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Everything posted by jimmy

  1. jimmy


    Yes Here it is tommy And now back to clean shaven
  2. jimmy

    Fairing repair

    Cant help you there, but you may be able to help yourself with this http://www.classicbikeforum.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=321
  3. I assume he had just received his divorce papers from his wife, or if not, he is just about to..
  4. What could car drivers do better to make the roads safer for motorcyclists? Pay more attention to the road Where do you get riding tips from, other riders, forums, government advertising? Watching and listening to other riders List 5 words which would describe how you think car drivers see you? Invisible, nuisance, pest, HA and arrogant How would you like them to see you? Someone with the same right to be there What’s the best part about riding? The feeling of being at one with the bike/road/surroundings What’s the best part of the riding community? Willingness to help out each other If you could tell drivers 1 thing, what would it be? If you think you've had a look around, have another one.
  5. jimmy

    am back...

    Hey Beef What happened at the rugby...Did the scrum collapse
  6. jimmy

    Well done her

    Cheers Folks for the good wishes Tommy Her hand is almost fully healed and she went back to work this weekend
  7. Well done Tommy, you spawny git. If its the one up in Fort William, let me know when you're up there I'll try and get a run up (obviously not mid winter as I'm soft as shite nowadays regarding winter riding)
  8. Grouch Is yours the only bag he goes in, if so have a word with your boss, tell him you're not wanting to make a fuss but if it keeps happening, you'll be calling the Cops. Don't second guess your bosses actions, Muslims hate thieves as much, if not more than Westerners....They cut their hands off ffs.
  9. jimmy

    Well done her

    only by 18 months. She just wears better. There was no button for "Carol likes this" or she would have pressed it. She passes on her thanks for the good wishes.
  10. As Noise says, put up some pics of the wires and the location, the front of the bike is a bit vague. If the pics are up I can have a look at my boys 535 for a comparison
  11. jimmy

    Well done her

    A nice day at Paisley Uni watching my wifes graduation, BSc in Adult Nursing Oh, and the MOvember 'tache is coming along nicely, eh
  12. As above mate, glad you're not too sore. And as stated, good reaction to the situation
  13. Not guitar, but I play the Mandolin, albeit badly
  14. jimmy

    Meme challenge

    Drewpy, can you fix this (yes you can)
  15. I don't think "doing it yourself" is an option
  16. Try making your own. Go to a breakers yard pick up some seat leather and some foam, then shape a bit of aluminium or mild steel and away you go
  17. Ha!! That's because we've had all the frigging rain over this side of the hills
  18. jimmy


    My apologies Katie. When I said excluded I didn't mean excluded, I meant excluded. You are more than welcome to contribute as is bippo, sacha et al
  19. jimmy


    Hmmm, Like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=PKdwGjOFy9g
  20. Good luck and safe riding mate, you deserve it with your resilience
  21. jimmy

    Deja vu

    So does that mean you pay all the parts and half the labour, or you pay for parts and their labour is free. If its the former, I would suggest they will charge 10hrs labour for a 5hr job or similar doubled up timescale so they're still quids in Your decision mate, but I would speak with Trading Standards before accepting anything
  22. Ha, shows you how out of touch I am, I thought this was about 6 packs
  23. Thought you'd like it mate. Here's the route for the 1938 course....Maybe you can set about it on your bike
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