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Everything posted by jimmy

  1. Looks good. Do I assume the 'chainsaw primer bolt' actually pumps it or do I need to pump the bolt
  2. jimmy

    Fek me, it's windy

    Its always braw out that way. Thinking in heading over that way on Sunday for the Bike show
  3. jimmy

    Fek me, it's windy

    Tommy Since they stopped charging tolls, the bridge only ever gets closed to high sided vehicles, even at that it is never Policed. You may have seen the news from up here a few months ago where a lorry risked crossing over the Forth bridge. Almost at the end, a gust of wind blew his lorry over causing a bridge closure and emergency repairs over two days. A court appearance and his P45 sent out a message to other drivers
  4. jimmy

    Loose earth

    You want a Pointer
  5. Had to drop some stuff for my auld bike off at the powdercoaters. As you know I hate riding in the rain, but no choice today. The only (main) road out of this place was closed due to a large fire so all the rat runs would be clogged up therefore the car was a non starter. So off i set on a heavy rain/hail shower which lasted about 10 miles. After that it dried up all the way there and back (including an unscheduled detour when I got lost in Paisley), but the wind was fekking howling especially on the way home where about 25miles of M-Way riding was spent just trying to keep the bike upright.
  6. As above I spent a number of years with my bike as sole form of transport (most of which I did have a car licence but chose not to use it). The last 4 years of using it, I was travelling 53miles each way to work and going over some remote roads. My last trip I went to work for nightshifts and it started snowing around 1900hrs and was still snowing at 0700hrs the next morning. Took me 3 and a 1/2 hrs to get home and I pushed the bike into the garage, phoned my work and arranged that night off then went and bought a car. That was my breaking point. Now I put my bikes away round about Oct/Nov and I went for my first ride of this year last week. I will not willingly start a journey if there is more than a 40% chance of rain, so up here thats quite a proportion of the time. During this winter I actually thought about selling my bikes as I felt I don't use them anywhere near enough, however when I went out last week I came home delighted and the wifes first question "still selling then?" Anyway to sum up my thoughts. If I lived in a country with dry climate I would be on the bike all year round, but as I don't I just doff my cap to those who do (for whatever reason)
  7. The problem there is that once you start pulling at it the garage will argue that it was you who caused the issue. Never mind emailing, Go to the garage and explain the issue face to face. Explain what you want to happen, i.e. Either fix the issue, or return it to the way it was when you put it in with your money back. If they refuse either then contact Citizens Advice or your local Trading Standards and take advice from there
  8. I did notice that, but didn't think too many people would know (I did know that you would matey)
  9. Great pic mate, unfortunately Norton have got Our Flag upside down, which is a distress signal so maybe it is a Freudian slip
  10. Other Countries also torture people, and hang them and stone them and give them lethal injections, but I'm sure we don't want to go down that route. Other Countries also actively discriminate against Motorcycles restricting the cc, or the power output, or because of the age of the bike, but I'm sure we don't want to go down that route, any further than we have. Other Countries also rigidly enforce laws on speeding and protective clothing etc as well as a huge number of other Laws that would have a serious impact on the British way of Life, but I'm sure we don't want to go down that route. I fully appreciate you're hurting mate, but the best way is to go for as much compensation as you can get. Both myself and others have advised Motorcycle specific Lawyers in order to get the highest compo award, but your Insurance is dealing with this, fair enough, but I would still state that a specific motorcycle accident lawyer like Mark Lampkin or Dalton White would give you the best outcome. I would see no harm in phoning them and explain the situation including the fact your Ins Co is dealing with it. They will advise whether they could take it on and whether it would be a no win no fee basis. The main advice from me bud, would be dont tear yourself up over this. What happened has happened. He was dealt with in the Court, and believe me as Slice said the number of folk that do not get that satisfaction because either the CPS or the (Crown Office) Procurator Fiscal up here have dropped the charges for reasons only they know
  11. Technically it's not. Technically it's the Crown Prosecuting Service....see the clue is in the name. The Police role is to report offences to the CPS and they decide whether to prosecute or not
  12. No need to apologise bud, tongue in cheek As Finnerz says I would go low. It is only a cover with possibly an O ring to seal**??? If so just ensure you tighten it in a correct sequence. i.e. Finger tight all round then gently tighten opposite fasteners ** Edit: It is a gasket. Looking at the shape of the cover, the key is to ensure a correct sequence
  13. If you feel the sentence was unduly lenient, raise your concerns with the Crown Prosecution Service. Explain in a rational manner why you feel it is too lenient (keep it polite) including the pain and discomfort you experienced as well as the inconvenience, absenteeism from work etc. Nowt will happen but you may get an explanation straight from the horses mouth so to speak.
  14. C'mon matey, words are not rationed here Torque values for tightening what? Wheel spindles, Spokes, brake nipples, brake nuts, top fork nuts, yokes, handlebars bolts, tank bolts, rocker box bolts, cam chain tensioners, cylinder heads, barrel base nuts, big end bolts, and on and on and on and on Or everything Tongue firmly in cheek here, but we do need more info bud.
  15. jimmy

    I'm back...

    Yeaa welcome back bips. We were just killing time til your return
  16. Welcome mate. Good luck with the resto I may add that we like pictures, lots of pictures
  17. jimmy

    Zephyr 1100

    I use adblockplus on Chrome https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/adblock-plus/cfhdojbkjhnklbpkdaibdccddilifddb As I say, I still get the "subscribe to us" ad at the start but then nothing
  18. jimmy

    Zephyr 1100

    I went through the ads thing as well on fotobucket, but someone recommended ad blocker, and now other than the 'subscribe for a better service' at the start, I don't get any adverts....But hey ho, to each their own
  19. jimmy

    Zephyr 1100

    I use photobucket. Once on their site, upload the required picture from wherever you store your pics. Once loaded to photobucket, click share, then doubleclick on the tab entitled 'direct' to copy link. Once back on your post, then click on Insert other media > Insert image from url > paste > insert into post
  20. jimmy


    So many questions, so few introductions
  21. Good intro bud, welcome to the nuthouse
  22. I don't know if it is because I'm drunk, but I'm reading this in a Pirate accent
  23. Good decision I started working on my boys 1st bike when he was 16....Now 23 and I'm still working on his bikes....Probs all my fault tho as I have not been blessed with any patience so cannot be fekked going over things again and again...as I say, my issue not his
  24. Regarding the upload limit. If you have a share function on tumblr then just copy the img tag (on photobucket, it is the link entitled 'direct'), then click on Insert other media > Insert image from url > paste > insert into post
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