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Everything posted by jimmy

  1. jimmy


    Yip BBC4 on a Friday night is usually frigging great Sky Arts is usually good as well
  2. We're a week early but here goes Happy Christmas when it arrives
  3. jimmy


    AC/DC Highway to Hell for number 1
  4. jimmy

    Adventure time...!

    Well done girl, you put me to shame. I dont even venture out if it looks like rain.......Well done again
  5. You have presumably transferred your insurance over to your new bike so in line with regulations regarding continuous insurance, if a vehicle has no insurance in place it must be SORNed. You can do it online mate
  6. £30 for a Tax disc, that's great, however.................
  7. You may well be right slice, however the problem is folks don't stick to the green lane, whilst any damage by bike is very minimal, if any, the problem lies with 4x4s (and whilst not all) there is a minority of 4x4 drivers who couldn't give a flying fuck about sticking to the lanes and plough up all the surrounding areas. That's what causes the problems
  8. Ha........0450hrs, just woke up and only read half the post...............still a good link tho eh
  9. Competition Yellow http://www.rsbikepaint.com/en-gb/colours.php?makeid=159&modelid=4331&prodyear=1970#makeid=159&modelid=4331
  10. And I still run an auld Brit, so them alone
  11. jimmy

    Metal sheds etc

    I bought a 10' x 10' shed last year cost about c£800, but then I had the hardcore, concrete base, wiring, insulation and finally lined the inside with sterling board. All in all it cost about £1300. I've got 3 bikes in it at the minute (well 2 and a half built project), coupled with shelves and cabinet, there's no room left for doing any maintenance, work etc... Oh wait, it's Grouch that wants the shed.....Strike my last sentence from the record...sorry mate
  12. jimmy

    Mod 2

    Well done mate, onwards and upwards
  13. The RSPCA will be on to you, putting your cats in a cupboard indeed
  14. Canny help mate, but I hope you get it sorted
  15. Thanks sniff, I have just stumbled into the 20th Century as everyone else moves on
  16. jimmy

    Grab a cuppa,

    a choccy biscuit and sit down. http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=ie3SrjLlcUY&sns=em
  17. Never mind guessing, How come I didnt get a keyring when I took out my insurance
  18. I like this site for gathering songs http://www.chordie.com/
  19. ...for me anyway Sitting enjoying a beer (it's my first rest day) playing about on you tube and I ask my boy if there's any way to convert the videos to mp3. Of course there is, says he and shows me the site. So now I'm sitting downloading tons of shit I mean my own songs, ready to go on my phone/mp3 player.....happy days is that better tommy
  20. Welcome to the forum mate. Lovely looking wee bike
  21. jimmy


    .......and it's ginger
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