The Beast Breathes!!!!!
XS 250 Poor Spark
Well today was a failure as far the XS goes, but.... got the rear wheel hub swapped out on the Mundaneo and got the lawns cut (under her orders,that one)...Checked everything on the XS as far as connections goes and all appears OK, even swapped the coils for some I found in the bottom of a box o bits, still wouldn't start, flattened battery twice and got tired trying to kick it off so resorted to swearing and kicking the bike as well.....It may come as no surprise that that didn't work either...... Oh, well back the beginning another day......
XS 250 Poor Spark
Should be points I reckon Drewp's, to be honest not looked as yet. Off work all day Friday,missus at work,kids at school....Soooo gonna start at the beginning checking connections,points,re-gap plugs,check new HT leads,battery/coil connections get the trusty old volt meter out have some head scratching fun....Asked about the coils 'cos if all else fails gonna get some new coils and points......Cheers...Yet again Mr.Drewpy..... Thanks for the stick coil info Blackhat but a bit too rich for me.......Bit tight me, you see....
XS 250 Poor Spark
The spark appears to be a bit weak on the old XS, does anyone have any recommendations on where to source some New coils from, don't really want to end up with some cheapo nasty Chinese tat 'tis all. Or any ideas why spark would be weak, have new plugs,leads fitted already. Cheers Jak....
OEM Parts No.s..Where to find????
The carbs I got off Evilbay turned up today..."Good Condition" was the description....PAH!!!! If they in good condition then the ones on my XS are Goddam Brand New!!!!! Anyhow's managed to get one stripped and the internals look fine, even the diaphragms are in good nick...RESULT.. Can't wait to get the little 250 up and running and ont' road.....
OEM Parts No.s..Where to find????
Cheers,Drewp's....You are indeed a vast well of knowledge of all things XS......
OEM Parts No.s..Where to find????
Ah,Well.....looks like these parts are as common as the proverbial "Rocking Horse Poop/Hens Teeth/Virgins in Doncaster"....Just got some carbs off of Evilbay £17 delivered......... Another question for you Drewp's........What sort of oil pressure should I be getting from the XS??? Doing away with idiot light and fitting a gauge, just want to know what pressure range I will need, Haynes manual don't say....
OEM Parts No.s..Where to find????
Do you know whats bloody weird Drewp's, I've e-mailed Motocarb and they say no go and spoke to a chap on the phone yesterday at Allen's and he said no joy as well.....Ah,well now I have the parts no.s will try 'em again see if something turns up....Cheers mate...
XS250 Carbs....
Anybody got any that they no longer need.??? Please..........
OEM Parts No.s..Where to find????
No offence was taken Mike......Was just curious 'tis all...
Roller coaster
The one at Flamingo Land had my 9yr old daughter giggling hysterically when she got off the first time and puking like she'd eaten something bad after the 4th go...
OEM Parts No.s..Where to find????
All Hail Drewpy the Saviour . Go on then Drewp's pray tell what does your book of all things Yamaha say...
OEM Parts No.s..Where to find????
Yep, Cheers Merv, tried all them, parts not listed.....Thanks for the reply tho'. What's so "weeeeeuuuuurrrrrddddddd"?????...Mike..
OEM Parts No.s..Where to find????
I need to find the OEM parts no.s for the needle jet and jet needle for my XS250, Anyone any ideas where I might find them? 'Cos I bloody well can't!!!!...Piggin' Tit'ernet!!!! Some guy in "The Good 'Ole US of A" reckons he may have some but needs the OEM no.s to confirm......
Noob Alert!!!!
Hi guys and probably gals too.......New here so please be gentle...... Hey Drewpy, how's you???