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Everything posted by jimmy

  1. My boy has both a yam bike and a yam piano, oh and he makes me cry at times (although not always with delight, slice)
  2. Funny that because I see my wifes life 'apres moi' kinda like that....accosting strangers talking about cats. She already is a crazy cat lady, but I try to keep her in check
  3. Yes but as you no doubt know, whilst he was trying to explain a theory or was it a hypothesis, ultimately he is only remembered for that damn cat being both dead and alive. This is the lot for some folk. Like that Civil War officer hero, who singlehandedly stormed a gatling gun post wiping all those damn yankees and saved his entire regiment, but all they remember him for is his spicy chicken.....God bless Colonel Sanders...or indeed that fella who first stepped on the moon but became famous for his Blues singing, Louis Armstrong You spin me right round baby right round, like a record baby, right round right round If you think we are picky, have a look here http://www.thenakedscientists.com/forum/index.php?topic=5172.0 where they are debating whether Erwins dog got blown up or not
  4. and we're all posting away like mad over there
  5. Never mind the management guff, what would Schrodingers cat do, presuming it ever gets out that box alive
  6. jimmy

    Happy Galoshans

    ....or Halloween to those not from here
  7. jimmy

    Fz600 Gulf

    Yours looks ace matey, but............... .....and the sound those triples make
  8. Agreed, but not as good as the mousetrap game
  9. jimmy

    One for tommyxs

    I ran a 1200 for 3 yrs and still kinda regret selling it
  10. jimmy

    One for tommyxs

    The 1200s are still going for easy money, and are just as good
  11. jimmy


    Furry boots
  12. jimmy


    I just spent the day clearing/tidying out my shed getting ready to stick the bikes back in for their winter rest. Got around to pulling apart my tool chest and fixed the runners (2 of the drawers were hanging off). Some small tinkering on my auld Speedtwin and generally feeling all is good in the world. Shed therapy......Well recommended
  13. Crude but effective Tommy, it got him through his restricted licence. With it being a twin, it has the torque for overtaking. If he asks I'll do it
  14. The mechanic made up his own restrictor kit. It is on the carb at the throttle cable
  15. Well I was there when the guy put it on the dyno and it was showing either 44 or 47 (cant quite remember it was 3 yr ago) and watched as he fitted a restrictor kit, then continued to watch as the dyno showed 40bhp.....oh and just checked the manual and it states 45.5bhp (33.9kW)@7,500rpm, but hey I bow to you superior knowledge my friend Edit// Further reading of the manual states that the maximum torque is 34.7lbf ft @ 6000rpm so maybe that what you're thinking about.....or maybe not
  16. The C word is used quite often up here and it can be used in a +ve or -ve way.....He's a right C*** (-ve) He's a good C*** (+ve). I still try not to use it tho. Just sounds very guttural and vulgar
  17. My boys does about 75 - 80 however his has been restricted to 40bhp (his restricted licence period is up, but he has never asked me to derestrict it, so I haven't bothered)
  18. Feeling your pain bud, I lost my 2 Rotties over a 2yr period and its still sore
  19. Photo may have been enhanced but the statement was bang on. I've had my bike out more this last month then the previous 3 'summer' months put together
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