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Everything posted by jimmy

  1. Well back from my holidays and back to work......and back to Jimmy no bikes. Riding into work on Monday I noticed the steering was very heavy. I had been out on it the night before and all was well. It got worse as the miles went on and eventually at work and I noted the front tyre was low. I borrowed a compressor and pumped it up, only for it to go flat. I did not want to phone breakdown again, so I arranged for my boy to pick me up that night and the next day I brought in a socket set and a box. Took the front wheel off (with the bike sitting on the box) and took the wheel home. A new tube fitted yesterday and the wheel back on the bike last night, so tonight I get a ferry to work and will bring the bike back tomorrow so should still be in a position to meet up with Tommy and Drewps either Friday or Saturday I considered taking a picture of it sitting on the box with no front wheel and make reference to Scouse Tommy being in country, but I work in a high security environment and any cameras produced gets an instant armed cop reaction, so thought better of it......?
  2. I had it in my heid you were from the city, must be cos you're a hibbee Borrowed from TOMCC Glasgow FB Page for Tommy and Drew
  3. I was wondering whereabouts you live John. I thought you lived in Edinburgh
  4. Hey John Furry boots do you live, I thought it was Edinburgh
  5. Got home today and have popped in and out with a couple of posts.........Happy to report there have been no issues, so all appears sorted at my end. Again Alec, thank you very much for all your hard work
  6. Change oil and filter. If it has sat for a few years I would be tempted to put a little oil down the plug hole (they will be out to be cleaned or replaced anyway). A bit of a debate on oiling prior to starting up. I would put fresh oil in and with the bike on the centre stand and in top gear and plugs out, see about turning the rear wheel to get some oil circulation. Alternatively I know some folk will turn it over using the starter....still with plugs out and obviously not connected to the HT Caps I would replace the brake fluid, this should be done every two years anyway.
  7. The pet cock is the fuel tap. Next time you leave it running and it starts to bog down try simply opening the petrol cap. If that has a small breather hole in it, it may be blocked causing an air lock. You will hear a hiss of air and the bike will pick up. If so, simply clean out the small hole. If it doesn't have the breather hole then check the breather pipe on the tank is not blocked or kinked
  8. Is that your boat from a few years ago
  9. Ah, but this is holiday sun with beer, pools and semi naked women (and men if you're that way inclined) on tap..... so much better
  10. I'm not back yet but have logged in on my phone, (1st time ever....I'm getting good with technology) and have went back and forth between topics with no issues. So either it's fixed or its my laptop. Cheers again bud
  11. Well. Its starting to get irritating now. Every time I open a post then go back to home, I have to go through the log in process again (even using the 'test' option)
  12. Don't be sorry Bud. The work you put to making sure we can all go online and moan is appreciated. It's a mild inconvenience at worst. That's me logged in using 'test' so I'll keep an eye out.....Buggering off to Tenerife on Sunday Morning tho so......
  13. I found mine to be fire resistant
  14. We have eaten the Haggis used to power the wheel
  15. Doing it again Alex Hopefully this gives you an idea
  16. Hey John, I got the same tonight but it only lasted about half an hour then it was back to normal
  17. jimmy

    My Auld Triumph

    I've bought a mixture of self amalgamating tape, various diameters of sheathing and a length of convoluted tubing (split plastic that closes in on itself, so easy to gain access to the wires). I also bought a fuse box. (the original only had one fuse, now I'll have 5)
  18. jimmy

    My Auld Triumph

    Cheers Bud. I started it today, but taking my time and trying to prevent me doing my usual 'fools rush in'
  19. Fekkin crank sensor gets the blame for everything.....see my tale of woe in "My Auld Triumph"
  20. jimmy

    My Auld Triumph

    1st I've looked in there Drewps, some good reading. Thanks for that
  21. jimmy

    RD 125 DX

    It was a few years ago now, but I bought an XS1100 on a Q plate. I was told that it had been imported from Holland. I contacted Yamaha UK with the engine and frame number. They replied stating that it was a 1979 model originally sold in Europe. This letter was enough for me to contact DVLA and get an age related plate, but as I say, this was a few years ago and things may have changed
  22. Hey Rick Sign up to Postimage.org. Upload pic and copy "Hotlink for forums" Paste the url in your post (sometimes you need to remove the letter 's' from the two https and away you go) and sometimes you don't. In this case I never
  23. Tis always the way Tommy. I'll keep the other two in case they break down.....Thereby ensuring they never will!!
  24. Well I'm back to Jimmy 1 bike I bit the bullet and bought a new Igniter (£226) and it was sitting there tonight when I came in from work. I couldn't wait so headed out to the shed and fitted it. The bike lives!!!!!! I should be elated, but atm I just feel relieved. I 'm thinking of contacting Rex' Speed Shop to see if they could repair that auld yin Anyway things are looking up as I have started the wiring on my auld bike so hopefully this time next week that will be up and running as well
  25. jimmy

    My Auld Triumph

    I pinned a 6 x 3 sheet of gyproc on the shed wall and pinned the auld harness to that with labels on all the ends stating where they came from (colours do not match any Triumph manual). However there were so many redundant wires on that harness that I designed my own loom using the correct colours (I then got it quality assured from a wiring guru) and I intend to piece it together on the bike before sealing it all up in wrapping / self amalgamating tape. My intention is to set it up as 3 separate systems 1/ Lighting circuit 2/ Ignition circuit and 3/ Charging circuit and then test them individually. I bought the 3.9mm "Jap connectors" and that way I can connect up all live wires with the sheathed female end to help prevent shorting I also fixed my new Triumph today.....Item number 3 Igniter £226, so starting to get excited again
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