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Everything posted by jimmy

  1. Sorry for your loss bud
  2. jimmy

    Another 400

    Great Job Bud, well done
  3. jimmy


    Your confidence will come back bud. Back in Y2K I bought a brand new Hinckley Triumph and used it as my sole form of transport for 3 yrs with a 53mile each way trip to work. This trip covered some town miles, some motorway and the last 15 - 20 through Glen Fruin pass (A817 Look that up on google maps....great bike rd in good weather) and then through a smallish 'A' rd through the Argyll hills. One morning (0630 start) I was on the last stretch of road, a 6 mile MOD rd so council gritters didn't, and the MOD gritters only occasionally did, and I noticed the road was white. I thought it was salt so rode these last miles totally relaxed and with only gentle movements. The last half mile was a downhill stretch and I noticed a car in a ditch facing the wrong way. The driver and passengers were out waving their arms frantically at me. Only then did I put my feet down and the white 'salt' was actually a thin coating of ice. Now I was not relaxed and had tensed up with jerky movements and nearly off'd a few times I had a few incredulous looks when I pulled up in the car park, iced up from head to toe and took me about 3hrs to thaw out. My moral being whilst I was relaxed there were no issues on the, now known to be, slippy surface, but as soon as I tensed this was passed through the bars and pegs and movements became jerky almost causing me to fall off
  4. When you are renewing your insurance, ask the ins co and let them decide. If you decide you have a garage and summit happens, then they decide its not a garage that will have an impact on any claim you make (it will not nullify it, but will reduce the payout)
  5. My missus is just moaning Only kidding, I'm the moaning fekker in this house
  6. Good, and yet obvious once you hear it, tip, there mate. Never really balanced a bike wheel, and never noticed much of a difference from tyres a shop has fitted
  7. Are we talking new bike or an auld yin
  8. I imagine it would be great fun being the rider, not so the skier
  9. http://www.venhill.co.uk/
  10. Well done mate, your perseverance pays off. Aprillia also use the minarelli engine so it's almost a Yam...Your daughter will be delighted. My youngest turns 16 in 18 months time and I have been lazily looking for a bike, but I know I'll need to ramp up my efforts in the next couple of months
  11. Happy New Year one and all. I hope we all have a good one
  12. Yea, can't get it at all now, those pics were ripped from the Gallery. I'll need to find some other photo hosting site
  13. As I say, the only fault I found was the lack of paint quality on the frame, but once sorted, it was a great wee bike
  14. I wouldn't dismiss a Reiju. Spanish built bike using a minarelli engine (same as Yams and Aprillia). They go reasonably cheap. I bought my boys one for his 16th. 2yrs old and I got it for £450....It was sold as a non runner but as soon as I lay my mitts on it I knew the fault. The young guys who owned it had taken the carb top off and when they put it on the slide was the wrong way round so the throttle was stuck. Anyway took it home turned the slide round and it fired up first kick. Mostly plastic parts ie tank, panels etc but the frame seemed to have a minimum of paint and would not last so I stripped it down and got the frame plastic coated for about £50. He ran about on it for about 18 months before moving onto his 125. He sold it for £650 and could have probably asked for more as the phone rang off the hook. He is also 6'1" and didn't look too out of place on it. I would post a photo but photobucket is fekked and won't allow me (keeps saying I need to download flash) edit// If you go on my profile and into gallery (jimmys album) there are a number of pics with him on it/aside it which will give you an idea of perspectives
  15. I got my first tattoo aged 16 in the kitchen of a tenement flat in Johnstone (Jockland) A saturday morning and his wife was cooking rolls and sausage. I thought it was sore but looking at it the outline is about 2mm thick so I reckon he did it with a hot knife. Being a young Rebel without a Clue I opted for one where the skull was wearing a German Helmet with an SS logo on it. Once he had traced it on my arm I had a moment of clarity where I pictured my auld man cutting the fucking arm off ( whilst he was too young, he had 6 brothers who fought in the war) so I got him to change it to a bike helmet with a pair of goggles. Cost was £8, yes £8.....You get what you pays for I suppose Having sworn not to go back, I found myself in the same kitchen a month later (I felt out of balance with just one arm done) Anyway this time I goes for the classic (at the time) eagle with my name under it. I showed it to a female friend not long after and she asks "Why did you get Oimmy tattooed on your arm" Her and her sisters have called me oimmy ever since I believe he now runs a shop in Paisley, and has improved considerably since those early days
  16. True, as the round rubber isolators prevent it from actually touching 'the earth', but it does earth the circuit within it's own world i.e. the bike, ensuring connectivity. They are the same, it's just that it annoys the shit out of me with all these merkin words creeping in....Oh and Happy Holidays I mean Merry Xmas one and all
  17. I believe in this part of the world the word is earthed, or earthing. Grounding is scraping your pegs going round a bend, or worse feeling the keel of your boat run out of water below you......Unless of course we are all Merkins now
  18. If the bars are 7/8ths then the grips are 'to fit' 7/8ths bars
  19. I remember doing it once as a 17yr old. My maw was a lot less than impressed and I received a "Gypsies Warning"
  20. Well sniff, I have to say after me being a member of this forum for about 4 yrs, you've finally made me laugh
  21. I agree with the above. Pickup a replacement engine and then strip and rebuild the original at your leisure. That way you'll be on the road and get experience of stripping and assembling the engine
  22. The Battle of New Orleans WELL in 1814, we took a little trip,along with Colonel Packenham down the mighty Mississipp.We took a little bacon and we took a little beans,and we fought the bloomin British in the town of New OrleansChorus Well, we fired our guns and the British kept a comin',there wasn't nigh as many as there was a while ago.We fired once more and they began a running,on down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexicoooo, yehWeeell, we looked down the river till we see the British come,there must have been a hundred of 'em beatin' on the drum.They stepped so high and they made the bugles ring,well, we stood beside our cotton bales and never sayed a thing.Chorus Well, we fired our guns and the British kept a comin',and there wasn't nigh as many as there was a while ago.We fired once more and they began a running,on down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.ederum a ohderum a ederum a ohderumWell, Packenham said we could take em by surprise,if we didn't fire a musket till we looked `em in the eyes.Well, we stood quite still till we see their faces well,then we opened up our muskets and we really gave em ..Chorus Well, we fired our guns and the British kept a comin',and there wasn't nigh as many as there was a - - - -and we fired once more and they began a running,on down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.Weeeeell, they rrraan through the briars and they ran through the brambles,and they ran through the bushes where the rabbits couldn't go.They ran so fast that the hounds couldn't catch em,all down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.Chorus Well, we fired our guns and the British kept a comin',there wasn't nigh as many as there was a while ago.We fired once more and they began a running,on down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexicooooh ah ha tiddly deeWell, we fired our muskets so the barrels melted down,then grabbed an alligator and we fought another round.Well, we stuffed his head with cannon balls and powdered his behind,so when we touched the powder off, the 'gator lost his mind.Chorus Well, we fired our guns and the British kept a comin',there wasn't nigh as many as there was a while ago.We fired once more and they began a running, on down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.on down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico https://youtu.be/umcEYz9LJm8
  23. I told him that last saturday
  24. jimmy

    quote issue

    I always quote him as well, but only because I think his patter is great
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