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Everything posted by jimmy

  1. Free resits, thats what the other school instructors said, so it just backed up my theory that the £80 offer was a con. Thats probably why I snapped at him, I'm usually quite laid back
  2. Hi mate I can only add to the above. If the problem was not there before the service, then its the workshops' issue
  3. Hi just had a look at my boys 535. The engine and frame number do not match on that. The vin plate should be fixed to the frame at the steering head, and just to the right of that the same number should be stamped on the frame. I assume you dont have the v5c for it, so you could try contacting Yamaha UK with the 2 numbers and see if they can help.
  4. If you want mpg get an sr125 they do about 90mpg
  5. My boy did his 3 years ago and it cost £120, but was on a "special" offer for £80. There were 5 young blokes on the course, 3 newbies and 2 resits. None of the 3 newbies collected their certificate, but the 2 resits did. Lo and Behold it cost £40 for his resit which he passed. When he started his mod 1 / mod 2 training at another school I told them about his cbt, the concensus was he was mugged. When I went to collect him after his fail, the instructor started to give me a lecture about the age of my lid (I was on my Bonnie and was wearing my open face lid). I stopped him, told him the helmet was older than he was and that he should fuck off out my face.
  6. I find it better just to move on past without getting upset, that way my immediate future will not be compromised by me thinking of what has happened and not by what may happen in front. Devils Advocate here but.....It may be argued that if your front wheel locked up then you weren't keeping as safe a distance (considering the road conditions) as you thought, Although very well done for keeping in control of a front wheel slide
  7. Responsible Speed. My rule of thumb is dont go so fast that you can't stop within the distance you can see in front of you. I dont know how much experience of bikes you have, or if you used the bike much during the winter, I know I didnt, but if your confidence has taken a dip, slow down to a speed your comfortable with, find a road your happy on and use it to build your confidence/knowledge of the sv
  8. Yes, The notched nut is for adjusting the shocks. You will need a C spanner, or will have to bodge up summit
  9. I ran an XJR1200 for a few years and have to say it was a great bike. I had absolutely no issues with the bike, other than risking my licence whenever I went out on it
  10. Yea I know, I tried with a few on t'lads bike, to no avail
  11. Unfortunately the only way (I know) to test is by replacement, but as I say, you have described the exact same symptoms the boys' bike showed
  12. If you know anyone with the same model, swap over the CDI unit. The symptoms were the exact same as my sons SR125 and twas the CDI that was gubbed
  13. Aarghh Where the fuck's that eye bleach
  14. I use the same method as Noise. I also go into the walk through part of the maps so I can pick out any landmarks that would give me a bearing when I'm close to my destination.
  15. I went for WWs 2nd pick. A trail bike being used as it should
  16. I think I would have been trying to get in front of the 2 bikes
  17. Welcome to the nuthouse steph.
  18. Good luck mate, may we see you on a road somewhere soon
  19. Just as well you weren't scratching
  20. jimmy

    Run Foamy run.

    Well done foams, it appears you have accepted the challenge, so count me in 10 bob a mile
  21. I'm sure if Saint Paula survived that, then you can mate. Anyway it would be worth coming down just to witness that
  22. Alright mate I have to say you are mistaken there. The local residents will not have the power or authority to issue fines to speeding drivers/riders. More than likely they will record the details and the alleged 'offender' will receive a letter from the cops.
  23. jimmy


    Well done mate In saying that, its just about avoiding the sheep (you may know them as girlfriends), and suppressing the urge to abort the test and hook up with one eh ken
  24. Not as simple as than now carl Quote Crackdown on illegal off-road bikingand 4x4's. (Salisbury Journal) 10:21am Tuesday 11th December 2012 in News By Jill Harding POLICE are clamping down on vehicles being driven illegally on Salisbury Plain. In a joint operation between Wiltshire Police and the Minister of Defence, eight people have been fined and three motorcycles seized for being driven without insurance or a licence. And five antisocial behaviour notices were issued, which will stay in force for the next 12 months. Officers on off-road motorcycles teamed up with training area marshals and land wardens to carry out the latest crackdown. They were targeting motorcycles and vehicles being driven off the permitted byways across the Plain. Sergeant Mark Venning, MoD Police senior officer for Salisbury Plain, said: “The vast majority of Salisbury Plain is owned by the MoD and it is regularly used for military exercises. “The public is allowed access and vehicles are permitted, but only if they stick to the numerous marked byways and official tracks, and they must be fully road legal including insurance. “No vehicles are allowed to leave these rights of way, primarily for range safety reasons. But unfortunately we have been receiving more and more reports of motorists and bikers going off-road. “This is an operational military training environment so this clearly presents a safety issue, but there is also the fact that 20,000 hectares of grassland on the Plain have been designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest and a Special Area of Conversation. “We have had reports that damage has been caused to this environment by these unauthorised vehicles and motorbikes driving across the grasslands and in the woods. “Given the size of the area to be covered, working together with Wiltshire Police and our land wardens gives us a greater ability to deter and detect such offences across the plain, and Wiltshire’s Off Road bike capability had a dramatic and positive impact within this operation. We will continue to work in partnership to safeguard this important training and conservation area. “MoD land on Salisbury Plain is subject to a range of byelaws which are posted on all access points so there should be no excuses for ignorance. “These byelaws also give us powers of arrest for offences and allow us to remove vehicles and other property if they are being misused.” Anyone with information about illegal activity on Salisbury Plain can call Plainwatch on 01980 674700 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111
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