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Everything posted by Grouch

  1. Grouch


    Cheers, I'm annoyed that it has been nearly a fortnight and I dtill have the game. I can't do out with it now in case he pays for it.
  2. Welcome to the forum Fredrik!
  3. Grouch


    I've reported him to eBay for not paying me. What happens now, do they send him a message saying he has to? Tbh I wanted to cancel the sale after he messed me about and relist it.
  4. I would put money on it, it is the same thing that has happened to me and thousands of other people. People told me to check all other possibilities and got my hopes up, but ultimately it was shagged.
  5. Grouch

    yamah xt 125 x

    Hi Frodjor, before people will reply to your questions, you will need to introduce yourself in the new members section. To be honest I am not sure what your question means.
  6. Sorry my mistake, I was getting carried away with myself because I actually knew about something for a change haha
  7. Egghead has the same bike as me so if he buys the same speedo it should be fine, although mine is a 2006 and if his isn't it could possibly be different.
  8. Airhead it's a done deal, Mines already fitted and working. It doesn't run of the existing loom. Check out my pics.
  9. They are supposed to be really good bikes, many guys on here have praised them. I wanted a WR 450 F but apparrantley they are very powerful and are too much for everyday road use. They are better suited for proper off road. I keep changing my mind though. Whatever I get it will be mint lol. I can't even be arsed with a car now.
  10. I paid £1300 for mine and it's a 2006. Stick with it and then do your Mod tests. I'm looking toget a BMW G540X in a few months.
  11. HAHA, sorry mate but if you traded your bike for an RS or other 2T you would regret it within a few weeks. Yes, they are faster, but they are high maintainence and expensive to run. My XT has been ultra reliable apart from the speedo and just general wear and tear. XT's are extremely rteliable bikes with engines that are that bullet proof (providing you look after them accordingly)! I think your just having a spot of bad luck and/or the guy(s) who had the bike before you did not maintain and care for it properly. If you do get a 2T you will need to start learning how to strip and rebuild engines, set up carbs, jets, and loads of other mechanical skills. Just start giving your XT some TLC and she will come good.
  12. My full beam wasn't working at one point but it turned out to be a corroded connection. When my speedo died the indicator and neutral light worked but the speedo didn't.
  13. Yeah mate, it just went off. I was really pissed off and after researching the subject found out it was a common problem on XT 125 X/R's. The only solution is to do what I have done or buy a Yamaha one for £230 and the wait until the exact same thing happens to that one. I know it's a sickener mate, especially if your skint but the speedo is f*cked. It has happened tpo thousands of XT's.
  14. Great to hear. One day I will be taking a bike on a ferry across the channel or to the Isle of Man.
  15. My rear has a BT45, and I think it's great. I'm not a tire expert though. I just recently put a sport demon on the front and I noticed the improvement.
  16. Grouch

    my new bike

    It's great stuff, I've just blathered my bike in it. People think it's expensive, but really it's not because you only need a little bit. A £13 spray tin will last ages.
  17. Sounds like a plan, welcome to the forum.
  18. Grouch


    I wouldn't of thought many on here would be interested.
  19. I paid a garage to fit it, and he said it was a ballache. But if you know what you're doing it is supposed to be pretty straight forward. I love it, it's a great speedo, especially for the price.
  20. Grouch


    Update! Despite a few messages and a few more invoices he has totally ignored me! And guess what he has been using eBay because his feedback score is up to 15 now, an addition of 3 sales since he won my item, all xbox games as well. I just don't understand why someone would do this? He won an item and was getting at a real knockdown price. The thing that has annoyed me is he ignores me, I even sent him a polite message asking if he still wanted it. I am definitely making a complaint against this idiot. What possesses people to behave like this? He is obviously some little kid or just a straight special needs case. I was going to sack eBay off for selling but I am not going to let one bad experience ruin it for me. Once I have completed a video game I have no need for it, and in the games shops when you trade them you get ripped off. Selling on eBay I'll get at least 2/3 what I paid for it.
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