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Everything posted by jimmy

  1. Have you looked here https://www.cmsnl.com/yamaha
  2. Let me guess, he had the flowers and you had the rose in your lapel
  3. Thats my plan. 12hr earlies on the friday, so early rise Saturday morning then a 5 1/2hr trip down (unless of course I wake up and it's pissing down. In that case I'll just head back to bed, cos that's the way I roll )
  4. A good day over this side of Gods Country as well. Nights last night so slept until about 1pm then a bite to eat. Down to my shed and done a bit of fettling on my '59 Triumph 500. I stood back looking at it and thought 'why not' . I fitted the battery and the bike kicked over after two kicks and soon settled into a steady tickover. I then took it for a wee run to check out the work I've been doing over the last two years. Steering..Tick Brakes Tick Clutch Shit G'Box shit The clutch was super heavy and the box had more false neutral than a Switzerland v Sweden football match. I'm hoping if I redo the clutch then the g'box will sort itself out......... Once that was done I had my tea then went a run on my Bonnie, now sitting having a BEER........good times
  5. In my experience Tommo, a fool is seldom alone
  6. I bought a pair as well, they were only available for today tho, so had to be quick
  7. Cheers mate. I'm 12hr earlies on the Friday, so early rise Saturday then head down.
  8. Well I have managed to book the 9th and 10th off, so may possibly get up early on saturday morning and head down for an overnighter
  9. Yes, I have been known to let my imagination run wild.....................* * No I haven't. The most imaginative I've been is putting a painting on my bike (and it has been the same painting since 1981)
  10. I'm a boring fuck, I've never given any bike a name or a gender. "This bike" or "that bike" is about the most they'll get
  11. Probably old hat now, but here is a workaround for the shitbucket extortion For Chrome https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/photobucket-embedded-imag/ogipgokcopooepeipngiikdkpmcpkaon For Firefox https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/photobucket-fixer/ Works for me on chrome. Thanks to a Britbike Forum poster
  12. jimmy

    Electrics query!

    If you say that in a certain way, it sounds like Tommy
  13. I appreciate that mate, but I never like being the guy that constantly says "Yea, I'll try and get there" Then don't make it............ That said I will surprise people someday and show up
  14. The very reason I never put my name up for things, I would love to go, but with work and house shit, I can't commit to fuck all until the last minute I read that as Bi-curious and thought what a wonderful world we live in
  15. jimmy


    Why post down here when you already had an answer to the exact same question in the workshop
  16. Ride in a Northerly direction along Blackpool prom until you get to the North Pier, then turn sharp left.....Least that's what the satnav burd says
  17. I did a couple a few years ago, but my last one found me in the middle of a few arseholes thinking it was funny to do mini burn outs or pop wee wheelies. I could see some form of disaster looming so slowed down to get out the way and never went back
  18. That'll be because you use your 4" brush or a roller
  19. Thats only the Leith ones Welcome to the nut house bud
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