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Everything posted by jimmy

  1. Looked a great day out. As an aside I had a Coventry Climax once
  2. jimmy

    New Family member

    Funnily enough bipps, seeing your first dog with its life jacket on, our dog failed her guide dog training because she was scared of water hoses. She led her 'charge' into the road to get away from someone washing his car. The trainers then manufactured a similar event and she done the same thing, so no good as a guide dog. We had her down at the beach last night and she would not go in over knee height. Due to the seriousness of her training she wasn't allowed and toys or to chase sticks (this could have been a serious distraction once she was working) so it is a new learning curve for her with toy reward
  3. About 3yrs after our last dog was put to sleep we have succumbed to the lure of another. We have rehomed this beauty from Guide dogs Scotland. Just need to get the cats onside now.
  4. Unfortunately not mate. I missed the whole smoker experience. No regrets at the time, but reading all the posts on here I feel I missed something very significant. For about the first six months on the bike (April 81 - Sept 81) I was absolutely sh!t on a bike (no compulsory training then) and would fall off quite regularly, so I would have probably killed myself on a 250LC which was the 2smoke of choice then
  5. Brilliant pic, and story matey
  6. I was the same, my first road bike was an xs250 (long may it rot in hell) but along the road from me was an xs1100...That bike I wanted and finally owned one 7 yrs later. The big bike never once let me down, and I regretted selling.........In fact of all my bikes the only two bike I have regretted selling was my xs1100 and my xjr1200...all the others , I never gave them a second thought
  7. jimmy

    new bike

    Tis a beast of a bike, safe riding bud
  8. Ferry at Ardrossan will take you to Arran. I think theres a ferry at Loch Ranza will take you to tarbet (loch fyne) then about 30mile down to Campbeltown (although why you want to go there is anybodies guess) I may see you in the passing then bud
  9. Good, hopefully bump into you. Magos bike looks like a Matchless, but not sure which model
  10. Well I'm nearly there with mine. Had it running today, just a rear brake light then a wee shakedown
  11. Lovely bike matey, safe riding. Re: Uploading pics. I use photobucket to upload pics. Upload onto photobucket from my pics, then click on share, copy 'direct' link and put that onto your post, by clicking on 'insert other media' then 'insert image from url' like so
  12. I wouldn't fancy racing on an xs11. Mine had rubber hinges in the frame, at least it felt like that. I like the Ltd range of Kwaks and the Z1000ltds occasionally come up on ebay. Wouldn't mind one
  13. Don't know about the US Custom versions, but my 79 xs1100 didn't have a kickstart
  14. I did this years ago on my auld Bonnie. Had the head off (fekkin push rod seals as usual) and when I put it together again the tappets seemed a wee bit noisy so when I retorqued the head after 10 miles I never bothered to reset the the valve clearances thinking the retorque would set them correctly. When I tried to start it it had very little compression, although it did start but ran like shit. Eventually ground to a halt. Once recovered to home I checked the valve clearances and I could actually see the valves closing as I loosened them off. Once set correctly the compression was back to normal
  15. My daughter was the opposite. She loved on the bike until last year when she decided it didn't fit her version of cool....ah well her loss
  16. Well done Dutch and Slice for rescuing this from another ignorant fucker
  17. Well done mate. I hope you have a long and happy retirement.....If it doesn't work out you can get a job as a hairdresser, after all you already have the car for it
  18. Great Idea if it could work
  19. jimmy

    One a day

    Triumph T140 (owned two, one stolen t'other chewed its crankshaft) 1958 T110....Saw one in a book when I was around 13 and have lusted after one ever since Triumph T160 Trident....Has to be one of the nicest looking bikes ever produced A T110 Triton (for my rocker lustings) A Yamaha XS650....You all know what one of them looks like My auld xjr back Finally a Ducato 900ss Desmo
  20. jimmy

    My Bike

    Was that cos you bought it at an Army surplus store
  21. Never 'got' computer games and have never played any, although I did try my sons flight simulator a few years back...Suppose thats a game, so scrub the 1st part of my message
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