bikes unfortunatly.The new 800cc 2 stroke in the articcat make 160 bhp built by suzuki and uses 1/3 oil of the motors built 10 yrs ago.runs backwards at the push of a button to give the sled reverse 6 years ago the 1000 cc only made 160bhp. It's just that honda want 4 strokers on gp and duck aint complaing,remember back whe if you raced anything but a aprila in 250 you might as well leave it on the trailer cause no way you were wining. 2 stroke technoligy was going to drowned out 4t and no way honda could have that 4t make up a much larger portion of their sales and R&D $$$$ had to be spent on 4t's the rest of the big 4 at the time of bike manufactuers were content to develope the 2 t into a clean burning motor with synthetic oils ..100 to 1 ratio is nothing now ,with nicasil coated bores, almost common to see 100:1 fuel injection is the ticket right now but direct fuel injection will rain supreem when they figure out how to recycle the oil and spray it at the bottom end. we all who know ,,know that a 2t is better because there is no oil in the way of the crank to spin freely or pressure to rob hp. Just sayin BH that the game isn't over yet. O BTW did you get your pilot jet out yet Goobsac it's the little one in the most foward position of the carb.When pluged the bike wont run without choke.
  22. Well check the site out might be worth it just ot keep em in one piece for years to come then
  23. You could have the front pipes ceramic or jet coated on the inside suposedly it add's hp too. And then they wont rust from the inside out. Look up stock car racing or drag racing thoes guys use it alot.Here I did it for you 1 searchhttp://www.jet-hot.com/ I wont even ask what a set of stock pipe cost you got to be close to 1/2 of what you paid for the bike new. I would be tempted to put them away and put a cheap set of aftermarket pipes on for daily riding and keep them as your sunday besties 15 yrs from now when she 50 yrs old .I cant immagein there are a lot of NOS pipes left to be had.
  24. ERRUm Felix if you can find a valve to seal then your a mirical worker it's a 2t. and pretty much normal smoke for a cold 2t. Finnish cleaning and setting the carb per specs it's not getting enough fuel.Pilot jet is pluged
  25. Wher the hell is he going to drive it.Like I know you guys get away with riding quads and pit bike on the road once equpied with proper lights and tires(something we could never doo) but even that cant be leagle to ride on the street.
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