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Everything posted by jimmy

  1. Cheers mate, but google really is your friend
  2. jimmy

    4 Yams,

    Well, the fekkers at PB have caught up with me, so I've moved to flickr (although it seems I have had a flickr account since 2007). Anyway here is a test pic
  3. Shown for a Kawasaki, but it may help This link also has a lot of good shit in it http://gpzweb.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/TK22mainPage/TK22adjustmentsAndMaint/TK22adjustmentsAndMaint.html
  4. Yes I thought as much. See the emoticon, that was meant to indicate it was a joke
  5. Yea but it will be in knots per hour 1.1knt per land mile
  6. Glad I never got round to try it
  7. Kev, try the fotobucket, mine still works for free....for now
  8. Thats why I ride auld Triumphs
  9. Fek me, they must have just stuck XS badges on my TX then cos that still displayed every symptom in the troubleshooting pages of the haynes books of lies.....Burn the Witch I'll give you that Tommo, great looking bike
  10. jimmy

    Fk me, HOW MUCH?

    We had the same for my boy. Over a grand on his quotes. We were recommended to try MCE and got tpft for about £500. The only issue was when he turned 17 and got a 125 they would not cover him so when he went elsewhere they did not give him his first years NCD as he was only (their words) 10 month into his insurance
  11. jimmy

    There in (almost)

    Being a lazy fekker, I prefer alloy wheels. This was reinforced a few weeks back when I had my rear wheel off to fit new sprocket and tyre, I decided to clean up the hub and spokes. Took me forever even in the stripped stage, so alloys all the way for me
  12. jimmy

    4 Yams,

    Yer on a roll this avvy Tommy
  13. jimmy

    4 Yams,

    Hey John It must be something with your account as the pic I posted was lifted from my foatiebucket....and no I did not pay any money. Getting money from me is like (another image from the bucket)
  14. Try these folk for japanese connectors, laminated wiring diagrams etc. No connection (pardon the pun) other than I have used them in the past http://www.ebay.co.uk/usr/kojaycat?rt=nc
  15. jimmy

    4 Yams,

    foatiebucket testing testing
  16. As above, my first 15yrs on the bike was all year every year. xs 250 81 -83 No new cables Triumph Bonnie 83 - 89 I new throttle cable (snapped about 2 miles outside Filey at the start of my holiday, ran about with the cable wrapped around a bit of twig, luckily it snapped at the top nipple) and 1 Clutch cable (December, bike loaded with wife and xmas pressies so an eventful trip home) xs1100 89 - 2000 No new cables New Triumph 2000 - 2004 No new cables Triumph Bonnie 2004 2012 No new cables New Triumph 2012 - present No new cables Triumph Speed Twin 2012 - present Cables replaced when new, no breakages The first 3 bikes were all year round The 4th bike was all year round for the first 2 yrs with 53 mile each way commute The last 3 were/are toys Regular preventative maintenance carried out
  17. Is it with OH Assist, if so good luck with that bud
  18. Well summer solstice here and the West Coast started wet, dried up a bit but cloudy, then since about 3pm its been pouring down accompanied with thunder and lightning. A nice day yesterday but was otherwise detained other than that no heatwave and no sunburst streets over on this side
  19. As above, but that shouldn't be the reason you have " gone through plenty of clutch/throttle cables over the years". I've been riding bikes for over 35 years and can count on one hand the amount of throttle or clutch cables that have snapped on me. You should check your routing avoiding any tight bends, as well as ensuring that all cables are well lubricated and properly adjusted
  20. Brilliant mate....Memories is what it's all about
  21. jimmy

    Cool summer

    I admire your optimism Tommo
  22. and then there was Hai Karate
  23. Brilliant, I'm in I need an essay written on the following subject matter Why would someone think it is a good form of marketing to offer a writing service on a motorcycle forum 1500 words inc references (using the Harvard referencing method) I'm willing to pay up to £1.50p if it gets an 'A' Grade
  24. XS250 you say?, vapour blasting? Have you considered 88mm Cannon Blasting Only joshing Bud. I had a bad experience with an xs250 and have never got over it. Not tried vapour blasting personally, but seen some good results on my mates bikes and online
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