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Everything posted by dt502001

  1. Lmoa georgan my buddy who hunts wanted to learn how to butcher so I invited him over yesterday and he couldn't pull the trigger,couldn't even watch,thought he was ok till I slipt it and spilled the guts.LMAO he turned green and puked had to go home. Elvis whern it hits +1 I will have a party and then sharpen the snow shovel to get ready for the Ice storm that surley will follow LOL
  2. dt502001

    1976 DT175C

    Hey ya I was just going to send you a PM and bug the crap outa you. Good thing you didnt go with a repro seat cover then would have been a royal PITA to fit,so does this mean the 175 is ready to ride?
  3. Up date: guess what...... it's fucking snowing and -4c,lieing bastereds,weather men/people are the only people who can be wrong more often than right and still keep thier job. I guess the guy on the radio dosen't have a window as he just said that it's sunny out O well I was going to butcher up the pig anyway while it's cold so I dont have to rush,shot and hung in the garage now,wish me luck as this is the first one I have done completly by myself. Might end up with more ground chuck than hams LOL
  4. Just so you know "cleaned out" is as jimmy would say a "itialan tune up" 2t's like a good thrashing once a week to clean out the bottom end and spark plug.
  5. When it comes to 2t oils always buy the best,try not to change between brands,bellray MOTUL,castrol all make good oils and other's as well. Where spening extra on oil come's into savings is less fouled plugs,less build up on piston and rings, longer overall life of the eng. Full synethitcs can be mixed out at 80-100:1 but you would have to mod your pump to get it that low,but if you only intened to drive it 8 miles a day you won't have to fill the tank more than 2x a year and at 40 it will not get "cleaned out " and want to foul plugs.I would suggest a iridium plug. BTW that bike has been in storage as much as it has been ridden in its whole life,unless someone restored it at some time. Far to clean and orginal to have been driven in the winters
  6. One more thing remove the caliper and check to see if the piston will move in and out after you remove the hose,for this you will need compresed air. Put a c clamp on loose so the piston dosent blow right out,and remove the bleed nipple and see if it's clear. Removing the hose at the caliper will also tell you if the hose is clear,there should be no resistance at the lever with the hose disconectted if there is then the hose has internaly colapsed. The lever may move when there is no resistace,but if the return port is pluged in the master then it will happen with any caliper,thats why I asked did you clean the master ,old brake fluid can go to jello/paste like substance and plug up the ports
  7. If the owner selling the bike is doing the mto and just being done then the bike should be ready to go. One thing I would add to drewps list would be to do a compression test
  8. Other simple thing to check is the gas cap vent.pop the cap open and see if it starts. What I would do is to get the bike hot and not starting and quickly cool the different parts of the electrical system 1 at a time,coil cdi,pick up coil,a can of compress air will work for that. And repeat if 1 part is suspected to be failing when hot.This could be the start of a elec part failing.
  9. See you have a dent in the tank,utube dent removal from exhaust pipes videos up about using air perssure and heating the dent to pop em back out.I haven't tried it on a tank but the principal is the same.
  10. Well the first thing to do is to determin what part is jamed up take the hose back off at the caliper an see what moves.If the lever moves then the caliper is stuck if not then the master is. Did you clean the master befor you tried to pump old crapy fluid through it?
  11. You licked one ....didn't you? Foams
  12. Taxi guy nice you have a project but say hi first tell us a bit about what you capable of and then post fixem problem in work shop. Posting pictuers you need a photo bucket or simmilar to link them here. Anything is worth rebuilding if you want to,but honestly a gt 80 isn't worth more than 500.
  13. Just think of a line of old and i mean realy old fat chicks standing ove the paper as it runs under,,,and you sniffed it or worse ,that will give you the wigglies Kev.
  14. This has nothing to do with plumbing, but I envy you if she is that good to suck a wedding ring off Noise.lol
  15. Georgen You didn"t watch the link did you!
  16. haha funny slice 4 day forcast today, on thursday I am going to plant the garden wax the car and go fishing,but I am sure tomorrow it will have change and friday will be the nice day Monday -2°28° / -6°21° Tuesday -2°28° / -13°9° Wednesday -5°23° / -11°12° Thursday 5°41° / 3°37°
  17. No Air you don't have to split the main case but you have to pull the clutch basket so I thought best he check the rest of the tranny in actual use..no need to pull stuff appart 2x.
  18. We just call em "vise grips" as they are the best ones brand wise and most have them. Whats the big deal about the tax discs? do they add value to a bike somehow?
  19. From nov to march is normal for the last few years,but hell we had over 250cm of snow that accumulated and when is it going to melt JULY? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkDvqQKGgDA&feature=player_embedded
  20. 10-4 good buddy,whats your handel?...breaker out... Chicken coop is closed so it's clean sailing on The I104 (Mr Cash) Roscooo Peee Train at your service..fat little buddy.What yaaaha need BOSS?( Dukes of hazzard) I know you ask if anyone in the Uk was but why?
  21. hahahah Anyway, pretty sure that a packet of Skips and some cheesy Wotsits would achieve the full stereoscopic(or whatever) olfactory effect I hope you sent Foams some bad advice,well good but bad er um any advice LOL
  22. just want some weather to melt the skateing ring out of the lane way so I can get to the road
  23. Haha no its just getting to me we get 1 daylast friday and the weather got not to bad and this again I have had enought
  24. FFFFFFFFFSSSSS it snowing again ....will it ever stop this year? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkDvqQKGgDA&feature=player_embedded
  25. as it just a dt get a couple of buddies to give you a hand and turn the bike up side down,if you have compressor blow it out.If you dont have a compressor then now you have a excuse to buy one everone should own one!
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