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Everything posted by jimmy

  1. If you just said you washed it, don't tell them it was a jetwash. Sponge and water is all you used. The bike should cope with that. Speak with your local council Trading Standards or Citizens Advice. The sale of Goods Act 1979 should cover you....S14 Implied terms about quality or fitness. ss2B (e) Durability http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1979/54
  2. Have you done 400, and is that all the mileage on the bike. If so take it back to the dealer and let him sort it
  3. Sorry I can't help with your problem Tom, but I may be able to help you getting a reply. Try sticking a bit about yourself in the new members section that way folk will get the impression that you're sticking around and not just a fly by night, getting your answer and disappearing into the (blue) haze
  4. jimmy

    XS1100 Misfire

    Does it happen all the time or only when hot. I had an xs11 and coming home from Ireland one time in the pouring rain (what else) the same fault showed, and got steadily worse. When I eventually got home and checked it there was a hairline fracture in one of the coils. Obviously when hot it expanded allowing moisture in. New coil no more issues
  5. Well I scrolled down and No, I didn't love it
  6. jimmy

    first snow

    One of the first bits of advice I learned as a new dog handler in 1991, and it's stuck with me even now......Never eat yellow snow....you can have it foc
  7. jimmy

    May need help

    Totally understand bud and can see it's advantages. My philosophy is bid and forget. I will bid as soon as I decide it's what I'm looking for, then just keep away until after the auction ends...works for me, but agree it's not a perfect policy
  8. jimmy

    May need help

    I don't need that drewps. When I'm bidding on summit I ask myself what I'm willing to pay. From that figure I deduct the p&p and that is my top bid.....If I win I'm happy, if I don't, at least I never got caught in a bidding frenzy.....Oh and I steer clear when I'm on the booze
  9. jimmy

    May need help

    It is nowt to do with you Bipps, it's me being a tight arsed jock and not bidding enough
  10. jimmy

    May need help

    Bipps / Finnerz Thanks for your kind offer of help, unfortunately I was unsuccessful in my bid.....Thanks again anyway
  11. jimmy

    May need help

    Thanks Bipps. I thought you were down that London
  12. jimmy

    May need help

    Seller got back to me, it's South side of Stoke in Tean. Near Cheadle.
  13. jimmy

    May need help

    Ends Friday Bipps. I have contacted the seller asking for a more specific area and will post an update if they answer
  14. jimmy

    May need help

    Anyone live in or near Stoke on Trent If so would you be willing to uplift a motorcycle seat and post it to me. Looking at one on ebay but is collection only Thanks in advance Jimmy
  15. jimmy

    first snow

    Cheers Bud, the fugging rain came back today..........and my wife questions why I'm permanently raging
  16. jimmy

    first snow

    Not been too cold here, but today was our first dry day in 3 weeks...I'll take the cold any day of the week
  17. jimmy

    Winter wear

    Same here cardboard.....Prepare to go out, see it fekkin frozen, turn around make a cuppa tea sit down with a newspaper....toastie
  18. Yea you're right Kev, I have told him he has to sleep sometime (should that be all the time)
  19. I know a lot of folk on here are keen on Martial Arts, so congratulations to my eldest boy who just successfully completed his Black Belt grading in Tae Kwon Do.....Need to watch what I say to him now....
  20. jimmy

    2 years later

    Well done bud, safe riding
  21. Well thanks for that. Not having BT Sport I usually watch it on ITV4 on Mondays....No need now cheers
  22. I was reading this book today " The history of Glue" I couldn't put it down TC
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