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Everything posted by jimmy

  1. jimmy

    Tit of a Man

    Me, yip, me Out for a run on the bike today and having a great time. Hooning when appropriate and taking it easy when that was needed. During one of the taking it easy parts I was sitting behind a learner driver, 2 - 3 second reactionary gap and singing away to myself, enjoying life. Anyway something catches my attention and I look away to my right and (thank fek) looked back again only to discover the car in front has stopped to turn right. Huge slamming on of brakes and back wheel locking up I managed to stop myself rear ending this learner driver. Got away with that I'll tell you........... Pay attention Jimbo, pay attention
  2. Well if you made it up Bipps you've brought the weather. Been a glorious day. A few chores done early doors then away on the bike. Just back and cracked open a can....heaven is......
  3. Link keeps falling off folks sorry
  4. jimmy

    A Fine Farewell

    Just over a week ago a true gentleman and fine old friend, Mr Ewen Haldane was killed in a bike accident. Hr Haldane was 86 yrs old and still rode regularly. He also turned up to work in his bike shop every day (half day Wednesday) and always had advice to give whether asked or not. Back in the day he raced in over 15 TTs and in 1954 he achieved his best result by finishing 3rd on his 500cc BSA Gold Star, in the Clubman Senior race. He finished 30 second behind the winner but by his own admission he messed up his fuel stop by overshooting and the resulting stop took over 30s longer than it should have.....Imagine that in your own head. Anyway the auld yin was buried yesterday and between 200 and 300 bikes showed up in his honour and delivered a full escort through the town http://www.inverclydenow.com/photostream/15294-biker-procession-for-funeral
  5. It is not 'tax exempt' The vehicle still requires to be licensed, it's just that it is at nil cost. The bike is not on their system so either it has been scrapped or it has been sitting in a barn waiting to be 'found' since before they computerised their system
  6. Congrats bud, glad all are doing well
  7. Its an xs250, they do that...Burn it
  8. jimmy

    Country flag

    Their season so far has been what should have happened / might have been...Should have beat Hibs, should have beat St Mirren.....Falkirk, fair enough
  9. jimmy

    Country flag

    What about this flag, subtlely reflected in my fuel cap (albeit it is seen as kinda wrong these days)
  10. We can start a sub branch......
  11. Well I can...........................................................................or can I mike
  12. Take it out a run along your highway. When it starts to fail release the fuel cap....That way you 'll know if it's the cap
  13. It arrived yesterday. Pretty impressed with the difference in quality between the stormex and the aquasummit that I previously bought......You only get what you pay for. Although I paid £30 for my first Oxford shitty one whilst my boy paid £9 for one out of Aldi or Lidl. His is still in tiptop condition
  14. Hey Andrew, I keep getting that 40kb message if I try to post a pic using the 'drag files here to attach' however if I use the 'insert other media' and drop in the url from photobucket it posts ok
  15. Lets not forget he was a tit who jumped a red light.
  16. Have I told you the story about the time they made new clothes for the Emperor....If you couldn't see them you're not clever enough Anyway Bud, heres the full pic then, tho I still fail as theres still no women in it
  17. A wee run out tonight gave me the opportunity for this wee 'arty' pic
  18. jimmy

    model info

    Curiosity and all that, but did you take your name from the headwear or the battle?
  19. jimmy


    Great job, bud. If thats your first time painting, then you have unearthed a talent
  20. In the end I ordered an Oxford Stormex, so thanks for your help peeps (and if it shreds itself within a year I know who to moan at.....)
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