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Everything posted by jimmy

  1. Like many a prophet, I get stoned for telling the truth Welcome to the nut house bud. We like pictures of bikes, parts of bikes and anything else related to bikes, so join in
  2. Luckily I have never needed NABD, but over 20yrs ago a friend of mine had a very serious accident where he lost his right arm and right leg. He fought back from this and with the help of NABD he still rides daily (obs with a sidecar fitted). I feel like a right prick when I see him out on his bike in the middle of winter whilst I'm cosied up in my motor
  3. Maybe accessing the forum through the radio isn't so good after all
  4. jimmy

    Bike values...

    I've never ridden one, but led to believe as long as you don't want to go round a corner, you're ok
  5. If vacuum carbs, it should say On / Res / Prime. It should run freely on Prime ( I assumed that's what you meant when you typed purge, but maybe not) So answering your question "Is the best way to do this just take off the fuel hose supplying the engine turn it over and see if fuel comes out the hose??" my answer would be Yes, but only after you have confirmed that the petrol is coming through the petrol tap (petcock) and running into the pump
  6. I'm fed up saying it, but Fire really is your friend
  7. Unless you're a jambo or a Paisley Buddy
  8. If you have access to steel plate and a welder you can make your own 1 x (12" x 8") Base 2 x (6" x 8") Sides Drill a hole in each to give a snug fit for your solid bar 2 x (6" x6") Ends 1 x (10" x 1" Round Bar) 1 x (6" x 1.25" Stainless Tube) Weld up the box, slide in the S/S Tube and slide the solid bar through the sides and inside the tube. This will protrude each side. Get that welded up on the outside. Drill a couple of holes in the base for drainage. The stainless steel tube should be a snug fit but able to move if someone is trying to cut it. Drill the holes as near to the bottom as you can, ensuring any chain will still get under it Dig a large hole in the ground deep enough for a couple of inches of sand at the bottom, to help drainage, so that the top of the box will be flush and there will be plenty of room around the outside. Fill this up with concrete (or a couple of bags of post mix) let it set and away you go
  9. I would have thought you are about 30yrs too late with that question
  10. Take it to a dealer. No disrespect intended, but I don't think anyone on this forum would give out advice on how to bypass an alarm, or we may find out it's our bikes alarm being "bypassed" next
  11. Especially with no barrel or piston
  12. Did you swap the engine for a compressor
  13. As above, Merry Chrimbo one and all
  14. Probably, but I daren't risk it, I only have so much mind bleach left
  15. With some of the videos you have posted bud, it's unlikely I'll click on it
  16. jimmy

    Yamaha Niken

    Well, I asked, you answered
  17. jimmy

    Yamaha Niken

    Extra tyre, extra brake pads, extra fork seals, extra cost....for what?
  18. Yes but if the guy hadn't kept it spotless and kept all the receipts he may only have got a grand for it.... My thoughts are to each their own. I used to ride all year round including 4 years with a 53 mile each way commute over the Argyll Hills, I don't now....my choice. The apropos of nothing, I remember a few years ago the crank on my auld Bonnie disintegrated. I priced it at c£1k to rebuild the engine, I didn't have a spare grand so offered it for sale on fleabay with an accurate description. I got just over £2k for it. When the guy arrived at my house, I recognised his name as a Triumph Bike breaker, when I asked him he said yes but insisted that he was going to rebuild my bike as he always wanted that particular model. "Give me the money and you can set it on fire in front of me, for all I care" was my answer. Meaning once it's sold it's sold Anyway about a month later I received a letter. remember them, from someone in Surrey who had just bought a Frame, log book and Set of Crankcases...so the bike breaker was a lying fucker as well. A few months later the guy sent me pics of the rebuilt bike and he'd made a grand job of it
  19. jimmy

    Best tyres?

    Avon Roadriders suit me and mine
  20. There is that, although it should have been my days off (and I don't get paid overtime), anyway, there are some fekking arsewipes use that A9. I saw 3 very near misses when the impatient fekkers had to pass HGVs causing them to slam on their brakes as well as the poor sods in the oncoming cars who would have shit themselves
  21. Well unlike Cap't Oates, I'm back. 5 miles short of 700 for a 2hr firearms talk...... I wasn't even doing the talk, my Boss wanted someone to represent him (cos he couldn't be arsed driving all that way) and I happened to be standing there when he looked up......
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