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Everything posted by Grouch

  1. They look really good, now to try find one that fits my XT. I'll have to find the part numbers.
  2. Welcome to the forum, sounds like you have some nice bikes.
  3. I know there's been loads of posts recently about this subject, but I'm still none the wiser. It is pitch black by 17:00 now and the headlight on my XT 125 X is just not acceptable, it is in fact useless, and I'm starting to question whether it is even bright enough for other motorists to see properly! It is starting to make me feel unsafe. I know the HID kits are a no no because they are illegal, so what is the best option to go for? L.E.D.? Xenon? Something else? Because the above are supposed to be crap as well.
  4. Dave, You can buy parts from......... www.wemoto.co.uk www.ajsutton.co.uk and my favourite place is eBay. I think the problem your experiencing is very rare. Hopefully it will be something and nothing and won't break the bank to repair.
  5. You will have to get a USB turntable which range from £60-£100.
  6. Sorry Nice one. everything has worked out, and congratulations!
  7. I bet your glad you didn't take my advice lol, seriously though the speedo will fuck up eventually and you will have to get a new one.
  8. You can get the speedo's for £212 from A J Suttons, but I think they are shit now I've got an aftermarket one. It has far more features and is a lot better. Just make sure you keep it dry and all the other electrical parts. Like Airhead said use some good old WD40.
  9. You were charged £30 just for it fitted or £30 for the tyre and it fitting?
  10. Fuck that the c*** would be waking up to find his M3's tyres slashed and covered in brake fluid.
  11. I remember them but my family never had one.
  12. Unscrew the speedo then have a look behind the headlight, my full beam stopped working and it turned out it was all corroded, it might be the same thing. It sounds like it if you have banged it and it come back on. The connection will have corroded.
  13. The rain is dangerous, unpleasant, and very uncomfortable. Give me the cold any time over the rain.
  14. My sister had a Commodore 64, and my friend had an Amiga. Centepide on the Atari 2600 was my favourite. Probably the oldest game I ever played.
  15. I know all, the crossers I had as a kid had no rubber on them.
  16. Finally got round to it today. It only took me 15 minutes and it went smoothly. They were held in by pins which were easy enough to get out. I thought they would get stuck because in the shaft because they were that corroded and rusted. I was lucky to get some brand new original Yamaha ones for about a fifth of what they cost from a normal supplier. Here's one of the old ones, in a very sorry state. The rubber had worn down to the metal.
  17. I think I remember that game.
  18. Haha, yeah compared to today's standards, but it's all for the nostalgia, Shinobi & Street's of rage are well addictive. The Megadrive was the first ever games console I got for myself.
  19. You won't get more than 90 on a TZR 125.
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