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Everything posted by dt502001

  1. 2 words weak valve springs,or you havent adjusted the valves properly
  2. Yep they were the elite of the sport,after they went to 4strokers it just wasn't the same,somthing about the sound of a pack of angry mean 2t's at full rev to get you excited in a way the 4ts just dont do it. And as BH point out no ovreriding tec BS real men with big balls on the edge of death and the only thought they had ATM was I want to win,and to think we have better road tires now then the race tires they used. I would love to see the show have to keep a eye on u tube someone will put it up eventualy
  3. She's a beauty,they are worth a small fortune now and lots of collectors out there.So if your selling it go high,but have to agree with Drewps ride it for a bit at least and get something back other than just money.
  4. Welcome on at 81 you might be the oldest member,like I always say I'll stop riding when they pry my cold dead body off the bike,seems you think that way too.Is your avatar a picture of you?
  5. numbers, a intro in the new members section about yourself and what you know or dont will get you alot more help
  6. Hi Sam welcome on and keep riding, The ladys here seem to be missing of late but sure some will stop in and say Hi. If not just ask away but be wary of the foams he has a man kinny LOL
  7. Ok bike was running and you did a top end rebuild because it stoped running why? Would be the last thing I would do unless it seized up. Check your timming markes to see if the pistion is actualy at tdc in reference to what is showing at the flywheel,you may have spun the crank shaft .
  8. dt502001

    Fz600 Gulf

    I never trust the pick up coil tests they for some reason never seem to fail the test (only if they completly fail) but fail to work,you have eliminated all the rest so noting else really
  9. Fuckin hell,hope you dont get screwed by the insurance co,it prety hard to put a dollar value on that bike that would be fair to the amount of work and time you have into it. As said at least you walked away.Any more bruses show today?
  10. dt502001

    Fz600 Gulf

    Well your narrowing it down ,the chances of both coils being bad are pretty slim so what else could it be.Just got to love unknowen used so much for a good running used motor,just hope thats the only problem with it.
  11. funny http://video.ca.msn.com/watch/video/hilarious-swa-flight-attendant/2gvp8bj82?from=en-ca-quad
  12. Just leave the the lever in place,and remove the cable.simple and easy
  13. You can install just the exhaust cam but if you can afford it get the intake as well for the hp gain.But the exhaust cam makes life soooooooooo much easier,no pissing around finding tdc and then you only get 1 kick then start over if it dosent start.With the hot cam just kick untill it starts hot or cold my bike normaly starts 2 kicks
  14. Well happy bd to you Jimmy and DDT just had mine yestereday nice to not be the only april fool LOL. And Mike pissoff LOL no need to rub it in that the rest of us poor slobs have to keep grinding away week in and week out for another 20 or so years,,, Serious though enjoy it the rest of us will probably never get to retire,, it's like the donkey following the carrot they just keep raising the age untill your dead,so LIVE IT UP a shinny new bike is good for the sole.
  15. No there is a pin that pops out and holds the right ex valve open and then pops back in once the bike is running. Not 100% sure on this but I think to run the 450 cam you have to change the sprocket on the crank and run a 450 chain,I havent done it and done know anyone who has ,,the hot cams are the hot ticket no pissing around just buy and install.
  16. It was a little cold and to humid today for garage painting,let it set up for 24hrs and tomorrow or sunday when we are suposed to get into the high teens,,when the temp goes up the paint will flow better. Also make sure the parts are at the right temp/same temp or you will see the difference in each part.Always best to paint all the parts at the same time If your rattle can painting then make sure you get more than enough paint at the same time from the same store as different batches of paint dont blend well,Black not normaly so much of a problem but I have seen different shades of black from the same company. I have to get a new sticker for the bike forgot to do it and yesterday was my birthday,but the local office is open tomorrow till noon so might make a run up on sunday
  17. Better yet is to put the HOT CAMS auot decompression cam in and gain th 9% increase in power,I put it in mine and never looked back just the fact you dont have to mess with the lever and nothing to break. I think the 450 cam has it but uses a different chain
  18. The choice is yours just check the valves often. Ti are lighter so less wear on the springs and the motor revs faster but realy unless your trying to squeeze out every last bit of hp not much difference and if your mainly street riding it you wont be running red line as often No old peddle bikes kicking around you could get a brake lever and perch off of to hook up the decomp cable,had to do that 1 weekend took the brake and perch off the mountain bike the cable ends are about the same.
  19. Humph not even a thankyou,no wonder why first post are going un answered.
  20. dt502001

    Fz600 Gulf

    Nope not a lot else to do is there,thats what i hate about used electrical parts ,,you just never know when they will give up and have you chaseing your tail and second guessing.
  21. Found these guys but holy crap they are expencivehttp://www.oemmotorparts.com/cart_e.asp even with shipping I would think these guys would be cheaper http://www.webcamshafts.com/mobile/motorcycle/yamaha/yamaha_wr_400_f_(98-00)_dohc_5v.html at 1/2 the price or less per valve.
  22. You could also try running a can of sea foam through it and see if it cleans up the starting problems,as it dosent sound like you up to rebuilding the carb. You have allready tried the Itilan tune up so kinda narrows it down a bit. Do you have a compression tester? If so check both cylinders
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