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Everything posted by jimmy

  1. jimmy

    Yamaha XS250 1978

    That will be why I said "As the auld saying (almost) goes" Do try and read the posts
  2. jimmy

    Yamaha XS250 1978

    Why would you. No disrespect meant mate, but lifes too short to waste time on it. As the auld saying (almost) goes...You can polish a turd, but it's still a turd
  3. I was thinking he was after the bigger cruiser and with the Rocket 3 at 2300cc and the T'Bird Storm at 1700cc they would suit the remit a bit more.
  4. A Triumph Rocket 3 or Thunderbird
  5. Whilst looking through my photo albums on the laptop I noticed there were some pics missing. I looked on photobucket and they were still on that. I tried to repaste them in my albums but all it would do is show me a google chrome symbol. I managed to do it by posting on here, saving the image off here and sticking them in my photo albums. Finally I deleted the posts from here. There must be an easier way surely....any ideas or help folks.
  6. Yip, my dad went that way, very painful to watch.......
  7. The Red sea, off the coast of Egypt actually, Mike. SS Thistlegorm
  8. I think they're squared away, it's the obtuse ones I find to be quite difficult
  9. jimmy, on 18 Oct 2014 - 8:56 PM, said: C'mon Tommy, why do you think I put my name at at end of my post.......Maybe I should have added
  10. Tommy xs, what is your username, and do we all have one jimmy
  11. Cant think of the colours offhand, but it will look like one wire running down the side of the frame towards the side stand (its actually 2 wires inside some heat shrink), and they will have been spliced together. If it was a botched job, ie connections snipped and the two wire taped together, then they will have corroded underneath the tape. Bare the wire back until you get to clean wire and solder the 2 wires together again.
  12. 'our jimmy'........awww thanks airhead, I've never been 'our' anything. It's usually 'that cnut jimmy'
  13. Did you check the connections that were made when the sidestand switch was removed
  14. meat and dt As much as I love my bike, I dont want to die on it, unless I'm about 90 years old. With regards to my kids, I'd rather not think about it (Having lost my sister when I was only 15, and then my brother when he was 30, it is not something I would want me or my wife to go through)
  15. Aaawww, I was looking forward to that...
  16. I'm with john here. A 250 single 4T hardly going to pull the skin off a rice pudding
  17. Totally agree with all posts here. The missus asked to go a run on the bike today (her arse must have recovered from our trip to Ireland in August) so off we went finishing off at a B and Q depot. Out I came £498 lighter with new kitchen worktops and sink on order...will I ever learn. Anyway the run on the bike was fun and I still had the grin on my coupon when we got back
  18. Well I'm in, but as I clicked no to receiving any bumf from them, I doubt I'll be receiving an X Box.
  19. Katie Do you mind if I steal that for the good ladys' fb....full of cat pics Sniff My mate saw that happening for real in Ballyshannon, Ireland. A guy standing on a brach whilst sawing away at it, down he went as well
  20. I don't understand how that was supposed to make us laugh today (or any other day come to think of it)
  21. slice The way I read it is he is going to change the petrol provider ie supermarket pump to BP (others are available) or some such thing, and he's thinking about any additives the original refinery put in
  22. One seriously fucked up dude
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