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Everything posted by jimmy

  1. Good, a result there then mate
  2. jimmy

    Spray Painting

    Cheers folks, not quite ready to start yet (need to get the wife to finish off the garage conversion first.....*) Once thats out the way I can start getting the Bombardier ready for use as the winter bike * Obviously as I can now joke about it, it means she is on the mend. Luckily no damage to tendons, but the hand will be out of commission for at least 3 weeks (leastwise thats what her sick note says) Slice Thanks for the offer, I may take you up on it if I hit any snags
  3. jimmy

    Spray Painting

    Dont know if this should be here or in the workshop, if its in the wrong place I'm sure Drewps will move it, anyway..... I've just bought a compressor and a spray gun from LIDLs and my first job with it will be to spray my Bombardier tank. Who's willing to give me a step by step blow on preparing and spraying this tank.......
  4. jimmy

    off roading

    "(4 Hrs on /4 days off shift system) " Yeh jimmy , good old civil servants" Yea, its a hard life, but someone has to do it
  5. Look for Robin Hoods Bay, about 5 miles South of Whitby. Park the bike at the top and walk down the road cut into the cliffside. I love that whole area We should have a forum meet in whitby and get to enjoy this Whitby Goth Weekend
  6. What about heading East towards York, around York and head for Pickering, from there to Goathland and on to Whitby. Probably about 160 miles round trip through some spectacular country, and thats me coming from Gods Own Country
  7. Or you could have these two 2 shitty looking TS's
  8. jimmy

    Meme challenge

    We will never negotiate with terrorists
  9. jimmy

    Shit Day

    dt No other damage, to her at least, as you say plenty more damage to me when she recovers. I'll buy her a chinese and some flowers tonight and that'll be me ok.
  10. Hey Stewarty Let us know if it makes a difference mate
  11. Alright mate, welcome to the forum. You're not in a band btw, are you
  12. jimmy

    Shit Day

    Oh and she just told me she went up to the hospital on the back of my sons bike...real class my woman
  13. jimmy

    Shit Day

    Well thanks for the good wishes folks. Spoke with the nurses today and all went well with no damage to the tendons so hopefully a good recovery is in order. Once again thanks for the positive vibes
  14. jimmy

    Signing in ? ?

    Just googled DW and I refer you to your new T shirt logo
  15. jimmy

    Shit Day

    You're not the first person to point that out today matey.
  16. jimmy

    Signing in ? ?

    So would this cat be a zombie, if it is neither dead or alive, or indeed BOTH dead and alive at the same time Whenever I have discussed this cat I always ask the same question and no-one has answered it with conviction What was the cats name?
  17. jimmy

    off roading

    Yea, we've all done it at one time or other. I learned to ride a bike on the land behind my pals house. Different times tho, I spoke with the local Bobby back then and remember him telling me as long as he didnt see us riding our bikes on the road, up and down to the hill, he wasn't too concerned. Nowadays tho its still driving a mechanically propelled vehicle, so I would think its because although not on a road, the public have access and so could still be involved in an accident with this vehicle
  18. jimmy

    Shit Day

    Just called the ward and she is back from surgery. The nurse says she is doing well but she couldn't tell me the extent of any damage or otherwise to the tendons I have a breathable membrane on the sarking (£250 a roll, I only bought £50 worth off my mate tho), but the top of the windows arent sealed yet. Needing the tiles fitted so I can set the height of the bargeboard and soffits and although cavity trays have been fitted there are no tiles to dress the lead into yet. It was just the driving wind that has forced the rain in
  19. jimmy

    Shit Day

    Cheers folks I'm hoping the tendon damage is the worse case scenario, and they just want to be sure
  20. jimmy

    Shit Day

    Back at work today after 4 days off trying to finish off my garage conversion (hence the reason for the big shed earlier this year). Anyway still waiting for the roof tiles to be fitted and with very heavy rain forecast I stapled a load of tarpaulin over the sarking last night. Obviously not enough cos I got a call from the good lady saying water was coming in and soaking parts of the newly fitted plasterboard, Pop into screwfix and get some more tarps says I. Half an hour later I get a call from the wife stating she had fell off a ladder and her hand landed on an upturned sawblade. I'm just back from hospital where she has been taken into theatre with suspected tendon damage. Bugger......
  21. jimmy

    off roading

    Kev Sorry for the delay mate, it was my first day back today (4 on/4 off shift system) Section 34 RTA1988 States Prohibition of driving mechanically propelled vehicles elsewhere than on roads. (1)Subject to the provisions of this section, if without lawful authority a person drives a mechanically propelled vehicle (a)on to or upon any common land, moorland or land of any other description, not being land forming part of a road, or (b)on any road being a footpath, bridleway or restricted byway, he is guilty of an offence. So basically what it means is getting caught riding in a public place (other than a road) will still result in the riders licence being endorsed. The riders docs would be checked and the bike could be given a good going over and any faults under the Construction and Use Regs being noted. On private land without permission would/could just result in tresspass offences, England and Wales only
  22. jimmy

    off roading

    If he is not on a public road, or a road to which the public have access, then it would probably be an Anti-social Behaviour order, but I dont do Traffic Law. A guy on the Marine Unit used to work in the Roads Policing Unit, so when I'm next at work I'll ask him and report back.
  23. Hi Trodd, welcome to the forum mate. Tommy My first road bike was an xs250cw, which I bought back in 1981 as well. Where I differ tho is that I must have bought a pig and so have nowt but shit memories of mine. The fekking thing would never start and I would always be the last bloke out the shipyards cos I had just about flattened the battery and nackered myself out trying to kickstart the fekker...and that was me regularly changing the points as well Thinking back it did get me through my test so wasn't all bad then
  24. Fair point Tommy, that'll be why I didn't win, oh and probably why I didn't get my Inspectors promotion a few year ago
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